
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

{Happy 236th Birthday USA!}

The 4th of July will be our nation's 236th Birthday, so we will fly the flags again; both the United States and Georgia Flag. For my post of last year's 4th of July, (link you find below) I used the speech my husband Pieter did deliver to our city on the 4th of July in 1994. That will give you a lot more information. Here I just want to show you our flags as we flew them last year. Timely for this year's post. Both of us are very proud to be Dutch by birth and American by choice. The very fact that the Dutch, of any nation, have the longest uninterrupted friendly relation with the USA makes us also proud. Also the Dutch were the first to salute the American flag; read more about that in the link below this post.
Happy 236th Birthday Uncle Sam!
Proudly flying the United States and Georgia State Flags...
To the left you see the big magnolia leaves as I'm standing next to the tree.
Photos are taken around 18:00 o'clock.
We still had green grass early July...
White hibiscus blooming.
Nice view of the white gingerbread in our front porch.
View from the driveway...
Our patriotic felines, Spicy (l) and Sacha (r).
Little Tiggy-Tiger, Sacha's sister, sitting inside the roll of garden hose... She is our mini cat.
Sacha looking down from the front porch...
That's it!
Do you (if American) also fly the flag(s)?
Hope you have a very Happy 4th of July!

Related link:


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    Happy independence day ☆☆☆
    Wonderful to have flags for the day, isn't it. It is pity that we don't see much of our flags, especially new years day. We used to see more when I was young.

    Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy wonderful meal♡♡♡

    Love you always, xoxo Miyako*

  2. Happy independence Day dearest Mariette!

    Love and hugs

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    ich schließe mich den guten Wünschen an.

    Sonnige Grüße

  4. Happy 4th of July.
    Lieve groet,

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    Happy Independence day celebration!!
    your little Tiggy cat are very happy too....
    Love for you...

  6. Have a very happy day. Your cat's are so cute.


  7. Happy birthday to USA! It's very nice you fly both flags! Your kitties look very patriotic :-) I hope fireworks don't scare them too much. Stay safe and I wish you a wonderful holiday!!

  8. Bellissima la tua casa,Buon 4 luglio!Baci,Rosetta

  9. Hi Mariette,
    Your home is truly beautiful. I love the porch, the gingerbread details and your flags add the perfect touch for the holilday.

    Your sweet kitties are adorable and so precious. Yes, we fly our American flag year round in our front yard with a spotlight on it for nighttime. It is only proper to fly at night with a spotlight, If not, it should be taken down at dusk. We never took it down after 911 except to replace it with a new flag.

    Best wishes to you and your dear Pieter. Happy 4th of July.
    Love to you and blessings always, Celestina Marie

  10. is it really 237? i thought it was 236. 2012-1776?

  11. Oops Theresa: I must have had a senior moment... Thanks for correcting me on this!

  12. What a beautiful home! Happy 4th of July - enjoy the holiday!

  13. Ik kan mij heel goed voorstellen dat je als Nederlander die toch al heel wat jaren daar woont de verjaardag van USA gaat vieren...Ik wens je een hele fijne dag....Trouwens wat staat die poes daar super lief op de foto.Nog een fijne avond en een groetje van...ELLY.

  14. Congretulations!Beautiful flags!


  15. Wonderful home!congratulations!
    Happy independence day!

  16. Happy 4th of July my friend!

    Little Tiggy-Tiger, Sacha and Spicy look so adorable!!! Love the photo of LTT in the garden hose.

    Wishing you both along with your furbabies a most wonderful 4th of July..with love xo C. and the family (HHL)

  17. Hello Mariette,

    In answer to your question, if you like to order something you can pay me with Paypal or anyway you like, however for my roses you have to wait a month for delivery, I have too many demands. I left my email on my blog, if you have any questions. I don't like to negociate on my blog.

    Have a nice day Mariette,


  18. Lieve Mariette,

    Allereerst hartelijk dank voor je aardige reactie's op mijn posten.

    Ben al vele dagen en menig uurtje met veel belangstelling en plezier op jou mooie blog aan het lezen en foto's aan het bekijken van jou en je familie die uit je lieve woorden op te maken jou heel dierbaar zijn.

    De provincie Limburg is mij zeer vertrouwd omdat mijn ouders( en schoonouders daar geboren zijn.
    Het toeval wil dat ook mijn moeder geboren(1919) is in Horst/America.

    Panningen en Kessel waren wij onlangs nog om planten te kopen uit de kassen daar.
    Zondag nog met het pontje over van Arcen naar Broekhuizen en heerlijk op terras gezeten aan de Maas.

    Fijn om te lezen dat je Limburg niet vergeten bent....maar nog beter is het te lezen dat je het prima naar de zin hebt in de USA.
    Ik wens jullie aan deze kant van het scherm een gelukkige viering van Onafhankelijksdag!!!

    Ook wij hebben vandaag wat te vieren in huislijke kring met kinderen en kleinkinderen omdat we 44 jaar geleden in het huwelijksbootje stapten op 4 juli 1968, toen was het net zo'n warm weer als vandaag met 28 graden.

    De kersentaart met Limburgse kersen staat te bakken in de oven en het ruikt al lekker.

    Ik ben je mooie blog gaan volgen en je staat bij mijn favorieten want ik wil vanaf nu niks meer missen en heb nog veel bij te lezen:-)

    Fijne dag en lieve groeten!!!

  19. Happy 4th of July, dearest Mariette! Hope you have a wonderful independence day! Your cats are soo sweet :o)
    Hugs from Austria und alles Liebe, Traude
    ✿ܓܓ✿ܓ✿ܓ✿ ♥♥♥♥ ܓܓ✿ܓ✿ܓ


Thanks for your visit and comment.
