
Saturday, January 5, 2013

{189 Countries Visited - Welcome Saint Pierre and Miquelon}

Thank you ever so much for the sweet comments yesterday, on my dear Daddy's 92nd Birthday. We did talk via Skype on the iPhone and Dad was in high spirits. Brother Martin and his wife Bets had picked up Dad's sister, living 30 km away, and on the way home they also picked up Dad's brother who lives 12 km away. Several other brothers did visit and luckily Mom was home too, as she had early dialysis for that day. Lots of laughter Dad told me and that is good if they have fun sharing old stories. Of course my siblings did visit, they live all in my hometown, except one brother who's about two hours away. He would come in later as he first had a business meeting. It's only the two of us that live in another continent.
Okay, here I welcome my 189th Visiting Country | Saint Pierre and Miquelon...
They sure do have a pretty flag!
So where is this country located?
SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON is located in Northern North America, islands in the North Atlantic Ocean, south of Newfoundland (Canada).
Frankly speaking; I had no clue... Did any of you know this country?
You can click on the above hyperlink for more info.

Related links:


  1. wish good health and happiness for you and your dad...!

  2. Dear Mariette, how nice that you got to 'visit' with your Dad on his birthday yesterday! Your family must miss you terribly, being the only one not present, much like my Dear Husband who is the only one of his family on the West Coast.

    So many countries for a visit! I have heard of this place, and in fact one of our mutual blogger friends, Stacy Lyn wrote her book about the history of some of her ancestor's who were exiled from there in the 1700's - The Acadians. I have the book on my side bar.

    You do look very lovely in your blog banner photo! Very pretty loooong legs! Did you ever model? Hugs, Karen xx

    1. Dear Karen,
      That is interesting about Stacy Lyn, just found out about several Basques and Bretons that had migrated there. One of our favorite people we worked with as consultants, was a Basque.
      Hah, yes I wanted to model, I still have that letter from the German Burda magazine where they recommended to me several schools for modeling. BUT my Dad did not agree... and that was the end of my dream. It is very hard for me to find fitting pants, long enough for my legs. But the German brand Escada fits perfect and is always 32" inseam or longer.
      Hugs to you,

  3. Dear Mariette,i don't know about this country!But it is interesting to look on google about it!Have a lovely weekend!

  4. Dear Mariette,

    Happy new year to you too and thank you for the time to comment. You must be a new reader who hasn't seen many of my posts. I'm not a rookie at blogging and I always try very hard to link back to the source of all my images. Take a deeper look and you'll see that your comment was way to soon to judge and criticize. Your comment about linking specifically to the photographer and styling is difficult because images are usually re-posted one too many times, by the time they get to a blogger's hands there is usually no info as to who photographed them. Some bloggers even link back to their own Tumblr and Pinterest pages/account even when they first find the original images somewhere else.

    P.S. I don't think the word plagiarism applies here because I'm not clamming these images are mine.

    1. Dear Julie,
      To quote my comment here again:
      'Dear Julie,
      Happy New Year to you!
      Funny to read in your side line: JUST REMEMBER TO BE GRACIOUS AND LINK BACK but all your photos appear without a link.
      Just a mention that they are from Tumblr is not the same as linking back to their owners. Personally I don't really appreciate this kind of Plagiarism as it is HARD work to style and photograph things well.
      Wish we would see more courtesy for 2013.
      Hugs to you,

      The capitalized part is taken from your own blog's sideline. And yes, that is called plagiarism and it doesn't matter if it is you or someone before you. It suits a designer like you far better for using authentic material with your own signature instead of borrowed work from others.
      And yes, I have seen more of your posts and did check you out on other Social Media as well. Just wish you would become part of the Link With Love (see button on my sidelin)...

  5. Hi Marriette,
    Heel goed en gezond 2013 voor jou en je man!
    Groetjes en ook ik kende dit landje niet, weer wat geleerd!
    Maureen xx

  6. Liebe Mariette,
    das ist ja Wahnsinn - da sind es bei dir 100 mehr als bei mir -

    gratuliere dir -

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

  7. Dearest Mariette, I have never heard of this country but it does have a lovely flag. I know I shall be checking into that country.
    I am so happy that you still have your father with you. Don't you just love the new technology that allows you to have such a personal visit.
    Have a great weekend,
    Love to you, Ginger

  8. Dearest Mariette,
    compliment!, but I have no clue for this country what an interesting to know about this country.

    Happy to hear that you've talked with your Dearest Father.
    Have a nice week


Thanks for your visit and comment.
