
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

{My First Trip to the City of Romance | VENICE, ITALY}

On my Venice, Italy blog header, I got several comments so let me show you my very First Trip to the City of Romance | VENICE, ITALY. Indeed, that was quite some years ago, as a matter of fact this was thirty years ago, early September. It also was my very first International Consulting trip. As usual, we always managed to combine business with pleasure while indulging in the fabulous Italian culture. 
This is what I used for my header at present, a little bit cropped but the very same photo.
Looking at Piazza San Marco in Venice.
Now, travel with me by car from The Netherlands, via Germany, Austria into Northern Italy...
Snacking on an apple at the Brenner Pass, the border between Austria and Italy with a tunnel through the Alps. 
The weather in the Alps is always quite different from the coastal area in Italy on the Adriatic...
Destination JESOLO & VENEZIA or VENICE in English...
Dreaming alongside the River Piave...
I had no idea  that I once would WORK & LIVE there!
Our VW Golf with the sticker HORST from my hometown in The Netherlands - NL
Here I am, standing in bikini, on the balcony of our apartment in Jesolo, a beach resort near Venice on the Adiatric Sea...
By boat we went from Jesolo to VENICE, the Queen of the Adiatric! 
The Gondolas from Venice...
Do you see our Moby Dick Venezia coming?
Wow, admiring all the architecture around Piazza San Marco...
Taking it all in... Proudly wearing my Italian PE® Florence purse that I got at a wholesale store in The Netherlands, Bohamij B.V., with my pass on Mom & Dad's Market Garden business. 
I still do have that quality purse!
Like the pigeons, I would love to get high... for a broader view!
Behind me you see Palazza Ducales.
Enjoying a small ice cream...
We ate HUGE coupes with ice cream in Jesolo, that was during my years of ice cream addiction!
A one day visit is by far not enough for Venice...
You can shop till you drop!
Standing on one of Venice's 400 foot bridges...
So that was my First Trip to the City of Romance | VENICE, ITALY
Birthplace of explorer Marco Polo and composer Antonio Vivaldi...

Have you been to Venice?
Many visitors here...

From Venice we went to Pederobba where I did some consulting work for Funghi del Montello.
We also visited Asolo and Montegrappa, with 1775 m the highest peak of the Veneto Prealp region between the rivers Brenta and Piave.
In Possagno we visited the Mausuleum, a neoclassic imitation of the Pantheon in Rome by and for Antonio Canova the famous sculptor who did e.g. The Three Graces
Possagno was also the birthplace of Antonio Canova and he's buried there in his own Mausuleum, Il Tempio.
For a fabulous 360° view of Antonio Canova's Temple in Possagno you can click on the previous hyperlink. All four pink ones  are hyperlinks, as usual in my posts.
Hope you enjoyed going to Venice and Il Veneto with me!


  1. You look so pretty a model!! I love Italy and specially Venice. I love Italian food and I love the south of Italy, and I love, and I love...ok, I love it all!! Have a nice week.

  2. I don't know which is more beautiful, you or Venice, my Dear Mariette! A lovely tour and thank you for showing us the beautiful sights. xx

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    I will try to do better I that thinking my idea. The Netherlands via Germany,Austria into Northem Italy.
    Lovely to see you on an apple with snacking won derful to see you still looking young er lady...
    I love to be with you at Venice on the Adiatric sea.
    Hugs and love to you always!!

