
Thursday, December 13, 2012

{My Grandma's Rose in December}

It is already rare for having perfect roses in December, but this one is even more of a miracle rose. Having these special roses, grown from clippings that my Dad took from Grandma's garden after pruning her roses for the last time before she died, is like a miracle. Once more I asked my Dad to give me some clippings, so I could grow them in our garden as well. You can read about this incredible story in the post below: {3 Most Prized Roses; from my Paternal Grandmother}. Let me show how we harvested a last one on December 8...
This is the Queen Elizabeth Rose, a Floribunda.
We called it 'Oma Rose' for many years until Bea from Modern Country Lady found the true name. Read below the post: {Mistery Oma Rose Resolved!}.
This lovely pink rose business card case is hand painted by Ms. Rebecca from A Gathering Place. 
Link is below my post.
Hand crocheted table runner is done by a 78 year old Dutch lady and gifted to me by dear friend Ellie, from my hometown Horst in The Netherlands
Ellie and her husband arrived here in the USA, on the day my husband had his heart attack.
Previous blog post: {ROSE STEPPING STONES} was about that dreadful day... see below.
Hope you enjoyed my December 8, rose as well as Rebecca's painted rose and Mia's hand crocheted roses. 
As for me; I do love them ALL...
Do you have any rose or plant in memory of a loved one?

Related links:
{3 Most Prized Roses; from my Paternal Grandmother} my previous post
{ROSE STEPPING STONES} my previous post
{Sad that ONLY on June 10 we had some 'Oma Roses'...} my previous post
{Mistery Oma Rose Resolved!} my previous post
~HAND PAINTED PINK ROSE GIFT CARD CASES~ Cottage Chic Makeover blogpost from Rebecca who did the lovely rose business card case...


  1. the rose is absolutely perfect. what a precious gift...

  2. Oh girly...I love roses so much. Always will. I gave my honey red roses on his graduation but I really wanted to give him PINK ONES! :)

    I've vowed to plant Floribunda Roses this year. I'm already excited about it.

    You bless me.

    Love, Rebecca

    1. Dearest Rebecca,
      You almost have to, since you paint them so beautifully...
      Hugs to you,

  3. Dear Mariette,
    I LOVE those roses too. So beautiful!

  4. Wow that really is a miracle!! And what a beautiful rose! It is so special and precious.... :-)

  5. Dear Mariette, what a precious living keepsake of your Dear Grandmother's rose! I am sure she is sending that beautiful rose to you as a gift from Heaven! I have a white rose I planted in my Dear Mother's Commemorative Garden. On the day my Father died, it bloomed for the very first time and only time this year. I am sure it was a message from my Dear Mother that now her and my Father were reunited once again. Hugs, xx

    1. Dearest Karen,
      What a touching story about your special white rose in honor of your Dear Mother. I do believe in this kind of messages from heaven!

  6. Dearst Mariette,
    what a BEAUTY, this Rose from your dear Gradnmother! I also like the crochet tablerunner!
    Have a wonderful rest of the week,
    Love and hugs

  7. Liebe Mariette,
    über diese Rose und ihre tolle Geschichte habe ich schon im früheren Post gestaunt. Die ist wirklich bildschön und offenbar auch eine sehr dankbare Pflanze. Wie schön, dass sie dich noch mit späten Blüten erfreut. Ich muss unbedingt auch Rosen pflanzen, die mehrfach blühen. Die Freude ist einfach zu kurz sonst. Danke für deinen lieben Kommentar zum Versandservice. Ich versende natürlich auch außerhalb Deutschlands, allerdings geht das nicht mit der automatischen Bestellung aus dem Ausland. Aber verschiedentlich haben schön Leute aus Österreich und Frankreich bei mir per E-Mail bestellt und per EU-Überweisung oder Paypal bezahlt.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  8. Lieve Mariette,

    Bijzondere en tastbare herinneringen,van mooi tot zorgelijk van roos tot tafelloper.


  9. Dearest Mariette,
    The true name read below the post Mister O ma Rose resolvd.
    Ms Rebecca from A Gathering place The lovely rose business card hand painted by about rose As your doing all of the country.
    Dear Grandmother has a beautiful Rose!

    I have too much thing about your beautiful story!
    Best of you and lots of your life time!

  10. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh, what a precious lovely pink color rose which your grandmother must have shared for you♡♡♡ I feel like I found the reason why you love roses. I remember my late mother loved them but hesitating to buy because of the price. We didn't have the place to grow them(^^;)
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  11. Mariette, como siempre en tu blog sólo se ven cosas bonitas y delicadas. ¡Que disfrutes de todo y por mucho tiempo!!!!!!!! Besos.

  12. Dearest Mariette,

    So beautiful this rose. Coral color such a perfect match with the card business case.
    i love the table runner too, look vintage!
    Thanks to you for being entered in my give away.
    have a nice day

  13. That's an absolutely perfect rose Mariette, and what a wonderful story behind it! I'm sure its scent is as lovely as I imagine it to be, I could almost smell roses just looking at your photo's!

  14. Dear Mariette,

    So lovely that you have the gorgeous rose and precious keepsake from your dear Grandmothers garden. It is the most beautiful colour and perfect. Also love the pretty business card holder and table runner.

    Happy weekend


Thanks for your visit and comment.
