
Friday, June 8, 2012

{Floating Candles with Jasmines and Roses}

As promised in my previous post, more details about the three centerpieces I used as table setting. Floating Candles with Jasmines and Roses. Also Gardenias, but they too belong to the Jasminoides family. In the 'Old World' we've been taught that for a perfect table setting a center piece should never be towering high above the table, thus obstructing eye-contact for a lively conversation with your table companions. As a host, setting a table with a tall centerpiece conveys a message that the flower arrangement is of more importance to you than easy eye contact and lively conversation between table companions. Those tall pieces are fine on a side table, against the wall. Or even better in a hotel or restaurant, in areas where people are not seated down but are standing around, while conversing and nibbling on some hors d'oeuvres. 
Here I used three vintage cream color on cream color Wedgwood gardenia bowls with floating candles, gardenias, jasmines and roses. They thus become perfect vases! Check for link below, for availability at Replacements Ltd. 
Next post you will get to see the different jasmine varieties and gardenias that I used.
Is any of you using fragrant flowers as table decoration?
Matching candle holders that I've purchased on several trips to Europe, these lace work ceramic holders I found at 'de Bijenkorf' in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, a leading Dutch Department store, like Neiman Marcus in the USA.
In the dark, those candle holders work very well with the lacy cut out design.
An arial view... My hand crocheted placemats I've shown already in the previous post. 
Also the yummy recipe from the spicy corn and lentil soup you find in that post as well.
But this overview gives you a good idea about the center pieces with floating candles as well as other candles.
Creating such an atmosphere by daylight is not easy, neither for capturing it all on camera...
Pure romance: lace, candles, fragrant flowers... creating a bit of a thousand and one night atmosphere.
We might bring back to table more of a world-wide blend than the average person, as we've worked and traveled all over the world. Thus integrating the beauty that we've encountered on our journeys.
Maybe it will give you some different ideas too... Just let me know what your opinion is.
The floating candles are also in the shape of a rose.
Very exotic!
The fragrance does take your mind away to exotic places... For us also creating numerous fond memories!
Love the lace work ceramic candle holders... Did also buy some at 'de Bijenkorf' in The Netherlands for gift giving. We use mainly true Dutch Bolsius candles because of their great quality. They are available in the UK but I have no experience with the USA as we purchased ours always on trips home.
Those flowers make a still life...
One floating candle did burn out and its wax has floated onto the green leaf. Those rose candles are not from Bolsius however, they were a sweet gift from a dear friend. She knows how much I do love roses...
Below is a scanned page from an old Victoria Magazine with floating candles...
Fragrant Candles from Annick Goutal - Photograph Luciana Pampalona.

Related links:
{My Lace Crocheted Placemats} | previous post by me showing floating candles
Setting a Pretty Table | Learn from Mariette on my website
Charme d'Antan | Learn from Mariette on my website
Wedgwood Cream Color on Cream Color for 10 Inch Gardenia Bowl | Replacements Ltd


  1. Precioso Mariette, te ha quedado maravilloso!!!!!!!! Es un detalle de muy buen gusto!!!!!! y la sopa..... debe estar riquísima. Besos.

  2. I agree with you Mariette: flowers and candles which allow dinner guests to converse across the table. Your Wedgewood bowls are gorgeous and so beautiful like this, filled with white flowers and such pretty rose floating candles.


  3. Dearest Mariette,
    you've set the table with so much Love ... I would love to take a seat there with you... :O)...

    Have a happy day,
    sending love and hugs,

  4. Mooi Mariette, dat zal ook nog eens heerlijk ruiken aan tafel.

    Groeten Janny

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    einfach PRACHTVOLL.

    Herzliche Grüße


  6. Liebste Mariette, mir gefällt deine Tischdekoration außerordentlich gut - wenn wir zu Hause dekorieren, versuche ich den Tisch auch immer so zu gestalten, dass Augenkontakt und Platz (Bewegungsfreiheit) auf dem Tisch gut erhalten bleiben und die Blumen und anderen Dekorationsteile dezent in der Mitte oder üppig am Kopfende des Tisches stehen. Die Idee mit den Schwimmkerzen gefällt mir sehr gut - und übrigens auch die Tischsets, die du in deinem vorigen Post vorgestellt hast!
    Alles Liebe, Traude

  7. Dear Mariette,
    table looks perfect, so exotic and romantic, arranged with love and style...I love that everything is white, love lace candle holders!
    Have a nice day!

  8. Liebe Mariette, was für ein wundervoller Anblick - so romantisch und wunderschön ist diese Tischdekoration - die Blütenkerzen sind so schön - da möchte man sich sofort dazu setzen -

    ich wünsche dir einen entspannten schönen Abend - lg. Ruth

  9. You set a very lovely table. I love the scents of jasmine, gardenias and roses. I bet it smells wonderful!

  10. Dearest Mariette
    It is incredibly beautiful with floating candles and flowers in a water bowl. The smell of gardenia completes the package.
    The candle holders with lace patterns are also very beautiful.
    Love // Kajsa

  11. Dearest Mariette,
    How wonderful the experience can be I particularly love it your is all ways.
    Thank you for send to me your lovely letters.
    Love you!

  12. Liebe Mariette,
    das sieht großartig aus. Deine Tischsets sind wunderbar geworden, was für eine Arbeit. Und die Schalen mit Blüten und Schwimmkerzen sehen toll aus. Ich kann mir den Duft vorstellen. Den Sternjasmin habe ich auch, der einzige, der es bei mir aushält.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  13. Erg mooi Mariette. En wat n prachtige bloemen die erin liggen!
    Fijn weekend alvast!

  14. Your tablesetting is so lovely, Mariette, and you've captured the candlelight very well. Usually when I try to do so I just get a blob of light. Wishing you a wonderful day. Tammy

  15. Absolutely beautiful and lovely post.

  16. ❤♡ Olá, amiga!
    Finalmente consegui acessar o seu blog...
    Muito bonito, elegante e de bom gosto.
    Bom fim de semana!

  17. Your table setting is so beautiful Mariette.
    xo Catherine

  18. molto elegante e romantico!!!!!!! tutto bellissimo!!!!!! buon fine settimana Lory

  19. Breathtaking my friend....beautiful!


    Bah! Always something~huh?


  20. They look really lovely! I never thought about the height if center piece. Next time I see center piece somewhere, I will check if it is at appropriate hight to have easy eye contacts :-)
    I love the variety of flowers in the bowl. And rose shaped candles, so pretty!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
