
Thursday, November 15, 2012

{TIP: How to make your blog's hyperlinks open in a new window}

As I am making my rounds to other bloggers, I frequently come across several posts with hyperlinks. When clicking on them, I leave the actual blog post and have to use the ← Back button in my browser, for getting back again. That could mean too much trouble and a visitor does not return.  So how to avoid loosing your visitors? Let me show you how in Blogger, you easily can create how to open a link in a new window...
Building in a hyperlink, you do by highlighting the word, and than clicking on 'Link' = marked in yellow.
See the yellow marking 'Open this link in a new window'? That is where and how you need to mark!
Than click OK
You also can change any existing link by clicking 'Change' = yellow marked.
Than again you proceed by marking 'Open this link in a new window' and click OK.
The top one is a regular link
The bottom one is a link that opens in a new window
Below I show you the difference in HTML
If checked in HTML, the difference between the Normal Link and the Link that opens in New Window is: target="_blank"

Hope this was helpful!


  1. Wow, dearest Marietta, that's a very helpful tip. You're so good at all this computer stuff. Thank you for sharing.


  2. Dearest Doris,
    You are quite welcome; I love to share things that work for me.
    Hugs to you,

  3. My brain still not fully awake... i need another day for a good read, thank you for your comments on fb. It's fun!;-) Have a great day Mariette! Mei

  4. I'll re-read this again when I get up. Too late now for me to absorb anything! Thanks for sharing sweet lady. We all need HELP!


  5. Thanks for this great tip! Hugs, Maureen x

  6. Very helpful tip Mariette Dear,

    Thanks so much for sharing


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