
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

{2 Awards from Bloggers I Admire + Update}

Are you also behind on things? Not yet fully adapted to the fact that it is now officially autumn and only 12 weeks away from Christmas?!
A heartily welcome to my newest followers, hope you will make yourself here at home. 
On September 23, I just managed to spot this funny number of 299,999... Just could grab its tail as of course time is racing on with everything. 
But this is NOT what I wanted to write about. Instead, I got 2 awards from special blogger friends that I admire. On September 29, I did receive a cat award from dear Tammy from T's Daily Treasures (click). She is a girl of my heart as she writes so pure about her daily but meaningful treasures of life. Tammy does for sure not fall into the category of The Pretenders. Her blog followers have been growing steadily and she always has something of interest to share with her loyal readers. A pleasure visiting with her. 

Another award I received on October 02, from a very talented blogger friend in Spain. Her name is VĂ©ronica from Nikavintage (click). Obviously she also first did receive this award herself and did pass it on to 15 others with this criteria: Give the award to fifteen blogs you think are worthy for their creativity and originality in writing, among other values.

For sure both ladies fall into this categorie of creativity and original content writing. No photos used from elsewhere on the Internet but just genuine moments of their own lives and life style. Please do give them a visit as they deserve it. Those two awards I will not pass on but those of you that write in the personal, creative and original style know that I mean to honor you as well.

The Future of Pro Blogging
For full article, click on above link!

There are two more special bloggers I admire and I will write about them next. Of course our Rose Suite will be revealed to you soon! Stay posted and I wish you a lovely autumn season, if you live in the northern hemisphere. And for the southern hemisphere a lovely spring time.

What is your thought about pretenders and those that constantly use material from the Internet, or worse from other bloggers; scraped content. For me it often feels like wasting my precious time. I'd rather connect with real people that live with real problems and struggles in this difficult time of recession. A joy it is for me to see so many talented women (hey, where are the men...?) out there who show us ways of re-purposing vintage things and creating romantic pieces for their homes. A few of them are selling it to others, while some just use it as an economical way of decorating their home. Also the cooking and baking at times is very refreshing to read and above all, to learn from.
See you soon!


  1. congratulations on the awards. always nice to be appreciated by others.

    i do not follow a lot of fashion or decorating blogs. i follow more photography, farming, wildlife blogs - many of whom are very real. :)

    1. Dearest Teresa,
      You are fine as your blog contains excellent photography, farming and wildlife too. Don't blame you for weeding out those blogs that contain photos taken from the Internet. It is more like spamming us with content that has little or no value.
      Love you because you're REAL!

  2. Congrats deserved.

    I truly didn't know all this about PRETENDERS. WHAT? I'm sooo out of the loop. I'm not sure I even understand it! :(

    REAL is best.


    1. Dearest Rebecca,
      Reading the entire article, by clicking on the link below the screen shot about 'The pretenders' will give you a better idea.
      If you scroll down, you also will find my comment on that subject, with reply from the pro that wrote it.
      You for sure are REAL!

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    Congratulations on these wards☆☆☆ Oh, like your friend Rebecca, I'm not sure the true meaning of about the pretender here.
    I love learning through other blogger friends and you, my friend. Thank you very much for your kindness for me.
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,

      If you read the entire article about it, by clicking on the hyperlink below my screen shot, you will learn more about it.
      But again, your blog is safe as you write about your own personal things without plagiarism.
      Hugs to you,

    2. Dearest Mariette,
      Thank you so much as usual. I now got what you mean for pretender. I will be aware of what you posted here and the link said. And professional couldn't rectify my reply thing, but he could make the font of words in comment by putting HTML in CSS.
      Thank you very much for the generous comment today also, my friend♡♡♡

    3. Oh, my!!! I mean the font in the comment form of my blog got appropriately bigger (^^;)

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    congratulations to those 2 Awards!
    Have a happy week,
    sending Love and hugs,
    ( Must go and od my cake for Afternoon-Coffee now......;O) ...)

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    ich freue mich mit dir, und ich gratuliere dir von Herzen.

    Alles Liebe


  6. You have made ​​a good choice. I think most of the blogs where you take all the photos yourself and write about your own live and concerns.


  7. complimenti e congratulazioni per tutto!!!!!!! un abbraccio grande Lory

  8. Dearest Mariette,
    I always with Thank you for help me it was very hard myself time ago.
    You never with out me and help keeping for me.
    I has ( Apple blossorn) Swedish. A lady was I love to her for a long time and sent to her.
    She has sick for a long time? I think we both has been as same times...
    Her life's a good moments.
    Hugs and love to you always.

  9. cara Mariette posso dirti che i premi sono meritatissimi :) !!!! Grazie per i tuoi carinissimi commenti, mi fanno piacere :)
    un grosso abbraccio e buona serata

  10. Congratulations on your awards Mariette. You deserve them!!!

    Have a lovely day,

    Madelief x

  11. Cara Mariette,complimenti per i tuoi premi sono meritatissimi!!
    Mi piaci molto come persona e come blog!!;D

  12. Dear friend congratulations!! I always enjoy my visits to your blog and often am learning so much. The research and wonderful treasures you share, along with family memories - is always wonderful to read. Wishing you a beautiful week..xo C. (HHL)

  13. Good Morning Dearest Mariette,

    Congratulation for this award,you what a numbers almost all nine?
    good day toyou


Thanks for your visit and comment.
