
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

{The Construction of Our Rose Suite - Part II}

Yesterday I did show you the beginning of The Construction of Our Rose Suite and now I like to show you Part II. We started in March of 2003 with the rough work. The digging out of those 60 metric tons of dirt got finished by the 4th of July, 2004. From then on till the end of April, 2004 husband Pieter worked hard to finish the rest. He himself did all the plumbing, moving the old sewage pipes and hiding them either inside the concrete floor and through his work shop. All the electric wiring and duct work for the air-conditioning he also did by himself. Only with the erection of the galvanized steel walls he did get some help. The tiles also were put in by a professional. We went in February of 2004 to The Netherlands for my parents' 55th wedding anniversary. Our Damixa faucets from Denmark, we did bring back in our suitcases. Like the rest of our home, they are all Danish. Pieter's middle brother and his partner were not going to come over for the special birthday Pieter was having on April 29th. So there was no rush we thought for finishing our Rose Suite in a hurry. It was my task to find the furniture for the rooms. We found the bed in the neighboring city and all other furniture and smaller things I found mainly on eBay. You will get to see them soon...
This is how the construction looked by February 2004. Entrance door not yet painted...
Enjoy the 2:06 minute video below.

Photo from July 19, 2008 with entrance door.
After all this, you will get to see the finished inside!
Thanks for watching.
Have any of you build your own home or part of it?
Would love to hear about that.

Related link:
{The Construction of Our Rose Suite - Part I} | previous post by me
Related links:
{Our Rose Suite Work Shop & Mariette's Back to Basics Shipping Center} | post by me
{Our Rose Suite Pantry & TRINITY EcoStorage™ NSF 6-Tier Wire Shelving Racks} | post by me
{Our Rose Suite's Little Room} | post by me
{Our Rose Suit Hallway} | post by me
{Welcome to Our Rose Suite - Entrance} | post by me
{Our Rose Suite Kitchenette} | post by me


  1. really great that pieter was able to do so much work himself! handy man!

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    Wow, wow☆☆☆ How wonderful your husband Pieter has this much talent. I've never expected these work unless the special workers. I did enjoy the videos form your former post and today's, my dear friend☆☆☆ Oh, your life never stop surprise me!!!
    Always wishing you and your husband good luck for all the work you two engage in; I truly admire and proud of being a friend with you even through blogging, my friend.

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  3. The house looks gorgeous! I love it, just beautiful my friend. I can't believe Pieter is doing all that difficult work, (for me at least). Actually, when Alejandro was young, he built with some men he hired and designed our huge house where our girls grew up and lived for 15 years. It was a great house. I love the plan in the video, I can't wait to see it all, lovely Dutch lady. I've good at bringing things by hand on the plain and on the suitcase, from the USA. Thanks for sharing. Have a great week.

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    You and your husband Pieter has working in the garden and your home.
    But please don't work HARD with my friend...
    Hugs and Love to you always!

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    I am looking forwad to see the finishing inside :O)))
    Your house really is a lovely wonderful place! Made and decorated with much love!
    Have a wonderful day,
    love and hugs,

  6. Liebe Mariette,

    heute danke ich dir hier mal ausdrücklich für die lieben Kommentare bei mir.

    Alles Liebe


  7. Preciosas imagenes Mariette!!
    Te he otorgado un premio, pasate por mi blog.
    Muchos besos!!

    Los Mundos de Nika Vintage

  8. Dearest Mariette
    I saw the first part and the second now! Very hard work! You must be very proud of your husband! Congratulations to him !I wait to see the end !

  9. Buongiorno cara,bellissima la vostra casa,Pieter è veramente molto bravo!!
    Io ho ristrutturato la casa dove sono ora,è stata una grande emozione,ora è in vendita,ma non riusciamo a vendere!!
    Speriamo che la situazione qui in Italia migliori!!
    Complimenti Mariette!!
    E' sempre un grande piacere passare da te!!
    Un bacio!!

  10. What a great work and now I'm really curious how it look when it's ready.


  11. Can't wait to see the finished project ... and the beautiful treasures you added. Pieter you are truly an amazing craftsman! Hugs to you both, Blessings, C. (HHL)

  12. Dear Mariette,

    A great project!,compliments for your husband Pieter. Very a great Job,He did amazing house, Can'twait too to see the finished interior.
    our house will be take along long journey to finish it ;)
    love to you dear!

  13. It is really a hard work but so nice you get to create a wonderful space yourself! My husband modified part of the house and created one extra small room. He did with his dad's help. His dad is now working on his house and redoing the floor. I'm looking forward to see the result. And I look forward to see inside of your suite!

  14. The house looks fantastic!! Best regards from Greece!!

  15. Wow! Mariette you are so lucky your husband is so handy.


  16. Dear Mariette,

    The Rose suite is wonderful and what a great job Pieter and you did in building this and furnishing it. Must be lovely for your relatives coming to stay with you.
    We built and designed our little house 21 years ago and was a lot of fun getting all the work done. Now as you know it is ready for a change and hopefully I will be able to share soon.

    Have a happy week

  17. Ben benieuwd naar het vervolg of slot! Wat een een berg werk heeft hij verzet!

    Groeten Janny

    1. Ja, lètterlijk een berg werk ja! Het viel ook best tegen, er kwam geen einde aan. Maar de tuin is er mooi mee opgehoogd.

  18. Dear Mariette,

    This is beautiful work by Peiter, because as you know, it is all the 'hidden' things in construction that are the most important! Lots of hard work and design! I am really waiting to see how you finished the room. I know it will be beautiful.

    As you know, we built our home from the ground up, and are currently remodeling an attic space to make a loft bedroom. My Hubby is like Peiter, doing the work himself, but it saves money, even if it takes longer.

    Hope you are enjoying your week..I love my angels:) xx

  19. Dearest Mariette... Your Rose Cottage looks wonderfully inviting ... and perfect quests. I , admire your determination and patience in this endeavour..Bravo to Pieter, for all his hard work... Can't wait to see the finished rooms...HUGS


Thanks for your visit and comment.
