
Saturday, August 11, 2012

{Eastern Mole - Scalopus Aquaticus}

On Sunday, May 6 when we did the photo session for my Silk Quilted Vest Creation (see link below post) I also took a photo from Pieter. Suddenly I noticed him looking away, and laughing... Of course, one of our naughty felines was active and showed us her catch. This time it was  the Eastern Mole, Scalopus Aquaticus. Have a look at our garden critter...
Look at their NAILS, almost like human fingers...
They do have huge HANDS, as shown here in photos by Malcolm Storey
No wonder that they are good  at digging those burrows!
Our cat girl Spicy caught Pieter's attention...
Pieter looking away from the camera and laughing...
Okay, that's the action behind my back... Spicy (our black tuxedo girl) with Tiggy Tigger obviously assisting her.
There he/she is... No longer able to dig those burrows.
Amazing hands indeed! And a long snout too...
YES, I caught it. Tiggy Tiger... she did not do it - it was ME!!!

Related links:
{My Silk Quilted Vest Creation and YOUR Opinion Requested...} | previous post by me


  1. oh, your kitties are adorable. and talented, obviously. that mole is ADORABLE, too! so cute!

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    Wow, yes it DOES have huge nails and hand for digging ☆☆☆ Funny that I think it is adorable, haha.
    Oh, you took the right shot of your husband Spicy caught his attention(^_^)v Lovely two photos of him for us.
    I feel happy for Spicy to have such wonderful garden and nature to play with and have a wonderful owner♡♡♡
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  3. Oh my... I am thinking I do not like the looks of a mole... eeeek! But kitty is adorable of course! :)
    xo Catherine

  4. Liebe Mariette,
    da haben welche Pieter die Schau gestohlen. Wie nett er darüber lacht. Kein Wunder, dass die Katzen stolz sind auf den kapitalen Fang. Sowas fängt man ja auch nicht jeden Tag. Der Maulwurf ist ein hübsches Tier, finde ich. Eigentlich auch nützlich. Schade, dass er in Gärten so störenden Haufen aufwirft. Und eines muss man ihm lassen, er trägt einen feinen Pelz.
    Beste Grüße,

  5. Deares Mariette,
    how nice to get pictures while your cat is playing arround with this mole!
    Sometimes I think, I should not take pics of such situations, but hey, that's Cat's live! :O))
    Have a lovely weekend,
    love and hugs,

  6. Liebe Mariette,

    du zeigst immer wieder wunderschöne
    Sachen. Ich freue mich darüber.

    Sonnige Grüße

  7. Dear Mariette ,
    what great fotos you `ve done .
    I like moles , they are so cute . Your cat looks wonderful , but the best of the story is still - that you caught the mole .
    Greetings ,

  8. Here where I live, domestic cats must be kept inside your home, or a wire pet pen made for cats, because of this very reason. Killing wildlife. Only two cats per house allowed and must be registered with council. Sorry Mariette, but I much prefer the Eastern Mole - very cute! Bad kitty!!!

  9. Dearest Mariette, how cute your kitties are, and Peiter looks so handsome in his shirt and tie. Doesn't it seem that kitties always steal the show?
    Poor little mole, he is a cute little thing.
    They can do some damage. I have moles digging under my walkway. My cats are lazy like your gnomes!
    I hope you are having a nice day. Hugs to you. xo

  10. Handsome hubby.

    Beautiful kitty.

    But that MOLE has got to go. :( I'm SKERD!


  11. I've never seen a mole up close before. Gosh, those are long nails. Either they are very slow (which is hard to believe as fast as they can dig holes) or your kitties are very fast (I don't know if Jingles is that fast anymore -- in her younger kitty days she did catch a pigeon on the balcony and brought it inside for us to find after we woke up ... yuck!). Have a lovely weekend. Tammy

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Niet fijn als ze je tuin overhoop zetten, maar zo is het ook wel weer een zielig gezicht.
    Lieve groet,

  14. Hi Mariette, your cute tiger-cat is working hard!!
    And now I wish to thank you very much for helping in my search of BOAF charts. You are so so sweet. Your attention and usual kindness touch me deeply.
    Thank you again. Have a lovely and sweet weekend

  15. Dearest Mariette
    So clever cat was!
    We have these animals here in Sweden too. They dig large mounds in the lawn and you can never catch them. Though their fur is the densest and most beautiful you can see ...
    Love to you

  16. Cara Mariette,sai sempre essere simpatica!E lo è anche Peter!Bacioni!Rosetta

  17. Dearest Mariette, I love the look on Pieter's face. She is such a good kitty. You wouldn't call her a mouser she is a good moler and not the tooth kind.
    I have never seen one but I have sure seen the results.
    Love to you, Ginger

  18. Dearest Mariette,
    Your Pieter's enjoy with his Tiggy...
    I love watching all the time.
    hope you enjoy your weekend.
    Thinking about you!!

  19. Great pictures and cats are skilled hunters. So proud she is *smile*. Have a nice weekend.


  20. Large hands are good if you have to dig.
    Good hard working cat. :D
    The rabbits are about 12-15 cm.
    She has not answer me yet, Jannica. I hope you have got an e-mail from her.

  21. Hallo liebe Mariette,

    da war Spicy ja sehr erfolgreich - sie war sicher sehr stolz -
    aber der arme kleine Kerl tut mir schon leid -

    ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende - lg Ruth

  22. Liebe Mariette, für mich ist das eigentlich eine sehr traurige Geschichte. Maulwürfe sind so nützliche Tiere und stehen bei uns auch unter strengem Naturschutz... Katzen wissen das natürlich nicht, sie folgen einfach ihrem Jadinstinkt... allerdings habe ich mir sagen lassen, dass sie Maulwürfe dann gar nicht fressen, weil sie nicht gut schmecken... Also so gesehen ein sinnloser Tod eines armen, schönen, seltenen Tieres...
    Ganz liebe Grüße, Traude

  23. Lieve Mariette,

    Dan toch maar liever een luie kabouter in de tuin.....
    ik vind dit een eng beestje al zal die ook wel weer ergens in de natuur zijn.haar functie hebben.
    Ben maar snel naar de modeshow doorgeklikt,meid wat maak jij prachtige creaties, het een nog mooie dan het andere, en de kleur groen flatteert je beeldschoon!!!

    Wat moet het voor de fotograaf een waar genoegen zijn om zo'n mooi model voor de camera te hebben:-)

    Lieve groetjes,


Thanks for your visit and comment.
