
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

{2009-09-19 My Domain:}

My Domain Name: has its 3rd Birthday! It looks like the time ahead of us is looking good. The end of 2009, I was in excruciating pain and that resulted in being almost completely paralyzed by January of 2010. Again, in September of 2010 we ran out of luck as husband Pieter, out of the blue, had heart problems and needed open heart surgery... Not much time for my business than. Neither for blogging. Last year in September, I was all set for it and well prepared but my Domain Name expired... The advertising company that set up my business had closed up everything and left my Domain Name sitting, without passing it on to me, neither telling me they went out of business... For about three weeks it was off the air. My new webmaster tried his very best to get it moved, but he couldn't and the password was not to be found... I had to buy it back from an Auction on October 26, 2011. 
This is our veranda, our most favorite room of the house, next to the bay window of our kitchen.
I just did a post about our veranda, it is in the side bar as one of the most popular posts, you can click it if you have not seen it yet.
Wish I could pour you a nice cup of tea and sit down together...
This third birthday is reason enough to celebrate!
My winning bid for buying my own Domain Name back almost had me do the Happy Dance!
Funny how my Domain Name: in Domains Registered on 2009-09-19 appears on the Internet, followed by marijuana-cigarette...
But how could I have known about this weird alphabetical line up? 
That marijuana business is not even around anymore but it's stuck  here on the Internet forever it seems like.
If you click the pink hyperlink, you can scroll down to this section below:
Not even the mariettafitnessexpert is around anymore... 
Looks like a bad match; being sandwiched in-between those two companies.
Never mind, at least I'm still there! 
That's the connection with my blog: Mariette's Back to Basics...
Just like to thank my loyal readers!
Do you have your own Domain Name?
Did it come with some funny stories or weird mentions too? 

On September 17, 2018 I let it vanish...


  1. Wow! Think of everything you, your husband - and the blog domain name! - have survived together. I'd say this is definitely cause for celebration, Mariette. Happy third anniversary! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  2. happy third birthday! sounds like you've had your ups and downs getting here!

  3. Congratulations Mariette, on getting your domain name back! You have been through enough already! I do have my own domain name, but my son is an IT expert and he set it up for me for some time in the future if I need it. Computers and the internet are a mystery to me! I do like the illustration of your home on your web page. It is very nice. xx

  4. Happy 3rd anniversary, dearest Mariette!
    Yes,it can take a long time with ups and downs to get there, where you want... But you made it!
    Love the picture of your veranda!
    But followed by a Marijuna-Cigarette.... hmmmmmmm ...weird!
    Have a happy week,
    love and hugs,

  5. Gefeliciteerd !!!...leuk hoor....liefs Ria...♥.♥.♥

  6. Complimenti Mariette!!
    Bellissima la tua veranda!!
    Un bacione!!

  7. Dearest Mariette,
    Congratulations 3rd anniversary on your Domain Name♡♡♡ OMG! we share same day for birthday, even though yours are for here(*^_^*) I really am happy to hear this.
    I love your button of veranda, my friend. Yes, I wish we could sit togather and have a nice cup of tea to celebrate♬♬♬
    Well, you and your husband are tough person to get through these ups and downs☆☆☆ I am honored to have you as a friend!!!
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  8. Hello Dear,

    What a funny;)... between fitness and marijuana.. so weird indeed.

    Happy 3rd anniversary and new domain name..


  9. Hi Mariette,

    Happy three years of blogging. Wishing you and your husband good health.


    1. Dearest Dee,

      No, this is not about my blog but about my Zen Cart powered on line business:
      Thanks for your well wishes and likewise for you and your loved ones.
      Hugs to you,

  10. Congratulations about the anniversary of the Zen Cart. You have certainly overcome much adversity. God has surely guided you.
    Blessings, Ginger

    1. Dearest Ginger,

      It is because of role models like you that I managed! You are the most spunky Granny that I know of. God bless you and thanks for your visits and comments. They mean a lot to me.
      Hugs to you both,


Thanks for your visit and comment.
