
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

{God's Little People | Meaningful Christmas Cards}

Another Blogger I Admire is certainly dear friend Joan from Greece. She writes the blog: God's Little People. Being both animal lovers, and very much loving and caring for felines, I love to share Joans initiative for Meaningful Christmas Cards. Please do visit her blog and follow her amazing rescue stories. She is having a fund raiser in order to support her 30 something rescued felines. The veterinary costs are of course quite a big part. Look at her incredible photos she's taken from those lucky felines that got a new LIFE through her love and care.
This is how she mails them out; gift wrapped for Christmas with a sprig of lavender from the felines' favorite garden. A felted star...
See those 'CAT PAWS'... like they understand it is about them!
Don't let them down and buy a lovely card from her with a recycled paper envelope (the one you see at the bottom...).
I've already ordered mine and we look forward to receiving them.
You find the link to her post below and also a previous post about a fabulous purse she made me!
Joan is a very talented lady and she's doing all she can for so many needy felines.

Thanks for your attention and let's share the LOVE.
By the way; my back is perfect again  and I had such a good rapport from my specialist today.
Happy and our bathroom remodeling is coming along fine.
Soon I can tackle all the dust!

Don't forget my last day for the worldwide GIVEAWAY!
Top right of my blog; click it and good luck.

Meaningful Christmas Cards God's Little People blog by Joan

{Parcel from Greece with Regal Gift} previous post by me about Joan

GOD'S LITTLE PEOPLE | previous post by friend Anna about Joan's generosity towards rescuing kittens


  1. What a wonderful idea! Thank you for sharing with us, dear Mariette. I am so glad you are feeling better and already immersed in projects, at home - and no doubt - at work too! Hugs to you. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  2. visited her site and is a great attempt towards kindness and humanness...

  3. Deaerst Mariette,
    thank you for telling us about this wonderful blog!
    And how wonderful she mailes her cards out.... with so much Love...
    Have a wonderful week,
    Love and hugs,

  4. Wat leuk zo deze kaarten !!...fijne dag !!..liefs

  5. Dearest Mariette
    I am so glad that you are feeling well !Take care your self and don't tire ..
    You find a beautiful post and enjoy your lovely gift !
    Have a nice week !

  6. Liebe Mariette,

    herzliche Grüße der Dankbarkeit


  7. Joan is such a wonderful person. I enjoy here blog so much. I hope you are having a beautiful week Mariette!
    xo Catherine

  8. Liebe Mariette,
    Joan ist wirklich ein Engel auf Erden für diese Katzen. Ich liebe ihren Blog mit all den kleinen Vierbeinern. Und ihre Fotos sind so bezaubernd.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  9. It sounds like a very kind woman. I'll visit her blog and so nice that you are good in the back.


  10. Dearest Mariette,

    Very unique and vintage card with the lavender, cool idea.
    I'll visit her blog too.I believe she is a wonderful person.

    have a nice day

  11. Dear Mariette, Thankyou for sharing this wonderful blog. What a kind and caring person to rescue these poor orphans. You are very thoughtful to pass this along. Glad you are feeling better. I love your blog header. Hugs, xx

  12. Dearest Mariette, Thank you for sharing this worthy cause. These babies are God's creatures.
    Blessings, Ginger

  13. The cards are lovely and are wrapped so beautifully! I love reading about all the kitties she cares for. Best wishes, Tammy

  14. Dearest Mariette
    Such people are everyday heroes. So appealing image with cat paws next to the envelopes.
    So glad you are well again so you can clean the house. ;)
    Hugs to you

  15. Sailing by to say "Hi" - I am thinking of you!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