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    lovely pictures from Venice! You have shown your own sight from there, that's great!
    I never have been to Venice....
    Have a lovely day,
    Love and hugs

  5. I barely saw Venice on your photos, Mariette: I was too distracted by your amazing legs!!! Are you sure you were never hired as a James Bond girl, back in the day?! :-) Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  6. Nee Mariëtte, in Venetië was ik nog niet, daarom geniet ik nu van jouw reportage. Lekker veel foto's maakten jullie toen al. Fijne dag, lieve groet

  7. Come sei carina Mariette!Si vede tutta la tua gioia e la tua meraviglia!Venezia è un sogno!Io ci sono stata tre volte,da bambina ne sono rimasta affascinata!Chi è fuori dall'Italia conosce:Venezia,Firenze,Roma e la costiera amalfitana,sono bellissime ma in Italia ci sono altri posti altrettanto belli e ricchi di fascino!Baci,Rosetta

  8. Nee, Mariette in Venetië was ik nog nooit,en heb er ook mijn grote twijfels over of ik er nog zal komen,het is me te toeristisch op de dag van vandaag.
    Geef mij maar de rust van Toscane,destijds huurde onze dochter en schoonzoon een lieflijk oud huis met privé zwembad midden tussen de zonnebloemvelden,en wij als opa en oma werden door hun uitgenodigd om samen 2 weken vakantie te vieren omdat wij 3 dagen in de week in de ochtenduren op hun zoontje,ons kleinkindje pasten,wij wilden daar uiteraard geen vergoeding voor ontvangen,stel je voor om geld te vragen wanneer je babysit op je kleinkind,het waren heerlijke onvergetelijke weken waarin wij door de kinders lekker verwend werden.

    Wat lees ik nou Mariette.....ijsverslaving.....en dan nog zo'n figuurje houden...??
    Wanneer ik alleen naar ijs kijk word ik al dik.

    Leuk dat ik even door je foto album mocht bladeren uit een periode die ik ook ken van: met de auto naar de zon vakantie's.


  9. Dearest Mariette,

    Beautiful photos and city, I love the long dress,you look fabulous!.
    I am here ,haven't visit it yet. hope soon;)
    surely beautiful experiences.
    I love your purse very classic and elegant
    wishing you a beautiful day

  10. Liebe Mariette,

    das war ein eindrucksvolles Erlebnis.

    Herzliche Grüße


  11. Mariette carissima, Venezia sempre splendida ma tu,oggi,sei altrettanto bella ed hai lo stesso charme di trent'anni fa! believe me!
    un bacione

  12. Dear Mariette, it was so nice to see Venice again:) I hope to go there again soon...although I must confess that I don't like the crowd, it is difficult to see anything! Maybe 30 years ago it was more bearable...
    Hugs, Jagoda

  13. I've been to Venice once long long time ago...that is such a beautiful place! I enjoyed many places I didn't see back then in your photos. The view from your apartment is so great. And you look very pretty!!
    I'd love to go back there some day :-)

  14. Dearest Mariette,i ejoyed waching those beautiful pictures from your lovely trip to all those countries!!I have never been in Venice,i would like to,you look so preety!!Can i ask you if you are from the Netherlands?My daughter is going next month to live in Delft with her boyfriend!Thank you for visiting my blog and for your very sweet comment!
    Wishing you a lovely day!

  15. Great pictures! My boss' wife was just talking about Venice and Vivaldi today. They were to meet their children their for Christmas but had to cancel because of her radiation treatments. I've not been to Italy but hope to get there one day. Best wishes, Tammy

  16. Beautiful and handsome. Is it possbile that we stayed in the same hotel? :)

  17. Dearest Mariette,
    Venice is such a beautiful city and yes, one day is never enough. You looked so lovely and I can tell you were having a great time.
    Love to you, Ginger

  18. Da war ich leider auch noch nie, liebe Mariette. Auch in Italien nicht. Ich kam hierher, um die Geschichte, die ganz oben in Deinem Blog kurz beschrieben ist, hier zu finden. Warum es Euch dann wieder in die USA zurückzog und wie lange Ihr in Italien wart.
    Mit dem Auto stelle ich mir so weite Fahrten sehr anstrengend vor. Ich fahre zwar gern Auto, aber für solche Entfernungen würde ich die Bahn bevorzugen.

    Alles Liebe nochmals


Thanks for your visit and comment.
