
Saturday, March 2, 2013

{Fighting the Water + Scanning Slides}

  • On Friday we drove to Atlanta, early morning in heavy rain... Luckily on the way home it only was drizzling. 
  • Saturday was my day for cooking a dinner for 8 people, at our home. You did see some pictures from the table setting earlier this week. 
  • While entertaining our guests, husband Pieter went downstairs twice for emptying the full, 6 gallons, wet vac in his work  shop. Water was seeping in from the outside wall, where our gutters could not hold all the rain water, neither were the pipes big enough for transporting it away from the house. Maybe some burrow from a chipmunk; who knows why and how; but it found its way inside. 
  • No damage, nothing as we have all tile floors. Great thing was that we have those TRINITY EcoStorage™ NSF 6-Tier Wire Shelving Racks on wheels from Costco, so we could easily wheel them off! Imagine having fixed shelves... But it is quite a challenge that Water Control!
  • After serving dessert to our guests, I did scoot downstairs to empty the big bucket and to mop up some water. 
  • But we had no idea it would worsen over night. It was nearly impossible to keep up with it and we could not go to sleep. 
  • Pieter did lie on the bed a couple of times to stretch his back and during the in-between time, I sat at my old laptop + Epson scanner (my second) for scanning our slides. In the office upstairs I keep another Epson scanner for non-slide scanning jobs. Archiving everything...

On the left is the opening for pushing strips of negatives inside...

  • Got a lot of slides done that way, because it did not stay with only one night. In fact, on Thursday night we had everything dry and could sleep in one stretch through the night without any bucket-emptying duty.
  • But kudos to the inventors of those wet vacs or shop vacs. Ha-ha, shop vac it was, as it worked for us in Pieter's work shop! 

  • This one, our second, came from The Home Depot and holds 6 gallons or 22.7 liter.
  • It takes some muscle power for lifting them, all night long = divided by two humans!
  • Also wringing out those floor cloths takes some energy...

  • Soaking up some water with old raggedy floor cloths... called 'DWEILEN' in Dutch.

  • This kind of work did ask for some 'Popeye' food so I sautéed some baby spinach with garlic to eat with scrambled egg, made from egg beaters. 
  • That makes for a yummy and healthy heart meal! Read about how to on my FB Page:

  • Pieter got smarter as he opened up the wall, so he could attach the hose right there to suck the water up.
  • He left his knee pads still on the floor...
  • The noise of this 6 gallons shop vac changes when it's full, so next door in the Rose Suite's living room, I got up from my slide scanning job and took the lid off in order to empty it out.

  • 6 gallons shop vac - wet/dry utility vac
  • It served us very well!

  • My hands sure didn't look that happy after wringing out floor cloths that many times...
  • I never wear any gloves; just use my bare hands.

  • My left hand with the Dupuytren's Contracture after one year...
  • Still functionable and even able to perform heavy duty.
  • Did any of you have to fight some water?
  • We're lucky with no damage, except that the wool/silk rug in the Rose Suite living room got wet on one side, earlier on February 12 on my Mom's birthday when we also had to fight the water.
  • I really feel for all those that lost valuables such as photos or whatsoever due to real flooding!

As Pieter's Dad always used to say: 'Water is like Money; there is Enough of Both but it only is Poorly Distributed...'

Related links:
{Table Setting for Friends} | previous post by me
{Our Wild Creek} | previous post by me
{Our Rose Suite Work Shop & Mariette's Back to Basics Shipping Center} | previous post by me
{My Hand and Dupuytren's Contracture} | previous post by me


  1. glad it has finally gotten under control!

  2. we had something similar happening in our basement 3 years ago, when Nashville was flooded. We didn't go under, but theamount of water and constant rain for 2 days was just too much and the water started seeping throught the south wall...the basement had to be gutted. It turned out to be a blessing as we were able to remodel that space and turn it into our bedroom suite :)

  3. Dear Mariette,

    How awful and must have been a nightmare with all the flooding, the big vacuums would be useful - pity you could not send a little our way, we badly need rain.
    Glad that you have it sorted now and hope you have some beautiful Spring weather now.

