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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Friday, March 26, 2010

{Easter Season}

  • Just want to start with wishing all of you a very Happy Easter!
  • Spring is here so it will be a great time to get into the garden and bring the blooms into the home.

  • In my heart shaped tin, from Amaretti cookies, I do keep all the special window decorations to be hung up once again. 
  • Also in that tin I do keep the organdy egg ribbons, I've made one year, to go around white and brown eggs.

  •  These chicks also were inside the tin, waiting for their time to hang in the bay window of the kitchen and look into the garden where each day more and more green shows and where sun rays keep them warm.

  • On the very bottom of that tin were the large egg shaped window decorations with the chicken and the bunnies. 
  • Let's show them here...

  • They are from Germany, made out of brass that has been polished and lacquered, to prevent them from tarnishing. They are hung from a silk cord, either from a suction cup or else. I found them years ago when we attended one of the International Mushroom Science Congresses in Regensburg, Germany. Of course one always finds some time to explore the city and its special gift shops. The owner of the shop did give me the information of the producer of these window decorations and I have ordered over the years quite some pieces. For Christmas they have a great variety too and they even will create your own design, provided you order a minimum of 100 pieces. For a club or special occasion that would work well. I did design a happy mushroom family, which I sold all over the world at congresses and such.
  • Gut, für die deutsche Leserinnen hier die Info über die Jech Kunstgewerbe Fensterbilder 
  • Okay, let's go into the garden and see what we can gather up in the special flower basket that Pieter, my husband, got from Erika Wald, with some packets of seeds...

  • Here we are with the yield: some gorgeous blooming Obdam Narcissus and white Thalia "The Orchid Narcissus" for use in my Villeroy & Boch Easter eggs.

  • In the basket are also some fresh sprigs of rosemary and double yellow daffodils to be used in the picture frames, for each table setting. I will introduce them to you, just be patient...
  • Don't you agree that these Orchid Narcissus are one of the loveliest of all daffodils? Two or more graceful white flowers adorn each stem. The petals reflex slightly backward "like the wings of an angel". Of course these heirlooms are fragrant too!

  • Here are the special Villeroy & Boch eggs that my dear sister Diny did find for me in The Netherlands after I'd seen them in a Dutch magazine. 
  • You just fill them with water to become small vases and there are the Thalias... just perfect for that purpose. 
  • I first put them in this large Gardenia Bowl from Wedgwood cream color on cream color, that I often use for floating candles together with fresh flower heads.

  • Well, why don't we have some guests for dinner? The setting is just perfect so let's put the Le Jacquard Français tablecloth on and use the napkins with the silver napkin rings, the Baccarat Piccadilly glasses and the Wedgwood cream ware plates. The cute bunny that we did bring from Germany last year and the sheep to hold the place cards, get out of their tin as well; a different tin -- that held the champagne we received from Pieter's brother and his wife for a special birthday. Lots of stories to tell. That is the nostalgia of keeping traditions alive, each time you pass those special items through your hands, stories will come to mind again.

  • Now let's see... I think I will set those eggs free. Isn't that sheep cute with the place card? And what a beautiful vase full of Obdam Narcissus in that Wedgwood cream color on cream color 8 oz pitcher which I use as a vase.

  • Indeed, this looks better and even the sheep agree, as well as the bunny with the baby-bunny!
  • Ah, now you can see those picture frames made of Delft white, they hold water and I've added in each a sprig of rosemary with one daffodil head. Using some paper towel to steady them works fine.

  • Now, let Joe & Joanne come to share dinner with us...
  • Always good to sit around the dinner table with special people to share a home cooked meal and to set the table in a special way.

Wishing each of you All Happiness For Easter!


  1. Dear Mariette,

    It was a nice surprise for me this morning to discover your new post.

    As I see you too have a nice tin box full of Easter decorations. It must be a magic tin, because its surprising how this treasure of collected beautiful decorations fits into this tin.

    How loving and harmonious, you've arranged everything! These delicate orchid narcissus matches beautifully with the pastel-colored porcelain eggs. The precious tablecloth and napkins shine like the sun and make with the fine china and sparkling glasses really a festive table. Everything together ist perfect matching and has a stunning effect.

    I can not deny my readers this beauty, so I've made a link to your Blog on the end of my post, I hope this is ok?

    Love Greetings, Johanna

  2. Hi Mariette!!

    Just came across your blog....sweet pictures!!! (Johanna's link worked...:))

    I LOVE your Villeroy & Boch eggs, had not seen them before!!! On a recent trip to Hamburg I saw lots of - well, not them, but eggs like it - they had used real goose eggs and actually filled them with earth and planted them up - got it on my 'to do list' but am a little worried about making a hole in the egg and not getting it to look pretty or braking it (also saw them on a Dutch girls blog, she had just halved the eggs in the middle and had put flowers in).

    Have a good weekend and looking forward to visiting again!



  3. Dear Johanna,

    The heart shaped Italian Amaretti cookie tin is not that magic as it only stores the organdy ribbons; not the eggs! I buy and boil them each year to display them on their special egg plate with the ribbons around.
    But thank you very much for your kind reply! Look forward to read more of your lovely postings...

