
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

{Hand Knitted Easter Gift from Sister-In-Law}

The sweetest gifts are often those that are hand made. We call it here in the USA; Labor of Love. My sister-in-law, Elly Van den Munckhof did knit for me six cute egg warmers. A set of Easter Chickens for placing over a boiled egg. For years already, both of us don't eat eggs but I do use them over some special egg shaped Easter candles. Have a look...
Here they are; that is four out of six. 
The Chickens to the right had a bad hair-day...
I've only given them a new felt crest and silk organdy graduating ribbons around their neck.
They held up really well.
Elly did make the eyes from a glass bead.
Nice Easter grouping... except that the weather was actually too dark to make decent photos...
A tiny bud vase with blooming Pelargonium from our Green House. 
Because we will have frost on Tuesday night, our potting plants are still inside!
Dark days with a mean and cold wind...
The lazy Chick on the yellow plate we got one year in the mail from our 'German son' and family.
The lacquered and hand polished laser cut brass Egg window decorations are from Germany, Jech Kunstgewerbe.
FAKE Egg... it is a candle in a mini-terracotta pot with gold sparkle.
The top plate is from Blokker in The Netherlands where we bough them with my niece Maartje Van den Munckhof... Three out of four survived so far!
The tablecloth is all cotton Le Jacquard Français.
So what do you say about my Easter Chickens?

Related links:
{RARE ANTIQUE ROSE: JEANNE D'ARC (1818 FRANCE)} | previous post by me showing hand crocheted doily by Elly
{Our Garden's Winter Blooms for Christmas} | previous post by me showing hand crocheted doily by Elly
{Easter Season} | previous post by me showing the brass window decorations with link
{Our Organdy Beribboned, Porcelain and Brass Easter Eggs} | previous post by me showing the brass window decorations with link


  1. those are really very cute!!! how sweet of her!

  2. Lieve Mariette,

    Jij weet een bijzonder aardig Paassfeertje neer te zetten op deze donkere koude dag!!!

    En de eierwarmertjes zijn schattig gemaakt,
    met jou vindingrijkheid hebben ze toch nog een functie gekregen.

    Liefs en warme lente groet!!

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    jetzt kann Ostern kommen.

    In Liebe


  4. Wow it's so sweet of your sister-in-law Elly to knit such pretty egg warmers! And I love the crest and ribbons you arranged. They really brighten table for Easter!

  5. Your Easter Chickens are very cute. They seem to get along with your rabbits !

  6. Dearest Mariette, These egg warmers are simply adorable and I love the little guy relaxing on the plate. Everything is so cute. Hopefully warm weather will be here soon.
    Happy Easter, He is Risen,

  7. Dearest Mariette,
    how sweet from your Sister in Law :O)
    Have a happy day,
    Love and hugs,

  8. Wat een leukkies !!...fijne week verder....liefs

  9. Que gallinitas tan bonitas!!
    Son muy tiernas!!
    Muuchos besos!

  10. Hola Mariette, son lindísimos tus pollitos. Adornan especialmente bien, en estos días de Pascua. Besos.

  11. Dearest Mariette...The chicks brought and immediate smile to my face!

    Enjoy your day..............*s*

  12. Ma quanto mi piacciono queste gallinelle a maglia. Vedo che anche tu hai preparato magnificamente la tua casa per la Pasqua. Paola

  13. I say you are a lucky woman to have such a sister-in-law - and such chickens! Happy Easter, Mariette!

    Your table setting in the header is beautiful. Just thought I'd mention that. <3

  14. The knitted chickens are absolutely adorable. Hope you are having a good day. Tammy

  15. Sono stupendi questi doni!!;D
    Cara amica ti auguro una Buona e Serena Pasqua a te e alla tua famiglia!!
    Un abbraccione grande grande!!

  16. Linda decoração, simples e muito charmosa!!!!

    ♡ "Que este nosso pequeno mundo virtual, nesta Páscoa,
    seja cada vez mais humano!"

    ♡ Feliz Páscoa!!!

  17. Awwww these are sooooo beautiful, what a wonderful gift Mariette ;)


  18. They are very sweet, Mariette! Hand-made with love! I do love your die cut brass window eggs, they are very beautiful. Also, your pretty table setting and the table cloth. Oh, and your blog header is very nice, too. I Love everything! Hugs, xoxo

  19. Liebe Mariette,
    das sind ganz süße Eierwärmer.
    Sie zieren jeden Tisch.
    Einen schönen Abend wünscht

  20. What a nice gift, they are so cute.


  21. These are adorable, Mariette. I particularly like the laid-back rooster with the egg. He looks devilish! (Does that mean that's a deviled egg? LOL)

    Katie B. of

  22. Liebe Mariette,
    deine Osterschar ist ganz entzückend. Die gestrickten Eierwärmer sind sehr schön gemacht und schmücken auch ohne gekochtes Ei im Bauch. Und dein Narzissenset im Header ist ja auch die Pracht. Hast du das gemacht? Zutrauen würde ich dir das. Ich wünsche dir und Pieter ein schönes Osterfest.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  23. Oh, I like that lazy chick!!
    Hugs to you!

  24. Woo so cute I am jealous they are just so adorable.............


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