
Friday, February 1, 2013

{Camellia Japonica White by the Gate}

On January 24, I did take some photos from our blooming Camellias. So here are our Camellia Japonica White by the Gate that I would love to show to you. These particular Camellias we do have now for 12 years. They are blooming very heavily each year but for cutting flower they are a bit tricky as they don't have a real stem and often bloom back to back, like a Siamese twin...
Perfect bloom and perfectly white is this one...
They do resemble a rose, don't you think so?
And no, they are NOT fragrant!
Something must have been eating on the lower one...
This is what I mean with growing back to back. Also on one branch there is a bud together with two that are already fully opened up.
For a bowl with some floating candles however, you always find some perfect ones.
They are lovely and the shrubs are evergreen so that is a bonus for winter too.
Does anyone have this variety of Camellia Japonica White by the Gate?

Related links:


  1. I bet your flowers smell terrific!
    xo Catherine

  2. Dear Mariette,

    Your white camellia Japonica is so very beautiful and such a pure flower.
    I have one of these bushes and love mine too and it seems to be ideal for the shady area of the garden.
    Many thanks for sharing the tutorial on how to reply back to a comment, was very helpful - never could figure that out.
    Have a lovely weekend

  3. Deaerst Mariette,
    your Camelia is such a Beauty and the Flowers are wonderful! Glad you have so much luck with this plant in your garden! We don't have any... I tried it once years ago, but she did not survive ......
    Wishing you a lovely weekend,
    take Care,
    Love and hugs,

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    die Rose bleibt die Königin der Blumen.

    In Liebe


  5. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh, your Camellia Japonica White is really GORGEOUS♡♡♡ Our red one just have little buds and n sign of opening yet. I will check if my red one's flowers bloom back to back, like a Siamese twin... like you said. (never realized it, hehe) I wish we could offer these Camellia or rose to our family alter but we cannot. Their flowers fall at one time (I mean all the flowers in one petal; I hope you got what I mean), which is thought not to proper for offering them in Japan.
    Your garden sure have blooming flowers all season(^_^)彡☆ Still cold to do the outside work here, I hope the weather is getting mild for you, dear friend♪♪♪ 

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  6. Zo mooi !!...fijn weekend...liefs

  7. Prachtige bloemen, nee helaas heb ik die niet.
    Fijne dag, lieve groet

  8. Dear Mariette,your Camelia is so beautiful!!I love your garden!It's full of fantastic trees and flowers!
    Have a lovely weekend and a great new month!

  9. What a gorgeous flower. Alas, this is another one I would have to grow in a is becoming limited for wintering over plants!

  10. Hello Mariette, What beautiful flowers! Que Preciosas!!! Believe me if I tell you that not having seen her before! And that curious detail of having another "twin" it grows back! Detail that also have a glance like a Rose is a joy to grow these and you can enjoy them! Hugs, Rose Marie

  11. De camelia staat er prachtig bij Mariette. Bij ons is de natuur nog niet zo ver. We krijgen dit weekend weer opnieuw een periode van kou. Het is nog even wachten voordat het voorjaar echt doorzet. Camelia's heb ik niet in de tuin staan, alhoewel ik ze wel erg mooi vind!

    Fijn weekend!

    Madelief x

  12. Mariette complimenti sono bellissime!!
    Hai un bellissimo giardino!!
    Felice weekend!!
    Un abbraccio cara a presto!!

  13. Dearest Mariette
    How absolutely wonderful post. What pictures! You want to look at them forever.
    Have a nice weekend

  14. There is something very soothing about white flowers be them roses or any other type of flower I do like white flowers maybe not as much as pink flowers but a lot


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