
Friday, August 24, 2012


As difficult this past week has been for us, it did lift us up tremendously for reading all the heartfelt sympathy and heartwarming words from this world-wide Blogger-Family. United as one strong family in Faith. We all meet only temporarily during our journey here on earth. Trying to do our best and leaving a mark, a lasting memory. Those fond memories will sustain us for times to come. Also knowing that it's not only us, every family has its sorrows and grief. So, once again a heartfelt THANKS for YOUR SUPPORT!
We all start out as a perfect bud, like this Indian Jasmine the Queen of Flowers in our garden...
Like in a human family, there are some buds that have bloomed already and are gone, but others follow.
Ants savor the sweetness.
Parents are gone already...
Than the only brother left, becomes detached from the plant that nourished them all at one time...
Leaves have been attacked and torn up or eaten away.
But life renews.
We have our girls; Liz and Anita and soon our Goddaughter Elvira will have her baby-boy!
Yes, as new buds unfold, we again relive the tenderness of new life of new hope...
No matter how beat up those leaves might look; they produce still beautiful buds and heavenly scented jasmines!
Luckily we had some good rains so they bounce back strong.
Even after the tears we shed to wash our souls, we bounce back strong!
Yes, aging does change the original flower but the fragrance is still there and it still is part of the beautiful family.
We have peace of mind as we did visit Pieter's brother 63 times while he went through this aging stage.
We celebrated many cheerful highlights of his life.
Yes, the final stage has arrived. Ants arrive at the scene to suck the sweet life out of what remains from those once perfect buds, than blossoms... 
Dora & Thé; united again in heaven after having been separated for a bit more than two years.
Even if we ourselves could not be present at the funeral, we got well represented by my Parents and also by our best friends.
THANKS to all of you!
Rust Zacht Broer
Rest Softly Brother
Pieter, Mariet
Liz en Hans (daughter and son-in-law)

Related links:
{MEMORIES of HAPPY TIMES} | previous post by me about the loss of Pieter's brother Thé


  1. i am so glad others could attend in your stead. i know that you were there in spirit.

  2. Dear Mariette, what a beautiful way to describe the family intertwined. So nice to look forward to new family members while cherishing the memories of those no longer here, but in spirit, and always in your heart. xx

  3. It's nice to know that somewhere in the world there are people who thinking of you. The people who leaved, I believe that they see us from up and want to be happy until we meet again. Life goes on and you will have wonderful moments ...You have those in your thoughts and hearts .

  4. Understand... not being there. I want to go in the end. But don't what stop me... I changed my mind. Don't feel to bad Mariette... thinking of you, take care.

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    We have peace of mind as we did wish
    Pilter's brother times while he went
    though this aging stage.
    We celebrated many cheerful hight lights of his life.
    Prices have changed drastically all sorts of scenarios our way...
    You have a wonderful time..
    Hugs and love to you always!

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    I'm deeply impressed the way you described or expressed your feeling and what a beautiful tribute for your departed family!!!
    I don't think I believe in "輪廻,the wheel of life or reincarnation" much. but I DO believe I can see my late mom or bro.  Indian Jasmine the Queen of Flowers in your garden really is gorgeous and I could see very well what your message is. Tears in my eyes, but as you said we all have these tough moments, don't we☆☆☆

    Lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  7. Liebe Mariette,

    ich denke an dich, und ich wünsche
    dir weiterhin viel Kraft und

    In lieber Verbundenheit

  8. Lieve Mariëtte, ik lees net dat jullie nog een dierbare vriend hebben verloren en ook op verre afstand. Heel veel sterkte. Ik denk aan jullie.
    Lieve groet,

  9. Dearest Mariette

    I'm so sorry to hear of your loss - what a terrible week for you.

    Sending love and prayers
    and big warm gentle hugs dear friend

    Shane xox

  10. Beautiful pictures and beautiful words. I hope you will have a nice weekend.


  11. Liebe Mariette,
    ja, das ist ein wunderschönes Posting über das Werden und das Vergehen des Lebens. Wir alle sind Teile der Natur. Dennoch tut es weh, geliebte Menschen zu verlieren. Ich drücke euch nochmal ganz herzlich und fest, und auch an Anita mein Beileid!
    Hugs, Traude

  12. I have lost several people I love too...
    Sending love,

  13. ti abbraccio forte forte, ti sono vicina con il mio cuore Lory

  14. Your analogy in this post to life is beautiful. Wishing you all the best, Tammy

  15. Dearest Mariette, This is such a beautiful post and it perfectly outlines the circle of life. We oft get so busy in our everyday chores and obligations that we forget just how precious our loved ones and friends are to us.
    Let me just say, I treasure your friendship. Yes, we know it is a virtual friendship but it is there. A deep seated respect and affection for the qualities we find pleasing in our fellowman.
    Blessings to you, dear friend,


Thanks for your visit and comment.
