
Thursday, August 23, 2012

{Double Tragedy...}

Thursday, August 23, will forever remain a very dark day in our memories. Not only is it the day of the funeral of Pieter's brother Thé, but Double Tragedy struck. Our Foster Daughter, Anita, lost her Dad on Wednesday, August 22. He too lost a mean battle with cancer: brain tumor and lung cancer... We are at a loss for words. He was too young to die. Distance in kilometers and in hours makes it very tough but in our hearts we're with both families. One loved one in The Netherlands  and one in Indonesia...
Wish we could hug our Anita and wipe her tears, but we cannot... Be strong girl and know that your Dad is no longer suffering. He fought the short battle and is now without pain in heaven. From there, he can still support and guide his loved ones. 
Happy times when we visited Anita and her parents. Her Dad is to the right. Her little sister is to the left of her Dad, next is her Mom and a boy I don't know. To the left is Anita and me.
Her English teacher is in the back.
Another happy time when we did visit  Anita at her college in Semarang, Indonesia. We took her family and teachers out for lunch, with a colleague of us and his wife and daugher.
Anita's Dad is to the left. Pieter is in the back and Anita is in front of him with her Mom  and I am next to Anita...
Anita's Dad and her Mom at her graduation from the University.
A batik shirt or skirt is considered very formal wear in Indonesia.
Anita's Dad and Mom giving their blessing at the wedding ceremony of their son Bayu and daughter-in-love Imma.
Anita's Dad and Mom giving their blessing to their son Bayu and daughter-in-love Imma, now dressed in her bridal gown...
Formal and happy times together with Dad...
Anita to the right and her brother Bayu the groom and bride Imma in  the center, with Shinta, the youngest sister to the left.
Happily married for over thirty years...
RIP: Rest In Peace till we meet again...

Related link:
{Anita Anggraeni Our Foster Daughter} | previous post by me


  1. i am sorry, mariette, for the pain you are feeling right now - for both families.

  2. My condolences for you and Pieter and also for Anita and her family. Thank you for sharing all of the happy and beautiful photos in these two posts. Until you meet again, may your memories bring you sweetness.

  3. What a kind post to remmber Anita's Dad!
    So sad to hear this so shortly after the lost of Pieter's brother!
    Love and hugs

  4. OOohh Mariette en Pieter...gecondoleerd .
    Dit zullen zware dagen voor jullie zijn, en ja dan is de afstand dus wel een probleem.En dan nog wel 2 gelijk..dat is erg
    Jullie zullen niet veel anders doen denk ik dan met jullie gedachten bij deze 2 mannen te zijn ....meer kan je ook niet doen.
    Sterkte voor jullie beide, en je familie..
    Mooie foto's van dat huwelijk van Anita, misschien is het ook een beetje troost voor je, dat je deze weer eens bekeken hebt, en er zo'n mooie post van gemaakt hebt, een eerbetoon aan de vader van Anita...

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    What a hard summer your family is having!
    I don't have a word for all of your sorrow. The pictures of Anita's family you showed us are SO wonderful☆☆☆
    My condolences from Japan!
    Take Good Care of Yourselves, my dear friend.
    Love you always from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  6. Lieve Pieter en Mariette, wat zijn dit voor jullie samen verdrietige dagen en zo kort na het overlijden van Pieter zijn broer weer een dierbaar persoon te moeten missen.
    Ik wens jullie samen héél véél sterkte voor deze periode ....En ik sla een virtuele arm om jullie heen.Je hebt door het plaatsen van deze mooie foto's een dierbaar eerbetoon gegeven aan de vader van Anita.Voor vandaag ik denk aan jullie hoor !!!!!
    Een knuffel van....ELLY.

  7. wat een enorm verdrietige tijd voor jullie.
    Ik wens je heel veel sterkte en onthoud dat er heel veel mensen met je meeleven.
    liefs anja

  8. Liebe Mariette,


    Viel Kraft und Gottvertrauen


  9. Het is vreselijk Mariette, meestal komt een ongeluk niet alleen zeggen ze. Dat is mijn ervaring. Wens jullie heel veel sterkte en gelukkig hebben jullie elkaar nog en zijn jullie samen sterker hoop ik in het verwerken van jullie verdriet.

