
Sunday, June 10, 2012

{Detail Floating Jasmines and Roses}

As promised in my two previous posts, here some more detail about my Floating Candles, Jasmines and Roses Center Pieces. First of all, only those that live in a subtropic or tropical climate will have access to these exotics, minus the roses of course. My selection of Table Setting was this time in white and Cream Color on Cream Color Wedgwood, Gardenia Bowl. Also the flowers are all white. That creates a very special atmosphere, pure romance and more like a thousand and one night fairy tale setting. Our idea of home décor and thus also table setting, has been greatly influenced by our world wide travels and work as consultants. We did bring home different cultures that emit more romance with their unique world wide blend. As stated before, it might give you some different ideas as well. Let me know what your thoughts are about this, love to hear feedback from my readers! Below this post you will find other links about Jasmine and Gardenia flowers which we do grow on our property. We both love those highly fragrant blossoms! Do you...?
Seen here are clockwise from the left: Jasminum Sambac - Maid of Orleans - Arabian Tea Jasmine; Confederate Jasmine; Moondance AARS fragrant rose; Jasminum Nitidum 'Royal Jasmine'; dwarf 'Radicans' Gardenia; Gardenia Jasminoides 'Aimee Yoshioka' bud; Jasminum Nitidum 'Royal Jasmine'.
Clockwise from the left: dwarf 'Radicans' Gardenia; Jasminum Nitidum 'Royal Jasmine'; Gardenia Jasminoides; Confederate Jasmine; dwarf 'Radicans' Gardenia.
Gardenia Jasminoides; Confederate Jasmine.
Jasminum Nitidum 'Royal Jasmine'; dwarf 'Radicans' Gardenia; Moondance AARS Rose; Jasminum Nitidum 'Royal Jasmine' and Aimee Yoshioka Gardenia bud.
Gardenia 'Aimee Yoshioka' bud; Jasminum Nitidum  'Royal Jasmine'; dwarf 'Radicans' Gardenia; Moondance AARS Rose; Jasminum Sambac - Maid of Orleans - Arabian Tea Jasmine; Radicans Gardenia; Jasminum Nitidum 'Royal Jasmine'.
Jasminum Sambac - Maid of Orleans - Arabian Tea Jasmine; Confederate Jasmine.
Dwarf 'Radicans' Gardenia; Moondance AARS Rose; Jasminum Sambac - Maid of Orleans - Arabian Tea Jasmine; Confederate Jasmine (top); Moondance AARS Rose; 'Radicans' Gardenia.
Jasminum Nitidum 'Royal Jasmine'; 'Radicans' Gardenia; Jasminum Sambac - Maid of Orleans - Arabian Tea Jasmine; Gardenia Jasminoides bud.
Confederate Jasmine; Gardenia Jasminoides; Jasminum Sambac - Maid of Orleans - Arabian Tea Jasmine; Gardenia Jasminoides bud; Jasminum Nitidum 'Royal Jasmine'.
Confederate Jasmine; Gardenia Jasminoides; dwarf 'Radicans' Gardenia; Jasminum Sambac - Maid of Orleans - Arabian Tea Jasmine; Gardenia Jasminoides bud; Jasminum Nitidum 'Royal Jasmine'.
Confederate Jasmine (top and center); dwarf 'Radicans' Gardenia; 'Radicans' Gardenia; Jasminum Nitidum 'Royal Jasmine' (leaning onto Rose Floating Candle).
Moondance AARS Rose; Moondance AARS Rose bud; dwarf 'Radicans' Gardenia; Jasminum Sambac - Maid of Orleans - Arabian Tea Jasmine; Confederate Jasmine; 'Radicans' Gardenia.
Rose Floating Candle...
Confederate Jasmine; Jasminum Nitidum 'Royal Jasmine'; Gardenia Jasminoides; Confederate Jasmine; 'Radicans' Gardenia.
Rose Floating Candle...
Confederate Jasmine; Jasminum Sambac - Maid of Orleans - Arabian Tea Jasmine.
Gardenia Jasminoides; Confederate Jasmine.
Gardenia Jasminoides; Moondance AARS Rose...
Let's hope you did enjoy this fragrant 'Garden Tour' with me.
It smells and looks like Paradise. 
Too bad that the blooming season for the gardenias is only limited. 
The Jasminum Sambac - Maid of Orleans - Arabian Tea Jasmine remains blooming though, as well as the Jasminum Nitidum 'Royal Jasmine'. As usual, I have forgotten one Jasmine family-member; our Murraya Paniculata 'Orange Jasmine'... that is near our greenhouse. I'd gathered most though, a flower basket full of heavenly bliss! Thanks for your time but I sure loved to show them to you.

