
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

{Mailboxes in Rural Georgia/USA}

  • Probably not many readers from outside the USA do know the Mailbox system that we have here. Very convenient and with a red flag that we can raise for the mailman, to indicate that he has to take out some outgoing mail. He then will lower the raised flag and we know that the mail has been taken/delivered. No needless trips to be made to the road where the mailbox stands. 
  • Our German 'son' did take such a US Mailbox home for his Grandmother so she didn't have to walk through rain or snow in vain for checking the mail. That was a very thoughtful gift from him! They had to educate their rural mail carrier how it was supposed to be done and it worked fine ever since. 
  • So let's have a look at those mailboxes in rural Georgia/USA. 
  • When people do come home from work, from their car they can open up the lid and take their mail or parcel out. Those boxes do contain quite a lot of mail. 
  • Contrary to the narrow slit for pushing letter mail through mailboxes, mainly inside front doors, in The Netherlands. Anything that will not pass through the opening is considered parcel post and will be delivered at a higher rate and separately. 
  • The green box is provided by the local Newspaper The Courier Herald.
  • How many miles a rural mail carrier must drive on any given day?

  • And how about delivering mail on rainy days?
  • Just like we had a couple of weeks ago with 18" or 45.7 cm rain?
  • Hats off to those rural mail carriers or UPS delivery, FedEx etc.!
  • But anyhow, I am glad that we live in a sub division with paved roads...

Bet in Canada, Australia and New Zealand it can be very rural too. 


  1. i love the rural mailboxes - but i hate when teenagers go on vandalizing 'fun runs' with baseball bats to bash them in. have lost a few mailboxes to bats - and a few posts to vehicles hitting them, too. :)

  2. Liebe Mariette,


    Einen guten Dienstag wünscht dir


  3. Bellissime queste cassette,magari ci fossero anche qui!Baci,Rosetta

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    wonderful pictures with all those mailbboxes!
    Poor postman..he has really hard and long ways for his deliveries!
    Have a lovely week,
    Love and hugs,

  5. Dearest Mariette,

    One of the best things about your blog is your eye for the details of life.

    Enjoy your week..........*s*

  6. Liebe Mariette,
    das System ist sehr gut.
    Bei uns wird die Post und auch die Pakete zum Haus gebracht. Allerdings nehmen die Postboten keine Briefe mit. Hier müssen wir zur Post oder aber zu den öffentlichen Briefkästen gehen. Andere Länder, andere Sitten.
    Ich wünsche dir einen angenehmen Abend

  7. Ohhh Mariette, adoro queste cassette della posta e le sto cercando per cambiare quella scomodissima che ho!
    E' vero che le nostre hanno tutte la fessura molto stretta e che ci sta poca posta e poi è pure tutta stropicciata...appena trovo il modello americano la sostituisco immediatamente!
    Un abbraccio dall'Italia

  8. Hi Mariette,
    Years ago when my parents first retired they moved to Nevada and lived 20 minutes to the closed town. They had to drive to the post office to pick up their mail and drop mail off. They don't live in Nevada any longer, but I remember driving into town just to pick up their mail.
    Our mailbox is located inside our walkway under the covered walk. Thank goodness for our mail carriers.
    Have a wonderful day, Elizabeth

  9. What a beautiful sight! I MISS MAILBOXES. I miss going outside to get the mail. My kids always loved doing that for my aunt when they were little. Here, you can only get mail if you pay to have a post office box and even then there's no guaranteed delivery. :/ Hope you are having a lovely day. Tammy

  10. Dearest Mariette,
    I am very happy for your interest Mailboxes.I normally don't look back but we did have same as your country.
    I remember nice memory about to us lovely lady has send Mailboxes to long time of years.
    What is like after twenty years later generation?
    Still 30 years might in fast be a change?
    Hugs and love to you always!

  11. How sweet of your German son to get the mail box for his grandmother so that she doesn't check in vain! I learned US mailbox system after coming here. In Japan, I always had to take outgoing mail to the post.
    When UPS delivers package in rain, they leave it in front of door but in plastic bag so inside the package don't get wet. I really appreciate it :-)

  12. Lieve Mariette,zo heeft elk land weer zijn eigen gebruiken en leveringen wat de post betreft.Ik vind het altijd zo'n leuk gezicht hoe de krantenjongen in Amerika de krant met een grote zwier het tuinpad opgooien richting voordeur,zie dat wel eens in films.

    Hartelijk dank voor de link die jij in reactie gaf over de Ostfriezenthee,ik was ook in dat prachtige thee museum.


  13. Dearest Mariette,
    Loved this post. It is so much fun to see the mailboxes lined up. We never lived where they were lined up...each house had their own box at the end of their drive. My daughter lives in rural Illinois and her mailbox is across the highway and in a long line of boxes.
    Her box was shaped and painted like a little cottage and last week it rotted out and fell over. She bought and had installed one of the largest mailboxes. Today was her first delivery in the new box. There was a stickie note on one of her letters. She said she thought it was postage due. It said "Your new mailbox is so nice. I like the large size". We laughed about it today. You know your mailbox stinks when you carrier gets that excited about your getting a new box. When I saw this post I knew you would enjoy that story.
    Love to you, Ginger


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