
Thursday, January 31, 2013

{Vintage Silver Rose Brooch}

Another treasure for offering to my clients. This time I found an Old World Vintage Silver Rose Brooch and it is in excellent shape, pin and all. Just have a look at this lovely piece. Some artistic silver smith did an excellent job. This gem is available at my Zen Cart powered on line boutique: Mariette's Back to Basics.
More and more I do admire those professionals that make photos for magazines or books.
It is awfully hard to capture anything in silver! Even my French ombré silk velvet is shiny...
But you do get an idea how lovely this rose is.
This is taken on our balcony and you can see the trees reflected in the silver...
The silver mark, an 800 content of silver. The back is smooth with only the needle and lock.
Sorry Sold out...


  1. Absolutely gorgeous!!! The rose is well detailed... wishing you a great week..Hugs and blessings, C. (HHL)

  2. I love brooches - they remind me of my grandmother. This one is beautiful, Mariette! <3

  3. I would so love to have such a rose it is just so bloody pretty......I love it and love broochs wearing one every Friday when I go out along with other days as well........

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    a wonderful BRooche you show us again!
    HAve a lovly week,
    Love and hugs

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    This time You found an old world vintage Silver Rose.
    I really so much enjoyed for all the time Mariette san!
    As you know I was written back more of from yours.
    A beautiful brooches with Rose and so many things with yours.
    Hugs and love to you always!

  6. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist wieder traumhaft schön!

    In Liebe


  7. Dearest Mariette,

    Very pretty and so elegant silver brooches. The rose shape is amazing.
    have a nice week

  8. Liebe Mariette,
    die Rosenbroschen sind immer wunderschön und du hast wieder ein besonders prächtiges Exemplar gefunden. Das hast du richtig gemacht, Silber kann man draußen bei Tageslicht am besten fotografieren.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  9. E' semplicemente meravigliosa cara Mariette!
    Un forte abbraccio dall'Italia, con tanto tanto affetto!
    Grazie per i commenti bellissimi che lasci sempre al mio blog, sei una carissima amica♥

  10. Prachtig kunstwerk, behoudt altijd zijn waarde.

    Groetjes Janny

  11. That's a beautiful brooch! I love silver, much prefer it over gold. I agree with you on the photography, it's not easy capturing the real life beauty of things sometimes!

  12. Beautiful piece, real treasure! Love, Jagoda

  13. Questa spilla-rosa-vintage è molto bella!Baci,Rosetta

  14. Hi Mariette, the brooch is very beautiful! I love how trees are reflected on the rose :-) I have hard time taking good close-up photos. Despite silver sounds hard to capture, yu do a great job!

  15. Huhu Mariette, Liebes ... ich geh soooo gern bei Dir spazieren. Will in zukunft auch wieder mehr kommentieren und nicht nur guggn!

    Die Rosenbrosche ist ein TRAUM! Das wär in jedem Fall auch mein Beuteschema!

    Ich soll Dich von Lilly, Pookz, Undine und Elvis lieb drücken ... von mir auch :O)


Thanks for your visit and comment.
