
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

{Our Camellia Japonica Nuccio's Gem}

One more of our white Camellias I like to introduce to you; this is Our Camellia Japonica Nuccio's Gem. This variety has larger petals than the other white; Camellia Japonica White by the Gate. However, this too produces the kind of Siamese twins, where buds grow back to back.
Those Camellia blossoms are quite striking against other bare trees in winter.
Another Siamese twin...
One bloom can be quite large when fully open.
Camellia Japonica Nuccio's Gem is a prolific bloomer.
Another Siamese twin budding...
Here there are even four together!
See how striking they look against all those bare trees?
Stepping a bit further back to give a better view of the shrub.
It is a very welcome blooming shrub in winter time.
Do you love the pink ones more than the white varieties?

Related links:
{Our Camellia Japonica Debutante} |
{Camellia Japonica White by the Gate} |
{Camellia Debutante & Chocolate} |
{Let It Be A Happy New Year} previous post by me, showing Camellia Japonica Debutante
{Our Camellia Sinensis Tea Plant and Japanese Magnolia} |
{Our Camellia Nuccio's Gem & Christmas Angel Gift} |
{Our Camellia Sinensis | Tea Plant} |


  1. He Mariette! Ik zie nu pas waarom je denkt dat de bruiloft is geweest.... Mijn reply van voor de kerst heb ik retour gezonden maar er staat no-reply blogger als email; ik schreef toen terug dat we het verzet hebben naar midden oktober, gasten komen hier maar lang verhaal het komt nog, we zijn er mee beig, ik hou je op de hoogte, lief dat je er aan dacht! Mxx

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    again such a wonderful Flower! How many do you have in your garden?
    Have a happy week,
    Hugs and love,

  3. Hello Mariette, I love flowers but It`is very difficult to have them here in the south where we have very hot summers and a lot of different winds that hit my plants. Thank you for sharing yours so we can enjoy them.



  4. Dearest Mariette,
    Those camellia are just different camellia Japonica.Four together and Another siamese twin all those base trees? all them are Beautiful.
    Hugs and love to you always!
    What going to next one...
    Enjoy your time Mariettes san!

  5. Lieve Mariette,

    Camelia's in vele soorten weten bij liefhebbers wel de aandacht te trekken van januari tot maart,
    heb het plan opgevat als de tijd het toelaat om eens een bezoekje te gaan brengen op:
    op hun website was ik al......nou nog in het echie.

    Fijne dag en liefs,

  6. If I were able to have camellias I would have to follow you and plant many different varieties. Thank you for the beautiful photos.
    Enjoy your day..........*S*

  7. These are so lovely .... what a treat I look out my window unto snow covered grassed. Wishing you a fabulous day. xo C. (HHL)

  8. Prachtig Mariëtte, ze lijken wel van zijde.
    Lieve groet,

  9. Beautiful with white flowers.


  10. FINALMENTEEEEE! Dopo vari tentativi sempre respinti (non so per quale motivo) sono riuscita a registrarmi come tua follower! ALLELUIAAAAA! Io amo moltissimo la natura, i fiori e tutto ciò che la rappresentano. Avrei voluto avere un piccolo giardino, mi devo accontentare di due terrazzini dove cerco di curare qualche pianta. Questi fiori sono meravigliosi, bianchi come il candore e la purezza! Un abbraccio. Paola

  11. Dear Mariette,

    Love the white camellia's as they are always so pure, especially if you can get them before the rain or wind.
    Your trees are beautiful.

    Happy Wednesday

  12. Yes I agree they are very your beatiful trees thanks for shareing with us

  13. Dearest Mariette,
    OH my, white one look really gorgeous matching the season, my friend♡♡♡
    I'm waiting to my red one to bloom,; haha when will it be...

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  14. Dearest Mariette,

    wow you have white camellia?, the white one as beautiful as others.
    referring the photo, seems your garden like a park, it is botanical park that you have created with your Husband Pieter?
    have a nice week


Thanks for your visit and comment.
