
Friday, March 1, 2013

{Old World Charm of Crocheted Valences}

  • Just caught up on blog reading and read dear friend Karen's post: Thrift Store Treasures on her lovely blog of Beatrice Euphemie. 
  • She is showing off her treasures and I spotted some very familiar Old World Charm of Crocheted Valences and did mention so in my comment.
  • Lo and behold. For running the wet vac to suck up the excessive rain water that entered into husband Pieter's work shop, I just killed my waiting time in-between emptying the 6 gallon bucket, by scanning old slides. 
  • I've set up my laptop with my second scanner in the Rose Suite's living room. So I can hear the sound the wet vac is making next door, when full. 
  • You guess my amazement when I came across this photo that we took during one of our trips to Europe in 1985, as a writing subject for my weekly feature in our local news paper. Never used this then, but now I like to show it to you as once again crocheting has become very popular. 
  • This particular home owner must LOVE flowers.
  • They are hanging from above the window...
  • On a shelf inside the window...
  • Inside a planter box on the window sill and indoors are also plants on the window sill and hanging...
  • Those crocheted lace valences got hung by interlacing a thin rod, either brass or wood, through some openings at the top. 
  • Rather practical and just click on the above link in Karen's blog to see such hand crocheted lace valences.
It sure did bring back fond memories...
Do you have some Old World Charm of Crocheted Valences?


  1. very sweet window treatments. sorry you are still dealing with flooding! wish we could take some of your rain!

  2. Deaerst Mariette,
    how lovely is this picture form this house with those wonderful Chrotched Valences!
    I have old small ones, but at the moment in my cupbord...they are too small for our windows we have here. I had them in my first flat ;O)
    Have a lovely weekend, withour any rain ;O)
    Love and hugs,

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    ein sehr gelungenes Bild.

    In Liebe


  4. BEautiful window decorations/flowers. Sorry to hear about the flooding.

  5. Dear Mariette, these are so charming, especially with the window boxes full of flowers! Thank you for your sweet 'mention'. I am so sorry for your flooding - I do hope nothing has been damaged. Hugs to you xoxo

  6. You are quite the multitasker. :) And so organized. I wouldn't even know where to find photos from 1985. Stuck away in a box or drawer somewhere I'm sure. I love the look of crocheted valances and the pretty flowers in the window boxes. Hope you got all the water cleaned up. Best wishes, Tammy

  7. Dearest Mariette,
    I have seen these lovely flowers during y trip to overseas; I loved them SO much♡♡♡ They matches with the western houses, I thought.

    Take Care of Yourselves; Love you always from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  8. Dear Mariette,

    A long time ago, when I was still a teenager, I had those valences in my bedroom too. My grandmother made them for me. Your photo and post bring back many happy memories. I still have the valences somewhere. It will probably not be long before they are fashionable once again :-)

    Have a lovely weekend!

    Madelief x

  9. Hola Mariette, paso a saludarte y a desearte un buen fin de semana. Besos.
    ¡Preciosas ventanas!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Liebe Mariette,
    ich erinnere mich auch noch an gehäkelte und gestrickte Wertigkeiten.
    Aber die sind irgendwie bei Umzügen oder Entrümpelungen verschwunden. Schade.
    Ich bin erfreut zu hören, dass der "Wassereinbruch" bei Euch auch zu Ende ist.
    Liebe Grüße

  11. Un balcone fiorito come questo dona bellezza in più e anche armonia alla casa. Se poi alle finestre ci sono trine o pizze come queste, beh....allora è deliziosa perfezione! Paola

  12. Those crocheted valences are so quaint - I love that look. I just found a beautiful doily for a dollar! It would take me forever to crochet it myself (though I find crochet very relaxing). <3

  13. I love crochet and I love valance style curtains. Those window boxes are always a favorite, they remind me so much of European cottages!

    Have a blessed week :)



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