
Friday, January 11, 2013

{My Angel Sister & Mariette's Back to Basics Explained}

January 11, marks the date that my Angel Sister Mariet was still born... She would have been my older sister and my entire life I've wondered how she would have been like. In an earlier post of November 23, 2010, I did write about her Birthday and I will repeat it here:
By the end of the year I was walking on crutches...
On January 9 of this year (2010) I was in the hospital being almost totally paralyzed with very high fever that they couldn't knock down at first. 
It was on January 11, that I cried in my hospital bed; on the birthday of my still born sister 'Mariet' who would have been almost 13 months older than I am. 
I told her that I was NOT yet ready to see her in heaven...
After four days in the hospital they put me on Prednisone and the pain went away.
Again I could MOVE! What a joy.
Being diagnosed with a very rare auto immune disease, I was now on the mend!
For my sister Mariet, trying to live for her as well, I've added 'TE' behind my name.
That's the story behind my Zen Cart powered on line boutique: Mariette's Back to Basics. 
Anyway, most people here in the US had difficulties pronouncing Mariet, so this works well.
They have chewed it out like Muwrit or Muwreet... A good example is: 1993 February 8 — Ma Hawkins Group in Dublin, Georgia ←click link for YouTube video

A name is very special and I'm proud for adding something for an Angel I Know By Name; MY SISTER

Related link:
{# 148 and my blog is 1 year old today!} | previous post about my sister


  1. i remember you telling me you used the name mariette in honor of your sister. :)

  2. Toevallig......ook ik had een zusje die ruim een jaar ouder was. Ze is overleden, 11 maanden oud.Ook zei had de zelfde naam...Thea.

    Zo ging dat vroeger.

    Lieve groetjes vanuit Limburg.

  3. Dearest Mariette
    You probably never stop thinking about a sibling you never got to meet.
    What a nice way to connect your names.
    Really nice header you have now!
    Hugs to you

  4. Such a touching story.I am sure she watches over you, dearest Mariette, and you will be re-united one day.XXXX

  5. The name Mariet must have been very special to your mother, to name both daughters with the same name. I like that you added the 'te' on the end. Very happy that you are also in much better health now than you were back in 2010.

  6. Deaerst Mariette,
    what a lovely post to remember your sister... she always will be in your heart!
    Have wonderful weekend,
    Love and hugs

  7. Lieve Mariette,

    Soms gebeuren er dingen in een mensenleven die te sterk aanwezig zijn om op toeval te berusten.Die elfde januari was er een onzichtbaar lijntje met jou gestorven zusje naar boven of naar beneden, maar voelbaar was het in elk geval.

    Ook al heb jij je zusje helaas niet aan je zijde gehad in het leven,in je hart heeft ze altijd een dierbaar plekje.


  8. Dearest Mariette,
    I believe that your sister is always having life with you and she must be the very angel beside you♡♡♡ How would it be to have a sister... haha, my dream which never come true.

    Your comment for me last Oct, when we had wedding anniversary; "Happy, happy coral anniversary to both of you!! You had a very special celebration with fire works and a delicious lunch with only gourmet food. How blessed you both are to celebrate this in good health." Reminds me that how well you must know the importance of health!

    Take Care of Yourself my dear friend in America, Love from Japan Miyako*

  9. Our Angels really are a blessing .... to know one of the Angels watching over you and walking by your side is a beloved sibling is priceless. You have shared with me that Mariet(te) is in loving honor of your Angel sister and I could think no better way to show your love for her. As you know we do not have to known our Angels to respect and love them (I know this through .. the blessing of Angel P in my life). Sending you hugs and blessings on this most special day... xo C. (HHL)

  10. Liebe Mariette,
    ja, ich kann mich erinnern, dass du diese Geschichte schon erzählt hast - sie ist sehr rührend und schön! Ich kann gut verstehen, dass du dich immer gefragt hast, wie deine Schwester wohl gewesen wäre - dasselbe fragte ich mich immer bei der Mutter meiner Schwester, die ich nie kennergelernt habe, weil sie mit 16 Jahren im 2. Weltkrieg getötet wurde. Ich hätte gern eine Tante gehabt. Man hat mir zur Erinnerung ihren Namen gegeben.
    Herzliche Grüße, Traude

    1. Such a sad story Mariette, but a beautiful tribute to your sister.

      Wishing you and Pieter a lovely weekend!

      Madelief x

  11. Fijn dat je ergens nog een band voelt met je zusje, soms zijn er van die bijzondere toevalligheden.

    Fijn weekend,

    Groeten Janny

  12. Dear Mariette,such a sad story,very lovely post about your sister,the angels are always protecting us,thank you for sharing your thoughts!
    Wishing you a lovely weekend!

  13. Dearest Mariette,

    I just...remain silence after red this beautiful story.touching indeed!
    beautiful thought in honor of your sister. Let's pray for her soul.
    wishing you a lovely weekend
    love to you
    note: thanks so much for your wish I appreciated

  14. She truly is your guardian angel. So glad that you are well now. Best wishes and blessings, Tammy


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