
Friday, March 29, 2013

{CIRCLE Vase with Candles for Easter}

  • As promised previously in my February 24 post: JUST enough Daffodils to fill our CIRCLE Vase, here is another display. The Speedy bunnies you already saw on March 22...

  • On top of the glass plate I now placed candles...

  • The yellow pillar candles are Müller Kerzen from Germany that I received from my German friend Marlene.
  • Those pillars are called Flower Garden and burn for 32 hours.
  • You can click on the above hyperlink for their info.

  • Tablecloth is from Le Jacquard Français and the cups and saucers are Royal Albert Friendship series in the daffodil pattern.
  • Salt & Pepper shakers belong with the egg platter that I showed two days ago.
  • Spoons are ceramic from Avon with daffodil.
  • Round candles are Bolsius from The Netherlands. 
  • Are you a candle favorite as well?

  • That's what I LOVE about our IKEA chairs, their backs are low and never obstructing the view as they barely come above the table!

  • Those candles are a perfect match with the daffodils!

  • Too bad that those daffodils were blooming on February 25... 
  • Way too early for Easter and we didn't get any others; this was the entire crop for 2013.
  • At least I have the photos for showing.

  • So what do you think about the different uses for this CIRCLE Vase with glass plate to display whatever on top?

Related links:
{Daffodils in CIRCLE Vase & Leonardo Figurine Bunny SPEEDY} | previous post by me
{JUST enough Daffodils to fill our CIRCLE Vase} | previous post by me


  1. The Royal Albert teacups in yellow daffodils are stunning! Your setting for spring looks lovely with those pilar yellow German candles and the flowers. Simple but beautiful! Have a happy and blessed Easter, my friend.

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    what a wonderful Easter table!
    Wishing you and your husband a wonderful and happy Easter!
    Love and hugs

  3. Lieve Mariette,

    Zo kan je op veel verschillende manieren plezier hebben van je mooie narcissenkrans,
    maar even zo belangrijk is de kunst om er mee te decoreren met andere gave spullen,en dat is jou goed gelukt.

    Fijne Paasdagen gewenst en lieve groet!!

  4. Adorables todos los detalles de tu mesa!
    Me encanta el color!!
    Muchos besos!

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    eine gelbe Blütenpracht!

    Sonnige Karfreitagsgrüße


  6. Beautiful decorations. Happy Easter!!

  7. Wat zal dat straks mooi staan op de Paastafel en wat een mooi bijpassend servies.
    Ik wens je hele fijne Paasdagen toe.
    Lieve groet, Mea

  8. Such a pretty display Mariette!
    Wishing you a most wonderful Easter weekend!
    xo Catherine

  9. Che bellissimi colori ha il centrotavola e quanto è suggestivo adornato di candele, una bellissima composizione! Bravissima!! Desidero lasciarti un sincero e affettuoso augurio di una Santa serena Pasqua a te e famiglia. Un caro abbraccio!!

  10. Mariette, wie immer wunderschöne Fotos. eine herrliche Dekoration.
    Das Geschirr finde ich besonders hübsch.
    Es ist schon erstaunlich, was man mit der Vase alles anstellen kann.
    Einen schönen Resttag wünscht

  11. Bellissimo!Dolcissimo e romantico!Buona Pasqua a te e Peter!Baci,Rosetta

  12. Hi Mariette,
    A gorgeous yellow display and so pretty with the cups and saucers.
    Wishing you a blessed Easter filled with many joys.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  13. Dearest Mariette, Your daffodil table is adorable. I do love the circle vase and I can think of some occasions for its use. The cups and saucers are beyond perfect for this table and the Avon spoons are perfect. I never knew they made this type item. The spoons are lovely, especially like the handle.
    Have a Blessed Easter,
    Love to you, Ginger

  14. Dear Mariette,

    Happy Easter to you and Pieter and wishing you a lovely weekend
    the daffodils and your table setting are so beautiful


  15. Dear Mariette,
    Your table is beautiful with the sweet sunshine colors! Oh, I do love that circle vase, it makes a lovely centerpiece with the beautiful candles glowing! And the cups and saucers with the spoons are just perfect on your gorgeous table cloth. A very nice table setting - what are you serving? I'll be right over!
    Hugs xoxo

    Have a lovely Easter!

  16. Dearest Mariette.
    The glass candles are beautiful from Muller Kerzen your friend Marlene and the pillars are Flower Garden and bum for 32 hours.
    The round candles are Bolsius from the Nether land.
    I really enjoyed your worldwide pretty beautiful presents.
    Happy Easter time with your family!
    Hugs and love to you always!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
