
Friday, September 21, 2012

{Bye-Bye Confederate Jasmine...}

After decades of having our Confederate Jasmine climb up to the balcony and forming a canopy around our bedroom's French doors; husband Pieter took it down. It got very bare in spots and no longer was pretty. So I like to show you the last blossoms of this year and say Bye-Bye Confederate Jasmine.
Beautiful in April, for the very last time...
With our bi-fold shutters inside, we don't actually need this shade canopy as much as in years past. You can read below about {Going Green for our Bedroom} in a previous post, about Pieter's clever Masonite bi-fold doors, that he transformed into shutters for a fraction of the cost of ready made ones.
On the left of the Italian cypress, you still can see the Confederate Jasmine where it did climb up on a rack. 
The one on the other side of the balcony had died several years ago so we only had half of it...
You also see to the right our 'Quercus Virginiana Grand View Gold' or Golden Live Oak.
Bye-Bye Confederate Jasmine...
GONE already, this morning. The huge fig tree to the right is also cut off partly and that one needs to go.
For being able to have the house pressure washed again and painted, this is also needed.
Do you take down things like that too after decades?
It always gives us a sentimental feeling... 
Sorry for the birds that used to nest there and sleep at night but we do have enough trees for providing nesting and sleeping spots.

Related link:
{Going Green for our Bedroom + Confederate Jasmine in bloom} | previous post by me


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    When you said Bye-Bye Jasmine husband Piter took it down. the balcony has died.
    You having a big trees but it was waiting for long time became beautiful flowers which was I never has too many like YOURS.
    I thought always gives the sentimental feeling for sorry for the birds.
    you do have enough trees for providing nesting and sleeping spots.
    Hugs and love to you always!

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    it always is sad to cut Trees or bushes that you have grwon over years.........but sometimes you just have to do it! There will grwo new plants and the birds will find new places for their nests :O)
    Your house is wonderful!
    have a happy and lovely weekend,
    love and hugs,

  3. Amica mia,è sempre un piacere passare qui da te!!
    Voi avete una casa e dei fiori bellissimi!!
    Mi piace tutto quel verde,intorno a voi!!
    Dio ha creato grandi cose con la natura ed io l'adoro!!
    Passate un buon weekend!!
    Un abbraccio!!

  4. I think it feels a bit sad when you remove a plant that has been there a long time. Unfortunately, we do the same when it came time to paint the house.


  5. la tua casa è fantastica!!!!!! il tuo giardino è un incanto!!!!!!!!! buon fine settimana e un abbraccio Lory

  6. It was a lovely old jasmine - but it had to go... sadly.
    We're changing our garden and have removed several trees where the birds build their nests - I feel very guilty too...

  7. Hij was mooi !!..maar wat een licht meer zul je nu hebben !!..fijn weekend...liefs

  8. Liebe Mariette,

    es ist und bleibt schön, dich zu besuchen.

    In Liebe


  9. It's so sad to see an old friend go, but sometimes entirely necessary. Your jasmine is so beautiful, but old plants often need drastic measure. Do you have problems with them regrowing or did you get rid of the roots too?

    We have several clumps of swamp maple near the house that were so pretty when small, but now are growing over the roof. We had a lot of swamp maple grow after losing so many oaks to the gypsy moth infestation of thirty years ago. They have such beautiful color in the fall I hate to see them go, but house health is more important!

    I love jasmine. Here in southern New England it's strictly a pot plant. The advantage is that when it blooms in spring the entire house is perfumed.

    Enjoy the week end.......*s*

  10. Liebe Mariette,
    ich glaube, ich würde auch wehmütig werden, wenn es darum ginge, eine sooo schöne Kletterpflanze zu entfernen. Sie hat einen besonderen Reiz. Doch ich verstehe eure Gründe, und manchmal muss man sich dann zum Abschiednehmen entschließen. Mit deinem Posting hast du deiner Kletterjasmin-Pflanze ein schönes "Denkmal" gesetzt!
    Alles Liebe - und habt ein wunderbares Wochenende,
    herzlichst Traude

  11. Dear Mariette,
    Oh, so sorry you have to say goodbye! Sometimes you just have to do what is necessary, unfortunately. It is the first cut that is the hardest! I had to cut down beautiful ivy on my home. So pretty, climbing up one side, but too large and heavy and starting to climb onto the roof. When we painted the house, down it came. What can you do?
    Hugs, Karen xx

  12. Dear Mariette,

    Wat ontzettend jammer dat de jasmijn moest wijken, maar het schilderen van het huis is ook belangrijk. Gaan jullie er nog een nieuwe klimplant tegenaan zetten als alles klaar is?

    Fijn weekend!

    Madelief x

  13. Dearest Mariette
    To chop down trees and old plants almost feels like getting rid of old friends ...
    What a nice house you have.
    Have a great weekend
    Hugs to you

  14. You are so right my dear friend... even though it is often needed .. it is hard to sometimes remove greenery and trees that have become ill or are not as healthy as they should be. When we first moved to the country and Mr. G. started saying that this tree; and that tree etc. needed to come down , I would say but, look there still a live branch or two. Of course cutting them down was the right thing for the other trees around them and preventing bugs from taking over the (mostly dead) tree. Wishing you a wonderful week-end..hugs..xo C. (HHL)

  15. Manchmal kommt man nicht umhin, Pflanzen zu entfernen. Aber es ist zuweilen schon ein zwiespältiges Gefühl damit verbunden, Erinnerungen ...
    Ein schönes Anwesen, Euer Garten - da habt ihr sicher einen Gärtner, der sich um all das kümmert. Denn ich weiß es ja von uns - man wird so einem großen Garten allein kaum Herr. Selbst im Urlaub nicht ...
    Von daher bin ich froh, nur noch einen kleineren Garten von ca. 400 qm zu haben.

    Alles Liebe nochmal

    1. Liebe Sara,

      Ja es stimmt, wir haben einen Gärtner und eine Gärtnerin. Das ist mein lieber Mann Pieter und ich selber. Wir versorgen selber unsere 15,000 m² Garten und Waldgarten. Es hällt uns jung. Zum Rasen mähen benötigt Pieter etwa 3 Stunden mit seinem relativ grossen John Deere. Man hat so etwas nicht um sonst.
      Lieber Gruss,

  16. Non immagini,Mariette cara, quanto mi è dispiaciuto leggere che hai tagliato il gelsomino... a dire il vero è pianta rustica e quindi ricresce sempre molto in fretta ma... era così meravigliosa...e che profumo delizioso! peccato davvero.


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