    Enjoy the weekend

  4. Mon Dieu, Mariette. What an adventure! Too bad you and Pieter are not part of the fish family: You would have enjoyed your new environment. Glad you were able to contain this biblical flood while getting some work done on the slide collection. Bon weekend! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    ich staune und staune.

    In herzlicher Verbundenheit


  6. Dearest Mariette,
    It must have been really scary... I am so sorry to hear all the chaos you've been through. I've heard that my grandparents had a bad flooding experience.
    Glad that worse things didn't happen.

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  7. Wat een gevecht hebben jullie moeten leveren tegen al die wateroverlast Mariette.
    Hopelijk zijn jullie er nu een hele poos van verlost.
    Op een overstromende wasmachine na heb ik dit gelukkig niet in die mate meegemaakt. Ik kan mij voorstellen dat je handen beurs zijn na zoveel wringen.
    Fijn weekend.
    Lieve groet, Mea

  8. Dearest Mariette
    It was an eventful week. I hope it'll work out with all the water so you can sleep in peace.
    Right where we live, it is never a problem with so much water, but some places in Sweden can be massively flooded by rain.
    Have a great (and dry) weekend ♥

  9. ...Oh...oh.....lieve Mariette...dat was bijna dweilen met de kraan open...
    maar gelukkig hebben jullie de juiste apparatuur in huis en 2 mensen die van aanpakken weten.

    Hopelijk is het grootste leed nu geleden en komen jullie weer toe aan een goede nachtrust!!!


  10. Dearest Mariette,
    I am sorry that I do know so much you has problem with the water.
    As Pieter's Dad always used to say Water is live money: there is Enough of both but it only is poorly distributed.
    I hope you having a good rain and help your hand too.
    Hugs and love to you always!

  11. Liebe Mariette,
    oh je - das ist Mist - tut mir echt leid - wir hatten vor einiger Zeit auch einen Wasserschaden im Haus - ich weiß, wie viel Arbeit und Ärger es ist -
    nun schon deine Hände und verwöhne sie, damit sie wieder heil werden -

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

  12. I must agree with the last sentence! :)
    You should post food recipes more often (like this one on Facebook), I am really interested in your "eating routine".

  13. Mariette, ich fühle mit euch.
    Und Deine Händ tun mir leid.
    Pflege sie, damit wieder alles gut wird-
    Einen schönen Abend wünscht

  14. Oh no Mariette! Flooding is not fun but it sounds like you and your wonderful hubby got it under control! There's an English blog I follow and their sweet little countryside cottage was horribly flooded late last year:( I'm glad you didn't lose anything!

  15. Wat een ellende al dat water...blij dat je het onder controle hebt.....liefs van

  16. For twenty three years in our house in Dutchess County we used to be up ans soaking wet when there were rain storms. The storm drain by our driveway would get blocked with leaves and my husband and our boys would go and clean the drain so the water would go towards the drain rather than drift to words our garage. This would work for an hour or so, then the process would start all over again. You are smart to have Baby Spinach. We would just have hot cocoa.

  17. That must have been really hard work, and scary to have so much water. It's great you've got shelving racks on wheels. It would be harder to have fixed ones.
    I love the quote by Pieter's dad. So very true. Luckily I haven't have to fight water. But there was time when I was living in Japan and large typhoon hit our area. There was a long, tall bank next to river to avoid flooding. But at that time, the water from typhoon reached almost at the top of the bank. It was very scary!
    I hope no rain, more sun for a while... :-)

  18. You poor girls with all that water to have to contend with. Hope everything gets better soon!
    xo Catherine

  19. Dearest Mariette,

    NOW I can imagine, how hard it was for you both with all the water!
    Thanks god, it stopped!!!

    Love and hugs,

  20. Liebe Mariette, wie habt ihr das geschafft ????Bei uns würde die Panik ausbrechen .Klasse ,Klasse , Klasse !!!!Grüßle Ina

  21. No fighting water damage here, although my bedroom ceiling is still leaking the guy came replaced a title and said it was all fixed........then more rain and still leaking.............bloody he has to come back again.......

    My nan never work gloves even when she washed up in really bloody hot when I wash up by hand I also like near boiling water but I wear gloves............


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