
Thursday, September 13, 2012

{LOOK how our Epiphyllum oxypetalum buds in only 6 days till THE afternoon...}

This summer we have been lucky for finally capturing our gorgeous Epiphyllum oxypetalum's buds and blooms! It is so spectacular that I will show you this in three posts. First we start with the buds that are forming and than six days later comes an enormous burst of energy. The only other example of such a burst of growing power we know, could be in the world of mushrooms. Almost an explosion! Hard to imagine that all this power comes about for BUT ONE NIGHT of an extraordinary exotic show.
On July 31, we did count a total of 6 buds!
Here is our Epiphyllum oxypetalum, outside near our gazebo on a platform that husband Pieter made on a wooden pole. 
It is a rather long trailing plant and it needs ample space for blooming.
The other trailing plant you see is a South African, Ceropegia ampliata - Bushman's Pipe - Horny Wonder, see link below this post from my previous blog about it when blooming. 
Quite a difference in size... however this tiny one will catch up in 6 days!
Certain leaves are huge.
Those buds even have rather long stems.
Later you will learn why.
A big one at the top.
Almost like an arm with a hand...
All of them are pointing straight down!
Looks also a bit like an enlarged tip of a green asparagus...
Now it is August 6, around 16:00 o'clock; only 6 days later!
We lost one of those six buds, but all five are ready to burst open now, during the coming night!
Here you also see WHY those buds have such long stems and here they already curved forward.
Those buds are pointing away from their stem, like an elegant swan neck...
For sure it will be this coming night that they open and put on quite a show!
From the other side, looking towards the pond now. 
What an enormous growing power...
Towards the gazebo, seen in back.
Those buds are already very pretty, the way they are right now!
With their graduating colors of pink and white...
Just to give you an idea of its size, holding it inside my hand...
Holding it in both hands now for admiring it and letting it go.
We have our tea and I will be back at 21:00 o'clock after supper, with more photos for you.
Weird photo with my left leg totally out of proportion.
But you got the picture and next post we show you more!
Does any of you have one like this?
What do you think the color of the bloom will be like?

Related links:

{Epiphyllum Bloom Missed Again} | previous post by me
{Epiphyllum Bloom Missed...} | previous post by me
{Ceropegia ampliata - Bushman's Pipe - Horny Wonder} | previous post by me


  1. huge and odd blooms! i like the snaky neck that they form.

  2. Mai visto niente di simile...questa pianta è uno spettacolo della natura!
    Secondo me fiorisce in rosso...sono proprio curiosa di vedere come sarà!
    Un abbraccio cara Mariette

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    how beautiful those are!
    It looks like they are alive ......
    Wishing you a wonderful day,
    love and hugs,

  4. Ciao Mariette, che strane piante
    ci fai vedere, sono curiosa
    di vedere come saranno una volta sbocciate.
    grazie per le tue visite al mio blog,
    mi fanno sempre tanto piacere
    Love Susy x

  5. No I'm very curious, I've never seen anything like this before.


  6. Liebe Mariette,

    jeden Tag freue ich mich, dich hier zu besuchen.

    Alles Liebe


  7. LOL Mariette, I didn't notice your tiny leg in that pic but when you mentioned it I re-looked!

    That's an amazing plant! You're so knowledgeable about everything...plants, antiques, linens, do you retain all this!!!

    1. Dearest Victoria,

      Certainly I don't consider myself that knowledgeable but over a life time and lots of traveling, being exposed to different cultures, reading and loving beautiful things inside and outside of the home - that's how you accumulate some insight. Thanks for your comment!

  8. Liebe Mariette, OMG, die Natur bringt so Erstaunliches, Wunderbares hervor!!!!

    Herzliche Grüße aus dem verregneten Osten Österreichs
    und einen schönen Abend noch,
    ☂ ☂ ☂)

  9. No matter how many times they bloom, it's always an exciting event! I've learned the secret to 'saving' the bloom to show off the next day.

    Once it's fully open, usually about 11 pm, detach the bloom from the stem. Put it in a small clear trash bag and inflate the bag. Put it in the refrigerator. The next morning, put it in a small cooler and transport it to someone who can't otherwise get out to see it.

    Kept from the light, mine lasted until the next evening.

  10. Che meraviglia,sono rimasta affascinata da tanto splendore!!
    Non vedo l'ora di vedere il fiore sbocciato!!
    Un abbraccio cara amica!!

  11. Che foglie giganti!Ma che giardino enorme e stupendo che hai Mariette!E che bravura nel coltivare!Bravi!Baci,Rosetta

  12. Dearest Mariette, I have two of these plants. I know what's coming. Can't wait. Love to you, Ginger

  13. Dearest Mariette, Such an exquisite plant! The way you have documented the different stages during the six days is remarkable. I can't wait to read the next instalment and see some more of your beautiful photography. Because of your lovely presentation I will now investigate and see if I can buy one here in Australia. Who wouldn't want to own such a gorgeous plant? Hope you're having gorgeous weather and doing the things you love to do. God bless. Love, Kerrie xoxo


Thanks for your visit and comment.
