
Monday, November 26, 2012

{Brain Boosting Foods}

Each month we do receive the Costco Connection magazine and it provides useful information on health and life style. The Costco Connection from June 2012, had a great article: Tuning up the brain | Healthy ways to protect your memory. 
Eat smart by adding olives, nuts, avocados and dark leafy greens to the diet. Spinach sautéed in olive oil may be the ultimate brain food. Serve it with fish and a glass of red wine... You can find the link to this Costco Connection edition below this post.
Under Eat smart, you find the above mentioned info...
Thought this is useful and interesting info to share.
Not your usual Black Friday or Cyber Monday sales but nevertheless...

Don't forget my Worldwide GIVEAWAY: top right on my blog | just click it and GOOD LUCK!

Related link:
The Costco Connection June 2012 article page | Tuning up the brain


  1. Thank you for this interesting and healthy information, Mariette! I do love spinach and am always looking for new ways to add it to our diet. I do believe in eating healthy to stay healthy! xx

  2. Dearest Mariette, I hope you are feeling much better and are getting up and about. This is a great post!! One can never be reminded about healthy eating, too much. I love spinach and Mr. G. often does saute it in olive oil and garlic - as a side dish... or after sauteing uses it as filler for omelettes.
    Wishing you a wonderful week- as Thanksgiving entertaining wraps up until next year... and the Christmas preparation begins. Hugs to you both! xo C. (HHL)

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    I appreciate this post very much, especially since I've been more conscious and strict at following a healthy lifestyle and diet in the last two months. I've lost weight, I work out daily, and I've even participated in two 5K runs. I feel so great, more flexible, more energetic and especially, happier. Better health, better mood, right?

    Hope you and Pieter had a great Thanksgiving.


  4. Dearest Mariette,
    I'am happy with very useful information on healthy and life style.
    I need very much with me for my time.
    Thank you for help me Mariette san!
    Hugs and Pieter to both always!

  5. Liebe Mariette,


    Herzliche Grüße


  6. Hi Mariette, Thank you so much for visiting my blog. Paris is such an inspiring place, and everyone should go there one day! I really enjoyed this post about brain boosting foods - these will definitely come in handy at work, I like the part in the article about trying to eat a rainbow every day! I will try to remember that. Have a great new week!

  7. Dearest Mariette,
    such informations are always good and helpful!
    Thank you!
    Have a lovely week,
    Love and hugs,

  8. Grazie Mariette per le informazioni!Baci e buona settimana!Rosetta

  9. Such great info my friend. I eat almost totally organic these days. MOre $ but I feel better taking care of my body! xoR PS: Just thought you’d like to know the restaurant servicing the homeless man was Denny’s! xo~Rebecca

  10. Dearest Mariette,

    and I went to the Netherlands, it is true in almost 20 years.
    Terribly pleased, very beautiful Amsterdam!
    The kitten is fine, a few days ago at the top of the boiler goes :)

    have a nice evening,

  11. Very useful information, Mariette. Fortunately, I love most of those brain-boosting foods! <3

  12. Liebe Mariette,
    das ist ja interessant. Bei dir lernt man immer was Neues. Die vorgeschlagenen Nahrungsmittel esse ich sogar sehr gerne. Danke für diese hilfreichen Tipps.
    Ich hoffe, dir geht es wieder besser?
    Schöne Grüße,

  13. This is such a useful blog entry specially because I am really worried about my memory. I read blogs and want to leave comments but then I quickly click on the next blog.
    Hope you had a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  14. Dear Mariette,

    Many thanks for sharing this and I am so glad that I enjoy eating nuts, avocados, spinach and olive oil. We do need to keep our mind active. I really need all the help, with learning my French.

    Wishing you a happy week

  15. Dear Mariette,
    This is a great post and so important to know. I enjoy all these foods and I can say, it does make a difference in our health.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  16. Thank you for sharing the article, it's a great information! I keep forgetting things...sure need to tune up my brain!!
    Glad to see your back is good now! Back pain is really hard to deal with so I'm very happy you are feeling better :-) Have a wonderful new week!!

  17. Dearest Mariette,

    Very important article. I have to worry about my memory indeed;), I think i need to turn up my brain too. sometime little bit stuck.

    wishing you a great day

  18. Love spinach... don't mind everyday! Grow in the garden before... thanks for sharing Mariette! A good weekend to you and hubby! Mei


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