
Monday, October 22, 2012

{French Toile de Jouy Door Knob Pillow Sachets with Lavender}

As you noticed, I changed my Header since I no longer do have those blue Toile de Jouy French Country Style items. Sold Saterday the last of them! These in the header, are the only red ones left with angels and one more with roses on my Zen Cart powered boutique: Mariette's Back to Basics.
Red ones are all sold too...
Bye-bye blue Toile  de Jouy Angels & Roses... All gone now.
These are the only Toile de Jouy Angels left...
Plus one Toile de Jouy left with roses.
Sold as well...

{Victoria Magazine Sept - Oct 2012 and Toile DE JOUY} read here for more info on the Toile de Jouy.


  1. Oh, I love the red ones even more! :)

  2. The blue ones are so pretty but I LOVE the red ones! Toile is so very charming.


  3. No toile around this parts, but maybe I could find some material fabric in toile..have to look for it. I love the blue & white and the red & white a bit more, but really, both. Have a great week dearest Mariette and thank you for your sweet b'day wishes.

  4. They are so nice. Glad you've had lots of sales. x

  5. Love the red one more... should have my lavender cut and dry. Got loads this year back at in-law's front garden. So please you had them sold. Are you still making more? I can help! ;-)

  6. Deaerst Mariette,
    those Lavendel Sachets are so nice! The fabrics are georgeous! Now wonder, you sold them all :O)))
    Have a wonderful new week,
    love and hugs,

  7. Lieve Mariette,
    Wat een mooie hartjes en dat stofje is ook zo prachtig.
    Heb je die ook zelf genaaid?
    Nog een fijne dag.
    Lieve groetjes Carine

  8. Dearest Mariette,
    Happy to hear about the business going well♪  
    As some of your other friends said, I think I prefer the red one. I needed to check "Toile de Jouy", haha. Very pretty♡♡♡
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  9. Liebe Mariette,

    ein lieber Grüß


  10. Zoooo...jij was ijverig!! Ze zijn leuk geworden.

    Het blijft moeilijk voor mij, om op je blog te komen!!

    Fijne week.

    Liefs Thea ♥

  11. They are lovely all of them. Have a great start of the new week.


  12. Zo leuk allemaal...fijne week...liefs

  13. Liebe Mariette,

    egal ob sie nun blau sind oder rot - sie sehen einfach hübsch aus! :o))

    Herzlichst Traude
    (die sich nun in ihre Blogpause verabschiedet! :o))

    PS: Habe ich dich schon gefragt, ob du Lust hast, an meinem Giveaway teilzunehmen?

  14. Mariette Hello, congratulations for all these beautiful creations have been sold! The toile pattern is beautiful! I love to combine it with different patterns and is definitely romantic! Hugs, Rose m

  15. Questi cuori sono bellissimi!adorabili in rosso altrettando in azzurro!Baci e buona settimana!Baci,Rosetta

  16. These are also beautiful, I'm sure they will be gone in no time:)
    Hugs, Jagoda

  17. Those are so beautiful Mariette! I can see why the blue ones sold so quickly and I'm sure the red ones will be gone soon also:) Hope you're doing well my friend!

  18. Hoi lieve Mariette,

    Je mooie hartjes gaan als zoete broodjes over de toonbank,en dat is niet zo verwonderlijk want ze zijn ook heel erg leuk.

    Ik heb kleine stoffen hartjes en vlindertjes van blauw-wit ruitje aan enkele knoppen van stolpen hangen en dat vind ik voldoende.
    Ze kunnen ook zomaar weer in de kast verdwijnen als ik het beu ben.

    Fijne week en hartelijk dank voor de mail met link,ik kende haar al maar de links naar de thee nog niet.


  19. Yes I did notice your new header! I love blue angels but these red angels are so beautiful, too!!
    Thank you for your comment in my blog about kitty sleeper. If I remember correctly, I got it at Target. Oh, I set comment notification. Your instruction is so clear and easy to follow! Only, I left comment location as pop-up because I like this way. I will see how things go from now. Thank you so much for your kind comment and help! I wish you a wonderful new week!

  20. Hej Mariëtte
    Wat een leuke hartjes zijn het. De stofjes die je gebruikt hebt zijn ook zo mooi.
    Fijne dag, lieve groet

  21. I like your new header ~ very pretty!
    xo Catherine


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