
Sunday, June 24, 2012

{My Lace Pochettes - Pocket Squares}

Does any of you have Lace Pochettes or Pocket Squares? Here I like to show you mine as I love to wear them. I did not crochet these lace pochettes but they are treasured vintage pieces that I found. I would love to hear if you have such a pochette, maybe a family heirloom or just because you love them, like I do... Let me know!
Lovely detail of my 14 kt gold safety pin with pearls (custom made for me by a gold smith) for pinning such a lacy pochette onto the breast pocket.
Those were spare pearls from the ones bought in Singapore, for making into a necklace and bracelet.
This is how it looks... pinned onto my French linen suit.
The lace is so pretty...
Moi, with the lace pochette...
Love the linen with lace combination.
French vintage gloves with two lace pochettes, different ones from the one I wear above.
One of our large, corsage gardenia jasminoides 'Miami Supreme', also below.
Detail of the crocheted lace pochette or pocket square. 
Below you find a link where I show this pochette more open in a previous post.
Inspiration for wearing my pochette I found in this German Neue Mode magazine. 
Loved the idea of pinning it onto the breast pocket with a dainty gold brooch.

'Mode mit Charme: Dieses Eisnteck-tuch mit Spitze verleiht Ihrem Blazer eine sehr feminine Note'.

Fashion with Charm: This Pochette—Pocket Square will add a very feminine touch to your blazer.
Guess this is time-less...
Charme d'Antan

In home décor, as in fashion, one must discover her own personal style and learn to build the cozy nest called "home" around it.

Related link:


  1. Oh Mariette truly a lovely pochette you are sharing. I have these before in shops but had no idea what they were named nor how to properly use.

    The touch of the custom gold pin with the pearls is genius! I love how you style pieces of yesterday to bring elegance and uniqueness to an outfit. Your linen suit is wonderful on you. Wishing you a lovely week-end..xo C. (HHL)

  2. It's beautiful... got a wedding party coming soon, can I borrow the lace glove! :-)

    Thanks for sharing, you look lovely! Mei

  3. Liebe Mariette,


    In Liebe


  4. Liebe Mariette,
    vielen Dank für deine lieben Wünsche zu meinem Geburtstag - ich hatte einige Tage Schwierigkeiten auf deine Seite zu kommen -

    der Hosenanzug mit den wundervollen Details ist ein Traum und kleidet eine schöne Frau mit einer tollen Figur wie ich sehen kann -

    herzliche Grüße - Ruth

  5. So lovely,so is your beautiful pin. xx

  6. Dear Mariette
    No, I have never used a Pochette.
    I realize that since I have old lace that had been my mothers, I could actually do it.
    It looks very beautiful.
    Thanks for the tip!

    I love your pin!


  7. Hi Mariette, lovely touch! I love creams and more combinations if present pearls and lace! You look beautiful! the cream is an elegant color, hugs, Rose M

  8. Mariette,sei bella,elegante e romantica!Buon fine settimana!Rosetta

  9. Oh Mariette, I love your gold safety pin with the pearls! Its absolutely beautiful. I love pearls :)


  10. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh, beautiful Lace Pochettes and your gold safety pin is also gorgeous☆☆☆

    I don't have it and it will be wondeful to have it♡♡♡

    And I found another Japanese English. We call it "ポケットチーフ, pocket-chief". Haha, it might be interesting to check the origin because the usage of chief sounds kind of funny .
    Lots of love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako

  11. Oh, how silly of me.
    Chief is from "handker-chief". pocket+chief It is such easy one, haha.

    Night night from Japan, Miyako*

  12. I don't think I've ever seen any of these and certainly didn't know what they were called. Very pretty! My style is pretty simple. I'm all about comfort. :) Wishing you a great day. Tammy

  13. Hello! Pocket squares suit you to a 'T' .. love the pantsuit too. I remember the ladies in our church wearing pocket squares each Sunday in their dresses and jackets. A few of my grade school teachers wore them as well. Enjoy your weekend ....

  14. The pochet looks very elegant on you Mariette.

    Have a lovely weekend!

    Madelief x

  15. Dearest Mariette,
    I love one of gold safety pin in myself your pochette will very feminine.
    Enjoy your weekend,
    Love you!

  16. Dearest Mariette, These are beautiful pocket squares and you look so lovely in your linen suit. The other Lace Pochettes look so pretty with your crochet gloves.
    Thank you for sharing how a true lady wears her lovelies.
    Love to you, Ginger

  17. It's a lovely idea Mariette, they are so delicately. Look how she is showing there the lady!Well I found some of these on a french brocante, still thinking about to use them for something speical.

    Have a nice Sunday,


  18. Ach, bei Spitze komme ich auch immer ins Schwärmen, liebe Mariette! Wunderschön! Leider habe ich nicht viele WIRKLICH EDLE oder gar alte, geerbte Stücke, aber mir gefällt schön gemachte SPitze auch, wenn sie an neuen Schals und Kleidungsstücken zu finden ist :o)
    Liebe Sonntagsmittagsgrüße, Traude
    (Am NACHmittag geht's dann zum Bloggertreffen :o))

  19. Meravigliosa la pochette, la spilla e pure i guantini e tu sei molto bella ed elegante!
    Un abbraccio cara Mariette!

  20. PRACHTIG,WAT EEN LADY!!!!Echt héél charmant en wat een prachtige foto van jou !!!!!Je speld vind ik ook wel héél mooi hoor wat een mooie detail....Nog een hele fijne dag en véél lieve groetjes uit het koude kikkerland......Liefs.ELLY.

  21. This is very beautiful! What a wonderful idea for use of old lace too.

  22. Nee, zoiets heb ik niet, zie hier ook echt niemand meer met zoiets lopen.
    Ziet er wel heel sjiek uit moet ik zeggen.
    Wat betreft mijn niet zichtbare volgers....vreemd dat jij ze wel kan zien, er zijn er hier meer waarbij de volgers niet meer te zien zijn, en dan staat er: pagina kan niet worden weergegeven..en ook de knop 'volg deze site' is weg, Ik hoop dat er snel een oplossing komt, want het duurt nu al 1 maand, da's vervelend.

  23. You have such beautiful treasures Mariette! So well made and so classy:) Love the pics of you! You're the epitome of aging gracefully and natural beauty.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
