
Thursday, August 9, 2012

{Going Green with Pallet Mulch}

Husband Pieter did haul many loads of Pallet Mulch for using in our garden. That is excellent for water holding capacity and it looks neat. It will keep the weeds down somewhat, but not entirely of course. Going green pays off! Are you using some Pallet Mulch too?
Photo is from June 26, with a happy rose!  It looks very nice with this contrasting color.
Pallet Mulch often is used in hotel gardens or around corporate office buildings.
Here you clearly see the natural soil and the Pallet Mulch with its reddish color.
These are our roses, they look pitiful but it is tough in such a hot climate for growing roses at all.
Probably in the fall they will come back and grow a bit more.
Some Crinum lilies are benefiting from the Pallet Mulch as well.
They seem to be far better heat resistant!


  1. it looks nice and neat - as long as you don't get flash flooding. :)

  2. I love how pallet mulch looks like. It does look neat. I have tiny small garden (so tiny, maybe it cannot be called garden) where grass doesn't grow well...maybe I can put them and this area will look better. Hmm, sounds good, thank you for the idea!

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    Your flowerbeds look wonderful , so tidy and nice!
    I started to tidy up mine yesterday, but I have to get new mulch ;O)
    have a wondergful week,
    love and hugs

  4. Mulching is the only way to go in the garden. We have done it for 20 years or more now. In australia we get very cold winters and very hot summers. Mulch helps the plants to cope with the extremes of temperature as well as long dry spells.

  5. Che bella soluzione per tenere il giardino pulito!Che amore la rosa!Buon agosto cara Mariette!Baci,Rosetta

  6. Liebe Mariette,


    Alles Liebe


  7. Liebe Mariette,


    Alles Liebe


  8. ciao! La rosa è bellissima e anche il tuo giardino!!
    un bacio

  9. Ziet er goed uit hoor......liefs

  10. Dearest Mariette,
    I love to see your clearly the natural soil and the pallet mulch too.
    I have short not to just go for it and throw yourself into some thing.

    I love my roses for will look after now and I love to have picture myself to publish for all my friends.
    Hugs and love to you Always!

  11. Hi Mariette,

    Thank you for stopping by! Your blog has changed too. Love it.
    You really do have a green thumb.

    Big hugs,

  12. Dearest Mariette,
    What a lovely rose!
    I´m sorry to hear about the rabbits. I have sent an email to Jannica and asked her to contact you. I thought you had already received them!
    Have a nice weekend

  13. Liebe Mariette,
    Mulchen ist hier auch sehr populär. Im Gemüsegarten mit geschnittenem Gras und dem ausgerissenen Unkraut, im Blumenbeet mit Rindenmulch. Allerdings ist der käufliche Rindenmulch hier meistens schon stark zersetzt, weil er vorher hocherhitzt wird. Es gibt auch Pinienrinde zu kaufen, das sieht ähnlich aus wie bei dir, ist aber für kalkliebende Pflanzen nicht so empfehlenswert. Es ist für viele Plätze eine gute Möglichkeit Unkraut zu unterdrücken. Deine Beete sehen sehr ordentlich aus und deine Pflanzen scheinen es zu lieben.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  14. Your mulch looks very nice and I hope it will help to keep your pretty roses cool! It is so much better to use mulch than chemicals to keep out weeds. Beautiful and eco-friendly! xx

  15. questa rosa è magnifica!!!!!!! il tuo giardino fantastico!!!!!! un abbraccio grande grande Lory

  16. °♡彡¸.°

    Isso é tão bonito!
    Um lindo dia, com muito sol, saúde e paz!!...
    Beijinhos do Brasil.


  17. Ziet er mooi uit Mariette, ideaal tegen onkruid lijkt me.

    Groetjes Janny.
    PS goeie tip van je die pageviews.

  18. I love the rose! I'm using something like yours, it's called "barkmull" in swedish. Have a nice time.


  19. Dearest Mariette, I don't think I have ever seen pallet mulch. It looks really nice. Do you get it from a local supplier or can you get it at the home improvement store. I like the red color.
    We did get some rain. During the last week we have gotten a nice rain everyday. I guess is it not a perfect world. When we get a lot of rain on the island the grass and plants develope fungus. That's what happens when you build on a bog!
    Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