Related links:
{Tuesday May 4, dinner with friends} | previous post by me
{Our Gardenia duruma - White Gem} | previous post by me
{Gardenias in November!} | previous post by me
{Our Gardenias} | previous post by me
{Visiting Ria from IT'S ME} | previous post by me


  1. Hi Mariette,
    Your floating candles and flowers are intoxicating; so lovely! I can imagine how wonderful they smell. I am stopping by to thank you for your nice comment about my magazine feature. It was so appreciated. Hope you have a lovely weekend.


  2. Liebe Mariette,

    zauberhafte BLÜTENPRACHT!

    Liebe Grüße


  3. Bellissimo Mariette,tutto in bianco!Delicati accostamenti!Un bacione e buon fine settimana!Rosetta

  4. Hello Mariette! Ohhh, floating candles, what a passion! They are beautiful and create a wonderful atmosphere! Really very good.
    I would like to invite you for my Giveaway summer, I am sure that even if we can tease away ..... shipments are to the plane!
    Kisses, Lecoq

  5. MMM,cream on cream is gorgeous and with white. It is so romantic. I so love the scent of gardenia,but alas we had to pull our jasmine out. It gives me hay fever. xx

  6. Zo mooi...en het ruikt zo lekker !!..fijn weekend...liefs

  7. De witte boerenjasmijn betoverde mij al op kleuterschoolleeftijd. ben er dol op! zoek altijd die geuren in parfum! Helaas is de mijne nu nog groen gebleven, nog zonder bloemen, misschien komt het nog! fijn weekend! mieke

  8. I bet the aroma was intoxicating. Those little blooms really do have the most wonderful smell. Wishing you a great day. Tammy

  9. What lovely company with breakfast to see your beautiful and fragrant evoking photos! Your photos and words have inspired me to ask about Jasmine on my trip to our local nursery later today. It brings back fond memories the thinking about Jasmine and it's captivating scent.

    Wishing you both a wonderful week-end. Many hugs to you..xo C. (HHL)

  10. Dit zijn prachtige kleuren wit, altijd zit er wel een vleugje van een ander kleurtje in, en het roomwit is ook zo mooi,

    groetjes Janny

  11. Dear Mariette,

    I know how your flowers must be heavenly bliss.
    Love all the pure white colours and the fragrance .... ahhh!
    I can just smell it.

    Hope that you are having a lovely weekend

  12. Dearest Mariette
    Thank you to share those wonderful floral sets.
    As you wrote - not all have exotic flowers, but most have at least roses and jasmine which can be beautifully together with floating candles
    Lovely pictures!
    Love / / Kajsa

  13. There is something magical about white. It looks so fresh and fabulous. Lovely pictures and you will continue to have a nice weekend.


  14. Dearest Mariette,
    our Acer Negunde 24 karant Golden oak
    on a bit tarnished you baving a beautiful time every say..
    all day you have happy time my friend.
    Jasmime:Gardenia Jasminoides bud:Jasminum Nitidum "royal Jasmine:
    All Roses and Jasmine are lovely pictures.
    I love your picture all the time.
    Love you!!

  15. Yes and thank you, I found it.


  16. Dear Mariette, Oh, how sweet the smell of Jasmine. One of my most loved flowers. It's now winter here, and the flowers are starting to show, but long before they do that gorgeous scent floats through the air. I truly love the sweet scent of Jasmine and the pretty and delicate flowers. Beautiful photographs. Love to you! and happy days always. xoxo Kerrie

  17. Liebste Mariette,,
    danke für diesen Traum in Weiß!
    Der Duft kam fast durch den PC vom Jasmin ...Herrlich!

    Ich wünsch Dir einen guten Start in die neue Woche!
    ♥ Allerliebste Grüße Claudia ♥

  18. Ciao cara, ti seguo sempre su G+ ma oggi sono entrata nel tuo bellissimo blog e mi sono accorta di non essermi ancora aggiunta nelle tue amicizie. Lo faccio con piacere.
    Io ho un blog che si chiama: briciole di sapori. Se ne hai piacere, puoi venire a farmi visita. Ti aspetto.
    Un caro saluto da Lorena


Thanks for your visit and comment.
