
Friday, January 4, 2013

{Happy 92th Birthday Papa!}

Happy 92th Birthday Papa and many more years in great health! Even though we cannot see each other when we call on our iPhone, it is still good to hear your and Mom's voices. We were in The Netherlands last in September of 2011, so that is quite a while ago. We don't even know how you look right now... My six other brothers and sisters in The Netherlands don't manage to send us some recent photos. Guess this is typical for the era of communication. It would be super if Mom for once could talk with us via Video call, while she is laying in her bed during the kidney dialysis at the hospital. But none of my relatives on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean ever came up with such an idea of using an iPad, laptop or tablet. So it is only in our hearts, in our prayers and via our voice calls on the iPhone that we are together. 
But very INTENSE. 
Papa in his beloved garden, in the heath, with granddog Siep from brother Martin Van den Munckhof who shot this photo several years ago.
Dad wearing his cap that we gifted him from the then Heart of Georgia Technical College (HGTC).
Martin does check on Mom & Dad daily and often takes his doggie girl Siep with him. 
Mom & Dad almost four years ago, during the afternoon cruise on the river Meuse in The Netherlands with the entire family. That was a great time for their 60th wedding anniversary.
When Dad turned 90, they again did celebrate all together in a restaurant but husband Pieter was still having his Cardio Rehab, three times weekly after his open heart surgery.
We could not join them in The Netherlands...
Mom & Dad did stay last with us here in the USA for 6 weeks when we gifted them the tickets for visiting us in October of 2005. For Mom's knee, she just received a knee replacement, we bought us an Infiniti FX35 so she could get in and out of the car easily. That was the last hospitality we could provide them. Dad came to the USA a total of 6 times and Mom 4 times. We have visited them 63 times in all, from the USA, Italy or from Indonesia.

Related links:
{Papa is 90 today!} previous post by me
{Papa is 91 today!} previous post by me
{My Daddy - Papa} previous post by me


  1. Gefeliciteerd met je vaders verjaardag!!

    90 jaar dat is niet niks!!
    Is dat al weer 1 jaar geleden?
    De tijd vliegt.

    Fijn weekend alvast.

    Liefs Thea ♥

    1. Lieve Thea,
      Al weer twéé jaar geleden ja... Ongelooflijk zo snel als de tijd gaat. Beangstigend...
      Ook een heel fijn weekend voor jullie.

  2. Dearest Mariette
    Happy birthday to your dad!
    An age to be proud of and he looks much younger.
    Lucky that it is technically possible to "talk" often, although you live very far from each other.
    Hugs to you

    1. Dearest Kajsa,
      Indeed it is great to 'talk' often with my parents. But seeing them would be so wonderful and also for them to be able to see us... Siblings, nieces and nephews do have the gadgets for making that possible but they are all busy with themselves.
      Hugs to you and stay warm.

  3. Happy, happy birthday to your dear Papa, Mariette. I understand exactly how you are feeling, and how powerless one feels, so far away from home. You and I have taken many, many trips back home over the years, and will continue to do so as long as necessary. I wish you, and daddy, and your ailing mom a happy new year, across the miles. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

    1. Dearest Véronique,
      Thanks for your comment, it means a lot to me...
      Also to you and yours a Happy New Year!

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    Wow, Happy Birthday to your dear father for his 92 years old. We can easily guess how you feel far away from your parents and birth country. I really am happy for you that they both doing fine, my friend♬♬♬ Yes, I remember he is the one who influenced you for gardening♡♡♡ Such sweet picture of him. I'm heading to see my father who is going to be 88 years old this 31st. I remember his grief when we lost my mother year 2,000. I constantly invited him to our house but it wasn't enough for him and slowly his mental and health condition got deteriorated. Happy for both of your parents and long healthy days☆☆☆
    Love you always from Japan to my American friend, xoxo Miyako*

  5. Dearest Miyako san,
    It is very sad to see one parent suffer like your Dad, after the loss of your Mom. If Mind, Body and Spirit are not in balance, health does deteriorate. Hope he will stay stable for a long time as it is so hard on you for having to watch him. Thanks for the well wishes and yes, my Dad is exceptionally well and so is my Mom, even with kidneys that function less than 10%. Every day we have them is a blessing from heaven.
    Hugs to you, sweet Japanese friend,

