
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

{My White Schwinn Bike}

For Mother's Day, Pieter did buy me this nice white 7 speed Schwinn Bike. It works so much better than our heavy old 3 speed Dutch bikes. Georgia is hilly and those hills kill you when going uphill... In The Netherlands it is real easy as the country is as flat as a pancake, except for a little part in the very deep south.
November 4, nice and sunny, like today.
Next to our magnolia tree on the driveway.

Perfect weather for a spin on the bike...
Come up partner...
Let's roll!
Pieter often goes by bike to the store; his way of exercising.
Together we bike in our Holly Hills area...


  1. It looks like a perfect day to enjoy a ride on your pretty bike. Hope you had fun dearest Mariette!
    xo Catherine

  2. Hi Mariette,

    How lovely that Pieter bought you a new bike for Mothers Day.
    It is a beauty and will be great for getting your exercise.

    Enjoy the week

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    whow lovely from your Husband to get you this great bike!
    hope you had a nice bicycle tour together :O)
    Have a wonderful week and time for more nice tours!
    Love and hugs,

  4. That's a cool bike! I have a purple one, but I haven't ridden it forever.

  5. You two look darling, Mariette. I love Dutch bikes! My American bike may be more modern and efficient, but it does not look half as good as the bikes I saw in Amsterdam last time I visited your country :-) Enjoy your rides while the nice weather lasts! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  6. Liebe Mariette,

    sind das Naturlocken bei dir?

    Sonnige Grüße


    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, das sind alle Naturlocken bei mir. Nur waschen und meistens Luft getrocknet und bürsten.
      Lieber sonniger Gruss zurück,

  7. Zo sportiefffeen echte Hollander he???...hihhhihihi...bedankt voor de thee er vanavond eens naar kijken.....fijne dag liefs

  8. ♪♪♪ Als ik tweemaal met m'n fietsbel bel...

    ....nou dan weet je het wel, nou dan weet je het wel...♪♪♪

    Lekker sportief en zeker goed voor de conditie,maar daar ontbrak het bij jullie al niet aan.
    En nu het bij jullie niet meer zo heel erg warm is is een tochtje op zo'n sportieve fiets een gezellig tijdverdrijf.

    Fijne dag en lieve groeten!!

  9. La bicicletta bianca è proprio bella!Mi piace il tuo modo di vivere insieme a Peter!Sempre qualcosa da fare!Siete una coppia fantastica!Baci e buona giornata!Rosetta.Lo sai che i ho il foulard uguale al tuo che porti in queste foto,pure dello stesso colore,ahaah!Bacioni,Rosetta

    1. Cara Rosetta,
      Divertente coincidenza circa la sciarpa! Il mio era un regalo da una cara amica dalla Colombia. Era solo il colore perfetto per il mio maglione e mi piacela molto.

  10. Dearest Mariette,
    You has bikes with Pieter! both having a wonderful time and still younger age Mariette.
    Hags and love to you always!

  11. Hello Mariette, , both look relaxed to enjoy this ride together! saludos! Rose M

  12. Hej Mariëtte, fijn zo'n goede fiets. Hier zie je veel elektrische fietsen, ook al is Nederland plat. Trouwens op de Veluwe zijn ook behoorlijke hoogtes, wat dacht je van de Posbank ;) Veel plezier met je nieuwe fiets. Lieve groet,

  13. What a great present......and even better that you bike together!
    Enjoy the ride...........S

  14. Chic chic, so ganz in Weiss!
    Was ist ein Schwinn-Bike? Ist das der Hersteller?
    Ich hab' auch nur eine 3-Gang-Schaltung und mein Rad ist inzwischen schon relativ alt und in lilac. Teilweise mit Alu, damit es nicht so schnell rostet, da es häufig draußen steht. ;-) Schaut trotzdem schon shabby aus. ;-)
    Hügelig ist's bei uns auch, obwohl man uns flaches Land nachsagt. ;-) Je nach Kondition steige ich schon mal ab, aber meist geht es. Bin aber jetzt mehr zu Fuß unterwegs als per Fahrrad, da es mir um diese Zeit auf dem Rad zu kalt ist. Ein Hollandrad hatte ich früher auch mal, das war auch recht schwergängig. Meine Kinder, wie überhaupt die jungen Leute, haben meist 10 oder 15-Gang-Räder ;-) und wollten mich auch immer dazu überreden. Aber mir reicht mein altes Rad. So sehr weite Radtouren mache ich ohnehin nicht mehr aus Zeitmangel dafür.

    Liebe Grüße aus dem sonnigen Germany

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ja, Schwinn ist der Hersteller und ein sehr grosser hier in der USA. Die Preise sind viel niedriger als unser Rad aus den Niederlanden. Ja Alu verwendet man damit es nicht zu schwer wird. Rosten tun unsere alten aus den Niederlanden ja auch nicht da die sehr gute Qualität Chrom sind.
      Lieber Gruss,

  15. Lovely walk with your bikes !
    We have too bikes but the weather is cold ...

  16. è proprio un bellissimo regalo!!!!!!! complimenti a te e Peter Lory

  17. Oh that's a nice bike! I noticed Georgia is very hilly. Places in Florida and Japan where I lived before was pretty much flat so it was easier to ride the bike. 7 speed must be very helpful. Enjoy your ride :-)

  18. Wat leuk Mariette! Toen ik de post las, dacht ik aan zo´n oude Schwinn fiets, maar ik wist niet dat ze ook nu nog fietsen produceren.
    Veel fietsplezier!

  19. You both look great!! Cycling is a wonderful way to stay fit and get around. Mr.G. is the cyclist in our family and he raves about his rides around the countryside in the summer. Hugs to you both .. xo C. (HHL)
    P.S. Thank you for the links regarding the bed linens.xo

  20. Hi Mariette, What a wonderful gift. I love your bike and you are ready for so much fun.Great pics!! I have one of the original Schwinn bikes called the Traveler. My father gave it to me in the 5th grade. Oh I thought I was so blessed. And, I was, That bike is retired now, still in perfect condition and hangs on display in my son's garage. I will never part with it.Thank you for taking me down memory lane. Enjoy your bike to the fullest.
    Hugs, CM

  21. Oh, I love your white Schwinn bike! You look so darling standing next to it and Peiter so handsome. I see how you stay fit, riding your bikes is a great way to stay in shape. Too many steep hills for us here for bicycles, but we do walk. Enjoy your ride! Hugs xx

  22. Dearest Mariette,
    What a wonderful gift from your husband♡♡♡ It sure is a great exercise, isn't it(^_^)彡☆ Lovely pictures of you two; please enjoy the biking♬♬♬

  23. Dearest Mariette,

    Very nice gift white color.very great exercise indeed specially for the heart.have a nice biking together with Pieter.

    have a great weekend


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