    Have a great weekend,


  4. Thanks a lot Nicola; that is mighty sweet of you to stop by to read my blog and to leave a very sweet note.
    The Villeroy & Boch eggs are no longer available as I know but I'm lucky to have gotten all 12 thanks to my dear sister Diny. She did get them for me.
    Enjoyed reading your blog as well and I became a follower. You are welcome any time and feel free to share the link!

    Have a great weekend and a wonderful Easter!


  5. Lieve Mariette,
    ich bin über Johannas Link zu dir gekommen. Sie schrieb, dass du auch perfekt deutsch sprichst, also kann ich dich in meiner Muttersprache loben ;o) Dein in so schönen zarten Farben gedeckter Tisch ist sehr einladend - vor allem die Villeroy & Boch-Eier mit den schneeweißen Narzissen haben's mir angetan: bezaubernd!
    Herzliche Grüße aus Österreich, hugs & groetjes, Traude

  6. Liebe Rostrose/Traude,

    Sehr lieb Dein Kommentar! War schon auf dein Blog und habe da etwas geschrieben. Ja deutsch kann ich sehr gut lesen, weniger gut schreiben aber es geht. Wenn man so zwischen sieben Sprachen wechselt dann ist es ab und zu komisch...

    Liebe Grüße,


  7. Liebe Mariette,dank dir ganz herzlich für deine lieben Zeilen hier und für deinen Kommentar auf meinem Blog! Ich finde, du bekommst die Balance zwischen den sieben Sprachen wunderbar hin ;o) (Übrigens habe ich mir sagen lassen, dass die ersten 5 Sprachen die schwierigsten sind und sich danach alles viel einfacher einprägt - stimmt das?
    Ich glaube, du lebst überhaupt in einer sehr länder-übergreifenden (multikulturellen) Atmosphäre - allein schon, wenn ich mir das Restaurant ansehe, von dem du erzählt hast: Irisch vom Namen her, Toskanisch von den Spezialitäten, und einer der Chefs ist ein Landsmann von mir :o)
    Wundererschöne Ostern wünsche ich Dir!!!
    Alles Liebe, Traude

  8. Hi Mariette,
    Oh your photos are beautiful and your table looks so festive.. I love this time of year and the pretty pale colors..
    Happy Easter to you and your family.

  9. Dear Mariette,

    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. I enjoyed looking at your blog very much.The table is set beautifully and I like all your decorations. Especially the brass hangers!

    Wish you and your family a Happy Easter as well!

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  10. Liebe Mariette,
    happy Easter!
    Have a nice time with your family.

    Die ganz weiße Narcissen sind soooo wunderschön.
    Habe lange nach so weißen Narcissen gesucht. Bin leider noch nicht fundig.
    Die V&B Eier sind sehr schön....
    Liebe Grüße, Lucia

  11. Hallo liebe Mariette!!!

    Ganz lieben Dank für Deinen Kommentar und den Sonnenschein...es scheint, es hat geklappt.....!!!

    Ich wünsche Dir sehr schöne Ostertage - geniesse das Essen an Deinem wundervoll dekoriertem Tisch - Deine Gäste haben es wirklich gut!!!!

    Mit besten Grüssen,


  12. Buona Pasqua Mariette! you have quite a beautiful collection

    1. Dearest Daniela,
      Anch buona Pasqua per voi!
      Oh, over the years one gathers several treasures and I keep them forever... I'm not such a person that is looking all the time for new things. No way!
      Happy weekend and sending you hugs,

  13. Aaaawwww - Dear Mariette, I am longing for Easter spirit now. Not a lot of that here in India... Your pictures are gorgeous and I loved this post. It's such a great holiday - always special to me. Have a lovely Easter sweet friend and enjoy :-) Big hugs, Eli

    1. Dearest Eli,
      Indeed, living in a completely different culture makes one miss out on all this... But keep the fond memories and enjoy the 'good weather'! Thank you for your wishes and in your heart I wish you also a lovely Easter dear!

  14. Dearest Mariette ... wishing you and Pieter and blessed Easter ...your tablesetting is beautiful and your friends are sure to feel like royalty. Loving all the beautiful touches you have set out - especially the darling window decorations. Memories are priceless and you are inspiration and reminder that one must enjoy life and live each moment on purpose. hugs, love, peace and blessings, C. (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      The very same for you both! It is a very special time of the year and even more so when shared with friends around the table...
      Special memories from the Old World lie in those Easter decorations.

  15. Dear Mama Mariette Wowww it's so beautiful decoration..Andai bisa makan bersama di meja makan yang cantik itu <3 love, shinta

    1. Dearest Shinta,
      What a surprise to find a very special visitor from Bali here on my humble blog!
      Now you get an idea how a European Easter table might look like. Since all of my items are bought either in France, The Netherlands or ing Germany. It is different for each continent but of course, the true meaning is about Easter as New Life! That's why the egg is such a favorite symbol too.
      Sending you lots of love from Mama Mariette for all three of you!


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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