  6. Dear Mariette, Happy Birthday to your Dear Father! He has lived a nice long life! It is difficult to be separated from loved ones and when they are elderly and unable to travel, it makes it very hard on loved ones. My Dear Husband's family is 3000 miles away from us and we cannot see them as often as we like and only one uses the computer! His Dear Mother is 84 and unable to travel, so we have to do the visiting. We rely on phone calls and occasional letters with photos in between, but it is not the same. But what can you do? You keep them close in your hearts no matter how far the distance and hope they know how much you love and miss them. A big hug for you. xx

    1. Dearest Karen,
      It is sad for having loved ones that far away, like you write 3000 miles. For us it would mean an expensive journey of some 5,000 miles. As you said, you keep them close in your hearts!
      Hugs to you dear friend,

  7. Dearest Mariette,
    what a lovely post for your dear Dad's Birthday!

    Happy Birthday from us as well, with all the best wishes!

    I know, it is sad, to know your parents so far away! but in your hearts, you are close to each other!

    Sending you Love and hugs,

  8. I think your Papa must be so incredibly proud and honored to call you daughter...

    I feel the love for your beloved daddy through your precious words. I'm honored to call you friend.

    I love you, too!


  9. Gefeliciteerd voor je vader, Mariette! Wat n leeftijd zeg, geweldig!
    Lieve groeten,

  10. Hello honey! happy new year!
    I like your blog, maybe follow each other? Just let me know!

  11. Liebe Mariette,


    Alles Liebe


  12. Dearest Mariette
    Birthday wishes to your dear Papa - he looks wonderful for his age. Your mother looks a picture of health as well - great genes you've inherited!!!
    It is so very hard when we are separated from our families - but it is the way of the world today.

    Happy New Year to you my dear friend and may you have a year of fulfillment in everything you do - and may all your wishes and dreams come true!!

    Bonne Anee
    hugs and love
    Shane xoxo

    1. Dearest Shane,
      You certainly know a thing about being far away from loved ones with your daughter and family in France... Thanks and Bonne Anée 2013 to you as well.

  13. Happy Birthday "nonno" ! They are very beautiful couple ♥

  14. Liebe Mariette,
    ich möchte deinem lieben Vater auch ganz herzlich gratulieren und ihm von Herzen viele schöne gesunde Jahre wünschen -

    es ist so schön zu hören, dass ihr den Kontakt zu den Eltern so aufrecht erhalten und sie immer wieder besucht habt -

    ich finde es fantastisch, wenn dein Vater noch Freude an Gartenarbeit hat -

    viele liebe Grüße und ein gesundes neues Jahr -


  15. Dearest Mariette,

    Happy Birthday to your loved Father.Best wishes for him andyour family.
    Beautiful garden, I love those purple flower ;)
    Gorgeous couple.
    Hardly living so far for loved family ;(
    I miss home
    Love to you Mariette
    compliment for the header photo, you look gorgeous as always

  16. Van harte gefeliciteerd met je vader.
    Ik hoop dat je ze snel weer kunt bezoeken.
    Lieve groet,

  17. Gefeliciteerd meis..lijkt me moeilijk dat je er niet bij bent vandaag....liefs van

  18. Dear Mariette,Happy Birthday to your loved Father!What a beautiful couple they are!I have'nt seen my dad for 26 years!He lives in Brisbane but we talk every day on the phone!Wishing you a lovely weekend!

  19. Complimenti al tuo papà, Mariette,
    92 anni sono un'età ragguardevole.
    E che belle le foto, si vede tanta felicità!!
    Auguri a tutti voi per un nuovo anno di serenità
    Love Susy x

  20. Hello Mariette, Congratulations to your father on his birthday, and glad to hear that he's doing well.

    That was a very nice gesture to get an Infiniti for the sake of your mother's comfort. I once drove a Mazda RX-7 sports-car, and at that time often gave rides to my grandmother. It was not so easy to enter and exit, but I think she liked the idea of riding in it just the same! I later had an Infiniti myself, which definitely was very comfortable and easier for my grandmother.
    --Road to Parnassus

  21. Liebe Mariette,
    das ist ein wundervoll berührendes Posting! Auch ich wünsche deinem Vater alles Gute zum Geburtstag und deinen Eltern noch viele gemeinsame Jahre!
    ╔═════════ ೋღღೋ ══════╗
    ೋ ~~~~ PROSIT 2013 ~~ ~~ ೋ
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    und alles Liebe von der rostrosigen Traude

  22. Happy birthday to your Papa! What a handsome fella he is. Love that first photo in the field with the sweet pup. Having a long, healthy life is such a blessing. We had a busy day here. Best wishes to you for a wonderful weekend, Tammy


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