
Monday, March 11, 2013

{Only 4 Magnolia Blossoms for 2013}

  • This is the second year in a row that we missed out on our otherwise gorgeous Japanese Magnolia blossoms. We had some late frost and all the buds turned brown... 
  • Sad sight as this is such a show case for early spring; mostly on my Mom's Birthday which is February 12. 
  • In 2011 we had lovely blossoms on both of our magnolia trees and previous also in 2004. Below you see some photos of that lucky year... Also more links below post.
  • Let me show you our 4 dreary looking, surviving blossoms that I photographed today. They were the late bloomers but still got some frost damage, as is shown below.

  • Frost damage and also the color is not optimal. Their botanical name is Magnolia x soulangeana.
  • This photo is taken on Sunday afternoon before we took a walk.
  • Lovely weather.

  • ONLY 4 made it somehow... This is our 2nd Magnolia tree.

  • Our biggest Magnolia tree did not have a single blossom; all turned brown from late frost.

  • This was quite a show case of blossoms in 2004... Magnolia x soulangeana

  • Also in 2004, looking towards the gazebo.

  • Closer towards the gazebo, showing the 2nd Magnolia tree in 2004.
  • This Magnolia tree took  quite a blow when a big tree fell into it and broke off a big branch.
Are you having more luck with your Japanese Magnolia or Magnolia x soulangeana trees this year?

Related links:
{SPRING 2011 IS GRADUATING!} | Previous post by me
{Sculptured Watercolors by Patsy Gullett since 1981} | Previous post by me, showing our Magnolias too
{Our Camellia Sinensis Tea Plant and Japanese Magnolia} | Previous post by me


  1. sorry they did not do well this year. so far our redbud and ornamental pear are pretty pitiful here, too.

  2. Liebe Marktete ,das ist aber sehr schade mit der Magnolie!!Das sind sooooo schöne Bäume .Ich habe nur einen Magnolienstrauch ,freue mich aber jedes Jahr auf die Blüte .Ich wünsche dir eine schöne Woche .Liebe Grüße Ina

  3. Oh Gott ,wie hab ich denn deinen Namen geschrieben .Ist noch so früh .LG Ina

  4. Liebste Mariette,
    diese Magnolia ist ein Traum!
    Ich wünsch Dir einen guten Start in die neue Woche!
    ♥ Allerliebste Grüße Claudia ♥

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    nicht alles liegt in unseren Händen. Wir müssen es annehmen.

    Herzliche Grüße


  6. E' un albero che adoro, e questo colore rosa preannuncia il trionfo dei colori che la primavera ci dona. Che meraviglioso giardino!!! Paola

  7. Wat erg zeg !!! jammer is dat hoor dat ze dood zijn ze zijn zo mooi !!!...hier is het ook weer erg koud en overal zitten de knoppen alweer aan.....weet niet of het goed gaat hoor...liefs van mij.,..fijne week !!!!!

  8. Dearest Mariette,
    It must sad for your Mum's Magnolia for late your beautiful Magnolia with 4
    blossm before an time lovely weather.
    Sorry time 2nd single blossom from late frost in 2004 was snow case of blossom closer towards.
    Trees in here we has not same as your home time, still hot weather time and not same time.
    Hugs and love to you always!

    Your blog is so wonderful and Im following...I hope you follow me also:)

    If you want some cute swedish decor inspiration...check out my blog:)

    Have a great day dear

    LOVE Maria at

  10. Cara Mariette,io amo molto le piante ed i fiori in generale!!
    Spero che il tuo albero stia meglio ora!!
    Auguri alla mamma anche se in ritardo!!;D
    Un bacio cara a presto!!

  11. Lieve Mariette,

    Ontzettend jammer dat jullie dit jaar slechts vier bloemen in jullie Magnolia boom hebben. De boom ziet er in volle bloei geweldig uit! Wij hebben twee jaar geleden een Magnolia boompje geplaatst in de tuin, maar ik denk dat het nog wel even duurt voordat de boom zo groot en vol met bloemen is als die van jullie. Ook ik vrees dat we dit jaar weinig bloemen hebben. Het vriest deze week weer behoorlijk!

    Fijne dag!

    Madelief x

  12. Wat jammer zeg Mariette, dat jullie dit jaar maar 4 bloemen hebben! En op de foto in 2004 ziet hij zo prachtig uit.
    Hopelijk volgend jaar beter!
    Lieve groeten,

  13. Dear Mariette, It is always sad when we see the damage that Mother Nature can do to our gardens and trees. I have a small garden plaque that was my Dear Mother's. It has a quote from Reginald Arkel, 1882-1959 that says, "A gardener's life is full of sweets and sours, he gets the sunshine when he needs the showers". You are having one of the 'sours', but maybe 'sweets' to come! Hopefully! Your Magnolia's are truly lovely when you have a 'sweet' year! Hugs, xx

  14. That is truly sad, Mariette! As a southerner, I know how much we cherish our magnolias. We had a late frost as well, but my tulip magnolias came through just fine. The Southern magnolias probably won't bloom for another month or so. Let's just hope that next year is better! <3

  15. Liebe Mariette,
    der Bam mit den verfrorenen Magnolien sieht traurig aus.
    Aber ich kann mir vorstellen, wie schön der Anblick der
    Bäume in den vergangenen Jahren war.
    Einen schönen Abend wünscht dir

  16. Lieve Mariette, ik kijk maar snel voorbij aan de bloemen die veel geleden hebben van de vorst......maar blijf graag even langer hangen met mijn ogen in die prachtige roze bloemenwolk van magnolia's.

    Hier liggen mijn bakken vol blauwe viooltjes die manlief vorige week planten met het lenteachtige weer bedekt onder dikke witte sneeuwdeken.

    Niks zo veranderlijk dan het weer in ons kikkerlandje.

    Lieve groeten!!

  17. Dearest Mariette,
    Wow, what a show in 2004! I don't have a Japanese Magnolia at this home. I think that is about the most beautiful blossom around.
    I have a set of dinnerware that is called Dogwood but the blossoms are Japanese Magnolia. I plan to use them for Easter, maybe I can get some pictures for you. I need another eye to tell me they are NOT dogwood blossoms.
    Love to you, Ginger


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