
Thursday, January 10, 2013

{Our Rose Suite Hallway}

On December 2, of 2012, I did show you the last of our Rose Suite series. Now Saint Nicholas, Christmas and New Year are past so let's round it up with Our Rose Suite Hallway. For any readers that are new to my blog, below this post you find related links to the other posts so you can follow the tremendous job that my husband Pieter has done here. He actually created an entire Rose Suite, as we call it, for our Guests to live in with complete privacy. 
This is a photo from the post: Welcome to Our Rose Suite - Entrance.
Let's start our here. The entrance door is to the left; out of sight...
Here we are looking from the Hallway into the Entrance.
To the right is a small walk-in-closet.
This photo is without flash light... 
To the left you just can see the door to the living room.
The other little doors are actually the solid oak indoor shutters from our bedroom window, before we added the balcony and the French doors. 
Behind those shutter doors are convenient storage closets that I will show below...
Photo with flash light. To the left you see the air-conditioning thermostat.
Each of those closets is build above the big foot of those concrete pillars, that support the house.
Here we turned around, to the right is now the door to the living room.
One last closet with shutter doors and in front you see the door to Pieter's workshop.
Stepping to the left we go down one step into the hallway that leads to our staircase area with our pantry to the left. 
Yes, there are many rooms in this Rose Suite!
Here also hangs my Dublin-Laurens County Chamber of Commerce business membership plaque for Mariette's Back to Basics.
From that final segment of the hallway, looking back now at the door of the living room...
In April of 2004 when Pieter's brother Toon stayed as first guest in this Rose Suite, he did help build this little closet for hanging some coats and such.
This is  the depth we got for it, just above the big chunk of concrete at the foot of each pillar.
It was Pieter's brilliant idea to convert them into closets.
Of course, with our size garden there is the need for many vases and I can store them all in here.
Another closet that holds my Weck canning jars and empty marmalade jars and bottles.
Each closet has several shelves.
Here you see the top part of it; all filled up.
The last one is holding some bed linens.
The little walk-in-closet for holding more bed linens and clothes.
This is the kind of shelving we have in our entire home. Convenient and easy to hang clothes.
So now you've seen the living quarters for our guests.
We were fortunate for having Mom & Dad live with us for six weeks from October 22 till December 3 of 2005. They did come back to the USA with us on the same flight and we dropped them off again here in Atlanta to go by themselves on the non-stop flight back to The Netherlands. Mom of course in a wheel chair, as she had that year her knee replacement.
Mom did visit us a total of 4 times and Dad a total of 6 times...
Sweet memories!

Related links:
{Welcome to Our Rose Suite - Entrance} previous post by me
{Our Rose Suite Kitchenette} previous post by me


  1. It's so nice Mariette. you have a talented hubby.
    That is a lovely photo of you in Venice too. xx

  2. I enjoy the tour of your beautiful rose suite very much! Your husband Pieter is really brilliant. That's such nice closet!

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    your Rose Suite looks so wonderful!
    Pieter is so talented and all those cupboards are so useful!
    Have a wonderful week,
    Love and hugs

  4. E' bello avere spazio per gli ospiti!Voi avete saputo rendere tutto molto confortevole!Poi bellissima la cabina armadio,lo spazio per le coperte e per i barattoli!Bacioni e buon gennaio!Rosetta

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    I love the hallway of your suite rose.especially the white doors. I am going to pain our internal doors to white ;)..I love white
    Amazing work have been done by your husband Pieter, compliment for Him
    wishing you both a beautiful day

  6. Dearest Mariette ... your header looks brilliant ... I sure it brings back wonderful memories of Venice each time you see it. Pieter did a most wonderful job on your Rose suite. He really is quite talented, and I love his use of space and the closets look fabulous.

    Wishing you a wonderful week-en.. Hugs and blessings C. (HHL)

  7. Hi Mariette,

    It looks lovely - the white doors looks great.
    Have a great weekend.


  8. Dear Mariette,I enjoyed the tour of your beautiful rose suite very much!Love your white doors!Have a lovely day!

  9. Oh geweldig Mariette! Mooi dat jullie zo´n apart gedeelte hebben voor gasten, ook ideaal voor jullie familie!
    Lieve groeten,

  10. Ziet er mooi uit Mariette, lekker veel ruimte en knap gemaakt hoor door je man!
    Lijkt me ook heerlijk zo'n eigen optrekje voor workshops en atelier.

    Groeten Janny

  11. Υour Rose Suite looks so wonderful!The photo from Venice, nice!
    Have a happy new year!!Armonia from Greece!

  12. Dearest Mariette,
    Welcome to from Venice it was your husband Pieter's lovely Rose with both of you
    all the time.
    Your Membership Dublin-Lavrens county chamber of commerce Basics.
    All of the photos taken beautiful for everything!
    Hags and love to always!

  13. Dear Mariette, your lovely rose suite is a very nice and comfortable place for guests. I love the closets and the shutter doors are so creative! It's so nice to have storage for vases, extra supplies and clothes. Your Mother and Father must have loved having such a considerate daughter and son in law providing them with a first class visit! So nice, too, having Peiter's brother's handywork. A little loving something to remember him by. Peiter is an excellent carpenter. I loved this little tour. xx


Thanks for your visit and comment.