    Liefs Janny

  10. meine liebe Mariette,
    mir fehlen die Worte :-(
    es tut mir sehr leid,
    ich sende mein aufrichtiges Beileid,
    in Trauer mit Euch verbunden!

  11. Bah wat een naar nieuws alweer.....sterkte voor jullie ...liefs

  12. Liebe Mariette,
    ein Unglück nach dem anderen. Krebs ist mittlerweile die zweithäufigeste Todesursache. Es ist immer schlimm, ein Elternteil oder Geschwister zu verlieren. Es tut mir so leid für euch alle.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  13. Mariette, I am so sorry to hear this. My heartfelt condolence to your beloved Anita and family. I love you put all the happy memory photos. The wedding photos are beautiful. And the last photo is stunning. I'm sending warm thoughts to you..

  14. How sad my friend. Death of a loved one will never, ever be easy, even if we know they are in a better place after losing the battle with an illness. My heart goes out to the families and to you as well sweet friend. I too love it when you visit, sweetie. Lots of hugs,

  15. Mariette and Pieter our hearts, thoughts and prayers continue to go out to you both, your family and extended family in love.

    The photos you shared are a wonderful tribute to Anita's father. In each photo especially the graduation one, you can see the admiration and love she has for her father. All the photos show a most loving and peaceful family.

    Two more angels have returned home and will continue to guide and look over their love ones, who are still working on completely their earthly journey.

    Many blessings and positive energy to all ...xo C. and Mr. G (HHL)

  16. Liebe Mariette,
    ich drück dich in Gedanken - möge Gott euch in eurem Schmerz beistehen -

    traurige Grüße - Ruth

  17. Hello my dearest friend Mariette;
    I'm so sorry for your loss. In times like this, sometimes I don't know what to say, I'm sorry for Pieter's brother and Anita's father, my most sincere condolences and may God give them eternal rest and may their soul rest in peace.
    But remember, when someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure. And they will live in your heart forever.
    Send you a big hug, my dearest friend.
    God bless you.

  18. In the past few days, I've read on many blogs about so much loss. Such a difficult time for many. My condolences to you and Anita and her family.

    While in Koblenz, we didn't do much sightseeing, except for walking around the old town. My husband had business associates/friends travel from Holland and within Germany to meet up with us, so our days were pretty full. We will definitely have to go back to see more.

    Wishing you all the best. Tammy

  19. I'm sorry for your double tragedy and sending you my condolences.


  20. Dear Mariette and Pieter,
    Oh my goodness, I am so very sorry for your lose, such heartache. A month after my sister passed in May we received word of my Dad's Aunt's passing. We were to see her this month a trip had been planed. So I do know how you are feeling. It just breaks the heart when we loss someone who is so dear to us.
    Sending love and hugs,
    God bless, Elizabeth

  21. Dear Mariette,

    So sorry to hear of more sad news and my condolences and prayers are with you and Pieter, Anita and her family.
    The family photos are so beautiful and lovely to be able to remember all the very happy times and memories.

    Sending hugs and may you have comfort at this difficult time.

  22. Dearest Mariette
    I am so very sorry for your losses - I truly am. And how hard it must be that it should strike twice within one week. Grief always stings in the most awful of ways but I hope you may find comfort in the fact that a golden glow of beautiful memories and nearness of a special kind also surrounds losing loved ones.
    With love and sending you my condolences,

  23. Dear Mariette,
    I'm so sorry for your lose. May you and yours be surround by His peace.

  24. Dearest Mariette, I am sending love and hugs to you and am so very sorry to hear of this tragedy so close to the sorrowful loss of Peiter's beloved brother. I send my condolences to you, your family and to your foster daughter, Anita's family in this time of sadness. What beautiful photos to hold dear your precious memories. You are in my thoughts and prayers. xxoo

  25. Dearest Mariette,
    The pictures of Anita's family that you showed us was special wonderful.
    Happy married for over thirty years.
    Anita lost her Dad on Wednesday August 22.
    I was become darked as my hart all days.
    When you visit peaceful family to congrats Mariette.
    Best to you and lots of love!

  26. Mariette, I am so so sorry to learn of this tragedy. I send my hugs and comfort to you and the family in this time of grief and sadness. I am sorry to be here so late to tell you.

  27. I, too, am so sad to hear about this tragedy.
    Thanks for sharing these photos of Anita and her family.

    Hugs and blessings, dearest Mariette.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
