
Saturday, December 29, 2012

{2012 WINTER SALE: Humility - Tolerance - Patience - Integrity - Compassion}

Already last year I posted about After Christmas Sales: Humility - Tolerance - Patience - Integrity - Compassion. Again for this year the very same items are available in large quantities. For those that like to read the story about how I got to this post; below you find a link. During a stay for one of our North American Mushroom Conferences, we also went to a Moorish, Byzantine style Church with Venetian Gothic influence. That was in New Orleans, Louisiana... It was there where this short homily originated from:
I am flat broke from overspending at Christmas. But I need to go shopping again soon because I am completely out of self-respect. I've said a few things I wish I could take back, and I am not feeling very good about myself.

I also want to exchange a carton of self-righteousness for an equal amount of humility. I hear it is less expensive and it wears better. And while I'm at it, I'm going to check on tolerance and see if there is any available in my size.

I must remember to try to match my patience with the little I have left. My neighbor is loaded with it, and it looks awfully good on her. I was told the same department has a repair shop for mending integrity. Mine has become frayed around the edges from too many short-cuts and too much compromising. If I don't get it refurbished soon, there won't be any left.
I almost forgot the most important thing of all -- compassion. If I see some, no matter what the color, size or shape, I'm going to stock up heavily, regardless of the price. I have run out of it so many times and I always feel ashamed when it happens.
I don't know why it has taken me so long to get around to shopping for these items. They don't cost nearly as much as some of the frivolous things I've bought on impulse and I'm sure to get a lot more satisfaction from them.
Yes, I am going shopping today and I can leave my credit cards and checkbook at home. The things I am looking for have no price tags.
Related link:


  1. very nice, mariette. i could use patience. :)

  2. Please dearest Mariette, don't sell yourself short. Yes, we can all benefit from more patience, compassion, tolerance, humility, and integrity, but I have never found anything but these traits on your blog. You are one of the places I visit for serenity and joy. Thank-you for all your wonderful words and thoughts.

  3. Oh honey...I think of what I persive in your generous comments to me and your lovely posts, which I hate to miss; so much kindness and sweetness and why not, love and yes, why sell yourself short?? Please revise what you are feeling..I will do the same for the new year, after this great post, just in time for 2013..we can all benefit from each sentiment you just named and you are so thoughtful to do so...only GOOD people can come up with something so heartfelt. Have a happy new year.

  4. Dear Mariette,
    There is so very much to learn from your sweet spirit.
    Thanks for stopping by to visit...I had taken an 11 month rest from blogging. You can easily lose yourself when you are not a successful blogger.

  5. Wonderful sentiment for any time of year Mariette...but most especially for this time of year! We can all use a bit everything mentioned here:)

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    just wonderful, this post!
    I will come and do this shopping with you :O)
    Love and hugs

  7. These are all things we can never have enough of! Thank you for reminding us of these wonderful virtues which cost nothing yet will be repaid many times over in kind. I do believe you have all of these in abundance and that is why we love you so much! xx

  8. Dearest Mariette,
    Beautiful post, important.
    Thanks for reminding...I think I need self-reflection ;)
    love to you


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