
Sunday, February 24, 2013

{Our Pearl Bush - Exochorda racemosa}

  • However frail, our Pearlbush is showing some flowers again. We had such damage after the hot and dry summer of 2011, that we are glad some shrubs did even survive. 
  • Our Pearl Bush Exochorda racemosa is one of them. In a previous post by me from March 2011, you can see lovely photos with more blossoms, together with real pearls. Just click on the link below this post. The above link goes to Woodlanders where it is still available for sale.

  • Photo taken on Wednesday, February 20. 
  • Look at the beautiful blue sky as a stark contrast with this lovely Pearl Bush blossom and buds. 
  • Those buds do resemble pearls! 

  • Another blossom almost completely opened up.
  • Leaves also start to come...

  • Love the special sunlight playing inside this perfect tip with buds...
  • Does any of you have a Pearl Bush?

Related link:
{Pearlbush Makes the Heart Beat Faster} |  previous post by me


  1. So pretty! Wish I could smell them! :)
    xo Catherine

  2. Wat een prachtige bloem Mariëtte en ohh....die blauwe lucht....ik verlang gelijk naar de Lente en naar al het groen wat ontluikt.
    Fijne zondag en een lieve groet, Mea

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    bei dir entdeckt man WUNDER!

    In Liebe


  4. Liebe Mariette,
    leider habe ich keinen Pearl-Busk. Mein Gärtlein ist zu klein.
    Ich finde Deine Fotos und die Erläuterungen immer sehr schön.
    Das muss einmal gesagt werden.
    Einen schönen Sonntag wünscht Dir

  5. meravigliosa!!!!!!! buona domenica e un grande abbraccio Lory

  6. Dear Mariette,very beautiful pictures!!And the flowers looks so preety!!I don't have a Pearl Bush in my garden!I wish i have!!
    Wishing you a wonderful week!Hugs!

  7. Che meraviglia Mariette...peccato che io non ce l'ho nel mio giardino!
    Un caro abbraccio

  8. E' bellissimo Mariette,anche se amo tutti i fiori e tutte le piante in generale,questa pianta non c'ho nel mio giardino!!
    Un bacio cara a presto!!

  9. I like so pretty the little tight buds makes one excited to know that a new pretty flower will blossom

  10. What a beautiful blossom and little pearl buds! I don't have such a beauty here. It must be a Southern lady, too delicate for this Northern climate. Enjoy your lovely pearls, Mariette - nature's jewels. xoxo


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