
Saturday, September 22, 2012


For sure you sometimes have the feeling that writing for a reason does not come easy... At the moment we are scanning old photographs from husband Pieter's family. He lost his eldest brother, only a good month ago. It is never easy for getting on with the emotional part. This week we received the album with old family photos, sent in the mail by his brother's adopted daughter. In a way, she did hand down all what was left from his parents, grandparents... Many memories, all sentimental and at times emotional. I try hard to digitalize everything and help sorting it out. Pieter did start writing his life's story for daughter Liz, in the end of June. She gave him a special book that is published for that purpose. That is in a way great therapy but it also 'owns' you as it takes so much time! Both of us are looking forward to finishing it. No more scanning of old photos and slides. Back to normal life...  Given, a normal life does exist.
For this time in our lives, the header with the blue Toile de Jouy Angels, Cherubs, is quite appropriate...
Meanwhile I just want to give a HEARTFELT THANK YOU to ALL NEW FOLLOWERS! It is much appreciated that you follow along on this hasty life's journey that we are all in together. Also a warm welcome to Barbados as country # 181; see below. 
Summer is over now officially and days start to be more pleasant here. 
Our roses will fluff back from the summer's heat.
This creamy, fragrant 2007 AARS winner Moondance rose is for you!
Grown in our garden for you...
Is this Moondance not a beauty?
Welcome Barbados; you are # 181 since I've installed this flag counter on July 10, 2011.


  1. Travelling down memory lane can be an emotional roller coaster ~ but it wonderful to be able to have photos and to remember our loved ones. Pieter is doing such a wonderful thing for your daughter. She will be able to treasure the gift of family memories and one day pass them on to the next generation. Not everyone is blessed with family and parents who take the care, and time to lovingly maintain memories for future generations to learn about where they came from and the people who contributed to them being here. Many blessings to you both, thoughts and prayers to you. xo C. (HHL)

  2. Dear Mariette,

    Yes, this is a difficult journey to take when our loved ones leave us behind, but a wonderful gift for your daughter and well worth the joy and sadness such an endeavor brings. I wish my own parents had done such a wonderful thing, but I will be sure to follow your example and take the time for my own children. Your white roses are so lovely, the blooms a gift from Peiter's brother perhaps, with an Angel's helping hand? Much love to you and Peiter. xx

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    ein lieber Gruß. - Die Kraft reicht noch nicht für mehr.

    Alles Liebe


  4. Liebe Mariette,

    ich liebe weiße Rosen - die von dir gezeigte ist so edel und vollkommen -

    ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende - bleib gesund -

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

  5. Delicate le tue rose!Peter fà bene a srivere e a tenersi impegnato!Vi auguro serenità!baci,Rosetta

  6. Cara amica,bellissime le rose bianche!!
    Bellissimo ricordare i nostri cari,con tanto splendore!!
    Buon weekend dolce amica!!

  7. Hoi Mariette,
    wat erg voor Pieter dat hij zijn broer is verloren!
    En ja het scannen is veel werk, mijn man heeft dit ook gedaan, maar met onze foto´s, dus niet zo erg emotioneel, wel leuk om oude foto´s weer eens te zien!
    Fijne dag en wat n mooie roos zeg!

  8. Mi dispiace per tuo cognato cara effetti a volte non si sa cosa dire o scrivere ma le immagini possono dire tutto proprio come hai fatto tu in questo post!
    La vita è talmente breve che bisognerebbe cercare di viverla il più serenamente possibile, con amore ed amicizia!
    Vi abbraccio forte forte!

  9. I love your roses! Thanks for visit me and my blog! Yes, that coffee house would be fun to chat with you for a while. We have a French bistro here and I love to sit outdoors in nice weather, but recently went to eat inside and absolutely loved the decor!! The colors were black, tan, gold, and ivory. Cherubs too!

    Hope you are having a nice day!!


  10. Lieve Mariette,

    Onze hartelijke dank voor felicitatie,lief van jou!!!

    Prachtige room/witte rozen hebben jullie in tuin zeg, een enkele in vaasje is al een blikvanger in huis op 'n plekje waar je vaak zit,om van heel dichtbij te kunnen genieten.

    Het fotoalbum met verhalen zal eenmaal gereed een prachtige herinnering zijn van een leven...... de ene keer zeer prettig en een andere keer ging het pad niet over rozen....
    Net als een roos is alles breekbaar en broos...

    Liefs en fijn weekeind!!!

  11. What beautiful roses and photos with all the memories are important in life.


  12. Dearest Mariette,
    Pieter is doing such a wonderful thing for your daughter.
    She gave him a special book that is published for that purpose.
    your white roses are beautiful all the time.
    Hugs and love to you always!

  13. Dearest Mariette,
    My prayers are for you and Pieter and you take on this difficult family task. I know it is difficult but is also a labor of love.
    Thanks for sharing the beautiful Moondance.
    Love to you, Ginger

  14. Solche Bücher sind schöne Andenken. In unserer Familie gibt es Ähnliches. Fotoalben, persönliche Aufzeichnungen, mein Vater hat seine Kriegserlebnisse in einem Buch verfaßt, das allerdings nie herausgegeben wurde. Die Verlage boten damals zu wenig und er starb darüber hinweg ... So haben wir das Buch nun als Andenken.
    Die Rose ist auch wunderschön!

    Alles Liebe nochmal

  15. What a Beauty! This rose is georgeous!
    Thank you for sharing it with us!
    To recieve the photobook is so wonderful and also sad, it shows us the way of live....but it also is such a great Memory!
    Have a wonderful new week.......
    Love and hugs,

  16. Lieve Mariette,
    Fijn dat jullie foto's hebben met veel goede herinneringen.
    Wat een mooie roos! Ik hoop dat ik ook de rozen zo mooi krijg als jullie.

    Groetjes Sandy


Thanks for your visit and comment.
