
Saturday, February 23, 2013

{Lady Alexander Rose by Queen Anne & Obdam Narcissus}

  • In one of my very first blog posts, see link below, I did show these Lady Alexander Rose by Queen Anne cup & saucers with some fragrant Obdam Narcissus. 
  • Since those highly fragrant daffodils bloom again, the few that we have..., I want to show you these photos again. 
  • The first cup & saucers in this pattern we did find while vacationing in Canada
  • They came from Bank Street in Ottawa and also found them at Replacements Ltd. see above link.

  • The table cloth is hand crocheted by me. 
  • LOOK what I managed to find with those lovely Lady Alexander Rose by Queen Anne cups & saucers? 
  • A handkerchief that matches the china exactly and it works great as a little doily to use with this set. 
  • Do you also put four cups like this together? It saves space in the china cabinet!

  • Those highly fragrant Obdam Narcissus are heavenly too... Makes one happy. 
  • For me, SPRING is the best time of the year.
  • This is inside our kitchen.

  • Different angle...

  • You can read the QUEEN ANNE China markings under the cups.

  • Does any of you also have this Queen Anne Lady Alexander Rose china ?

Related link:
{Fragrant Double Narcissus Obdam} | previous post by me
{Our Fragrant Double Narcissus bloom!} | previous post by me


  1. the blooms are gorgeous - as is your table cloth.

  2. Lieve Mariette,

    Mmmmmmm.......ik ruik de lente bij het bekijken van die prachtig gevulde narcissen.

    En het rozen servies is wonderschoon,grappig dat jij ook de kop en schotels zó in elkaar steekt,dat leerde ik namelijk lang geleden van mijn moeder die jaren lang serveerster was op het hoofdbureau van politie waar zij de kop en schotels ook zó om ruimte te besparen in de kasten zetten.
    Ook al waren ze van hotelporselein....het werkte wel;-)
    En hier staan de sjiekere kopjes nog altijd op die manier in de servieskast.

    Fijn weekeind en liefs!!!

  3. Mariette,you never cease to amaze me with your talents as a knitter and crocheter. The whole vignette is lovely. Isn't it amazing finding a hankerchief in the same pattern as the lovely china? I love narcissus too. Unfortunately here they only bloom for a couple of weeks in Spring. I've kept heaps of bulbs from last year ready to plant at the end of Winter. Have a nice day xx

  4. Your table setting is just lovely, Mariette! How pretty your hand crocheted tablecloth is. Must have taken many hours of devotion. I have a few of those types of scented Narcissus, but the slugs seem to love them the best, too. Your china is sweet and how amazing to find a matching handkerchief! A very pretty spring table! xxoo

  5. Liebe Mariette,


    In Liebe


  6. Dear Mariette,your hand crocheted tablecloth ,looks great!So as your beautiful Narcissus!Your cup & saucers are so preety!Hope you have a lovely weekend!Hugs!

  7. Maritte,amo la tua tazza con le rose.E' bellissima!Ma come hai fatto a trovare pure i tovaglioli?I Narcisi anche loro sono da me amati!Baci e buona domenica!Rosetta

  8. Mariette,mi sono dimenticata di farti i complimenti per la tovaglia!Meravigliosa!Adoro tutte le cose romantiche!

  9. Mariette, die Decke ist ein wahres Kunstwerk.
    Die Blumen gefallen mir ebenfalls sehr gut.
    Man kann den Duft förmlich einatmen.
    Liebe Wochenendgrüße sendet

  10. Hej Mariëtte, je kop en schotels zijn prachtig, maar ik ben helemaal weg van die bloemen.
    Fijn weekend, lieve groet

  11. These cups and saucers are beautiful! It's amazing how perfectly the handkerchief matches them, like they are made for each other :-) And obdam narcissus are so lovely. What gorgeous flowers!
    Great tip about saving space in a china cabinet. Save space and looks pretty :-)

  12. Oh this is just so pretty the flower and the cups and saucers just so pretty indeed thank you for sharing with us and brighting my Sunday afternoon

  13. Hello my dear friend,
    Your Narcissus are so beautiful, I can almost smell them, and your cups and saucers are so beautiful. And indeed, they look a lot like mine, I got mine in an antique shop. I really love the roses in cups and saucers, since they look so romantic. Send you a BIG HUG, my dear friend.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
