
Friday, January 25, 2013

{Our Camellia Sinensis | Tea Plant}

At the moment our Camellia Sinensis | Tea Plant is blooming so pretty so I have to show you some pictures. When the sun is out in the morning those white flowers with their long orange colored stamens look so pretty. Camellias are evergreen shrubs so they have nice glossy green leaves all year. That's what we aimed for mainly when we designed our garden. Extending the 'green' season as much as we could. Making up for not living in the tropics anymore. Indeed, one gets spoiled easily and it is very hard to live through winter each year, even though our winters are very mild here in the southeast of the USA.
Lovely flower this Camellia Sinensis, or Tea  Plant!
Most of the black teas are being harvested from this very Tea Plant!
This is the entire shrub and it is on the fence with our neighbors. We can view it from our kitchen bay window area.
There are still buds to open later... It keeps on pouring out tea roses!
One more with beautiful orange stamens and some budding siblings nearby.
Do you have such a Tea Plant?

Related links:

{Our Camellia Sinensis Tea Plant and Japanese Magnolia} previous post by me
{Camellia Debutante & Chocolate} previous post by me
{Our Camellia Nuccio's Gem & Christmas Angel Gift} previous post by me


  1. Camellias are blooming in CA now too, but I've never seen the ones like yours. It's so beautiful!

  2. Your camelias are beautiful like you, my pretty Dutch lady!! I've been to your country, you don't think I haven¿t lol! I love it and I have a couple of things from there, like my Dutch, porcelain balls for the tree. Thank you for your sweet and kind comments, you always leave a smile on my face. My Mil and I were Libras and so we had so much in common. Luv ya!

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    I like very much Your again a beautiful Camellias tea plant which was I don't remember..Thank you very much Mariette sama!
    Hugs and love to you always!

  4. What a wonderful plant! And how beautiful those flowers are. I can hardly wait for spring! :)
    xo Catherine

  5. Truly brilliant!! The photos brought a smile to face, as I sip on my evening tea. Dear friend sending you hugs and prayers for tomorrow. All will go well. Blessings, C. (HHL)

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    what a Beauty is your Camelia! Enjoy as long as the flowers are there!
    Happy weekend,
    Love and hugs to you,

  7. Liebe Mariette,

    deine Fotos sind perfekt.

    Alles Gute


  8. Dearest Mariette,

    Your tea plant is so beautiful. I did not realize the flowers were so striking. Do you ever harvest the tea?

    I would have to grow such a plant in a large pot and find an indoor (sunny & humid?) place to winter it over. Perhaps in some misty future I will have a greenhouse. (sigh) Meanwhile your wonderful photos keep me going through the dark, cold of winter. (10 F at 6:00 AM....a bit warmer but with more wind than yesterday)

    Enjoy your weekend.............*S*

  9. Beautiful Camellia!
    Dear Mariette, little blog award waiting for you on my blog!
    Enjoy the weekand :)

  10. Dearest Mariette
    It is so wonderful to read about your tropical garden plants that we only dream about in this country.
    Have a nice weekend

  11. Dear Mariette,your garden has beautiful plants and flowers!I like your Tea Plant,no i don't have one,but i wish i had!!
    Wishing you a lovely weekend!

  12. You have beautiful plants. Have a nice weekend.


  13. La pianta รจ bellissima, ma io voglio farti complimenti anche per le foto.
    Buon weekend

  14. I had no idea, Mariette, that black tea came from these camellias! Wow! We have several different types of camellias on our property, but none like the one you picture here. They are my favorite flower because they add a dash of color to the landscape when all the others are dormant. Do you make tea from your camellias? <3

    1. Dearest Stacy,
      No, we don't make tea from this camellia. We leave that process to the professionals and buy it ready for use! But we certainly enjoy these flowers with their beautiful stamens all through winter.
      Hugs to you,

  15. Dearest Mariette,

    so awesome camelia, they smell soooo good indeed. the petals are like roses.You have many beautiful flowers atyour garden, for sure this spring will be a nice garden. now it's time for me to plant flowers too
    have a nice weekend my dear Mariette

  16. Dear Mariette,
    Your Camellias are blooming so beautiful! I have one pink Camellia plant, but not blooms yet.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
