
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

{Our Wild Creek}

Due to enormous amounts of rain over the past couple of days, we have a full and wild creek running through our property. The bridges had been elevated, as we learned from previous raging waters. So far, so good. Pieter took some photos with the iPhone.
 Let's have a look at our wild creek...
  • This is our newest bridge, close to the road as you see. Husband Pieter finished it just before Valentine's Day in 2012.

  • It looks more like a lake now and over the years this has grown in diameter a lot by raging water swirls.

  • Branches and all kind of things get to travel down the creek.

  • Looking from across the bridge towards the house...

  • Showing our center bridge as well...

  • This shows the two bridges.

  • In the end you also see the first bridge; we got three in total. 
  • Lots of rain but it would be far better if it came over several weeks instead of a couple of days.
Are you getting a lot of rainfall in your neck of the woods as well?

Related links:
{Our New 3rd Bridge} | previous post by me
{205 Winfield Road Then and Now} | previous post by me
Rainy July Day in Georgia II - iPhone upload | showing how it looks like...


  1. no, not at all. we need some of that rain - and i'd like that run-off for our pond, too.

  2. We are getting rain, but in smaller and more even doses. But living here in the Northwest, we do get flooding quite regularly. I hope you don't get any more rain! Your bridges are wonderful. Hope they don't get damaged. xoxo

  3. I hope everyone and everything stays safe with all that running water!
    xo Catherine

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    this really looks like a wild creek!
    We do not have such heavy rain here....
    Take care and have a nice week,
    love and hugs

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    We having lots of rains and big damaged to the bridges and all over the New South wales in peoples home and still waiting for stops rain!(Not Melbourne in here)
    Your husband finished very good thing before Valentine's day in 2012!
    Hugs and love to you always!

  6. Wat een wild water !!....mooie nieuwe banner foto hoor!!...liefs

  7. Anche qui da me ci sono forti piogge e dietro casa mia c'è un fiumicello pieno,pieno:A me piace vedere i corsi d'acqua,l'importante è che non fanno danni!BaciRosetta

  8. Dearest Mariette, your husband have done great job !
    Here we had rain for many days and they have done some damages !
    Yesterday all night was heavy raining !
    Have a nice week !

  9. Je man heeft er mooie bruggen gebouwd. Er valt zo flink wat te onderhouden en op te ruimen. Mooie nieuwe header heb je. Lieve groet,

  10. Lieve Mariette,

    Nu er bij jullie zoveel regen gevallen is dat de kreek veranderde in een wilde stroom hoop ik voor jullie dat het niet voor enorme overlast en schade gaat zorgen.

    Ik heb je andere posten ook gelezen en zie hoeveel schade de natuur aangericht heeft rondom jullie huis,maar ook was daar weer man Pieter met zijn 2 rechterhanden,doet me even denken aan de spreuk 'Luctor et Emergo' :''ik worstel en kom boven''
    Ik wens jullie alle goeds van de wereld en het geluk aan jullie zijde!!

  11. Dearest Mariette,

    Your stream has certainly grown! I hope it isn't washing too much soil away, and that the flooding stays outdoors away from your house.

    We are expecting a storm over the next few days. Snow north of Boston, rain for us. The ground is still frozen so we could end up a lot of local flooding.

    Here's to sunny days.....*s*

  12. Hello Mariette, Although I like creeks in drought time for exploring purposes, I also appreciate the drama of the rushing waters in flood season. The deluge doesn't seem too bad; you can still see the decks of the bridges. I once drove past the Maumee River after a freshet, and the highway bridge was completely submerged.
    --Road to Parnassus

  13. Cara Mariette,anche qui tanta tanta pioggia!!
    Sono stanca di questo brutto tempo,ho bisogno di primavera!!;D
    La tua proprietà è molto bella anche con il brutto tempo,spero che non hai avuto tanti disagi!!;D
    Un caro abbraccio amica mia!!

  14. What a lovely area you live in! We have had contonued rain, then snow, then rain and now, grey and drisley in our little part of the English countryside.

  15. It is amazing how much rain we have had!!

    I don't have a handy bridge though!!! We have to wade thru water! LOL

    Have a wonderful day my friend!

  16. Hi Mariette, Love the Pearlbush in your header. So pretty. Beautiful water pics from your creek. I love the bridges that pass over. You sure have had the rain. We had some, but nothing like this. Little rain yesteray but mostly cold and very windy. Pretty shades of grey in the pics below too.
    Have a wonderful day and stay safe in the rains.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  17. Dearest Mariette
    Exactly as it looks when it's autumn here.
    There must have been lots of rain because the creek has risen so much in a short time.
    Hugs to you

  18. Oh jee...heeft het bij jullie zoveel geregend? Is me helemaal ontgaan, ja ik zie momenteel niet zoveel van de wereld...ben aan het verven in dochter d'r nieuwe huis,da's een hele klus...nog een weekje of 2, dan heb ik weer wat meer tijd voor iets leukers.
    Maar die regen was wel nodig denk ik bij jullie, maar net je zegt..het had wat meer verdeeld moeten worden...

  19. OhMy ... we will be seeing similar scene when spring thaw hits ... our stream swells up too. You captured your stream in it's full glory beautifully..xo Blessings, C. (HHL)

  20. Mamma mia quanta pioggia è caduta?! Noi abbiamo questo problema con il fiume Po quando piove troppo o quando la neve si scioglie nei monti e l'acqua viene a valle.
    Un caro abbraccio Mariette e speriamo che smetta di piovere.

  21. I like the look of the bridges but that creek sure does look a bit wild at the moment but as you said that would be due to the rain.............

  22. Dear Mariette,

    Would so like some of your rain as we still have not had any and it is drought conditions here.
    The photos of your river through your property is lovely and how neat the bridges are. Do hope that the rain ceases, so everything can dry out. The Pearlbush flower is pretty too.
    Hope all is well with you, have been thinking of you

  23. Wow the creek sure look wild! We had too much rain! So sorry to hear your basement got flooded. It rained very hard today over our area.I hope you didn't get too much rain... We don't have creek, but the rain made a small pond in the area behind our townhouse. Hopefully we will see sunshine for a change :-)


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