
Monday, March 18, 2013

{Mom's 5th Dialysis Anniversary}

March 18, is Mom's 5th Dialysis Anniversary! She has made it more than one year past the statistics, according to the American Association of Kidney Patients, for people above 80. We are certainly grateful for having her still with us here on earth. On Sunday, after coming home from Church we did call Mom & Dad via Skype. On her 5th anniversary day she is having again her kidney dialysis.
This is how she is in her hospital bed during the dialysis treatment.
Weekly 3 x about 4 hours on her back...
Boring time and she is longing for some visits of course!
We did go each time when we went to the Netherlands. Also Anita our foster-daughter from Indonesia did visit her together with us.

If we calculate the time she's spent in her dialysis bed that would be non-stop 130, 24-hour days so far...
Quite a challenge but the alternative is no option!

Related links:

{Happy 89th Birthday Dear Mom} | previous post by me
{The Little Black Dress & My MOM} | previous post by me
{Happy 92th Birthday Papa!} | previous post by me - Mom was having dialyis on that day as well.
{Humble Gifts of the 1950s}| previous post by me
{Mom's 4th Dialysis Anniversary} | previous post by me with more pictures of Mom
{60 Years Ago} | previous post by me with Mom's pictures


  1. oh, dear. that would be so difficult! bless her for 5 years!

  2. God keep blessing your dear mother, Mariette. She looks wonderful, though. Have a good week.

  3. So sorry to hear about your mother. We never know when our page is going to be filled, so make the best of a situation and live the best you can. Even through all her problems, she still can put a sweet smile on her face.Many blessing to her and family.

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    When I read about your Dear Mother taught you a wonderful memory as there are so many others when you and dad were staying with in the USA.
    Your mother looking wonderful sweet smile on her face so many different I really want to do some thing that good time for Mother.
    Have a good heals with its warmth your family.

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh My!!! Blessing to your mother; she must have been happy having a visitor, her smile is really beautiful. I also think about you living away from her, my friend. Always brings me tears thinking the time mine fought bravely with cancer.

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  6. Liebe Mariette,
    aber man muss dankbar sein, dass die Medizin all den Nierenkranken mit der Dialyse überhaupt helfen kann. Es hat sicher seinen Preis, doch wie du schon sagst: es gibt keine Alternative. Ich wünsche deiner Mutter, dass sie alles gut verträgt und noch viele Jahre Lebensfreude hat.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  7. Liebe Mariette,

    alles Gute für deine Mutter.

    Viel Kraft wünscht dir


  8. Hi Mariette,

    Lots of kisses and hugs for her, the best we can do is dedicate our time to them,our kisses, our love. My father is now in a bad moment too. But all of us are trying to give him the best of us

  9. Dear Mariette,
    It must be so difficult to be far from your mother when she is going trough hard times.
    She looks so sweet, I pray she keeps beating the odds.

  10. Liebste Mariette,
    ich wünsche Deiner lieben Mutter alles Gute! Sie sieht so fröhlich aus, trotz all der Pein mit der Dialyse.
    Weiterhin viel Kraft und die allerbesten Wünsche für Euch!

    ♥ Allerliebste Grüße Claudia ♥

  11. Dearest Mariette,

    How wonderful to see your mother in such good spirits. I am sure you would prefer to be with her, but isn't it wonderful that we have Skype to connect us?

  12. My dear friend Mariette,
    Your mother is a very sweet lady, but at the same time a very strong lady. Just to see her beautiful smile and her nice attitude during this hard time inspires me a lot, God bless her always, she will be in my prayers.
    Send you and your mom a big hug

  13. Das ist wahrlich eine Leistung, liebe Mariette! Deine arme tapfere Mum! Denn an Dialyse verzweifeln schon Jüngere.

    Alles Liebe und Gute für Deine Mum weiterhin und liebe Grüße

  14. Mariette! carissima amica mia. Che bello vedere la tua mamma con quel sorriso...
    God bless her! dalle un bacione grande da parte mia, e dille che ha un'amica in più che l'ammira e le vuole bene.
    a te un bacio grandissimo. Buona settimana cara.

  15. E' incredibile la forza che emana il sorriso della tua mamma, nonostante la dialisi e la sofferenza che sicuramente l'accompagna. Un abbraccio grande da parte mia. Paola

  16. Dear Mariette,

    Your Mother is wonderful and a beautiful Lady, must have such a strong spirit.
    So glad that you can keep in contact with her via Skype, (such a great service)
    Best wishes and blessings to you both

    Sending hugs

  17. Dear Mariette - I'm so happy that you still have your mom with you. Isn't modern medicine a miracle to us all? I hope that this message finds you well, too! <3

  18. Your mom is looking good and very cheerful with a big smile on her face. Staying positive certainly helps.

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  19. Mariette, diese Dialysetage sind schwer. Und doch ist es eine segensreiche
    Erfindung, die viele Leben verlängert und auch rettet.
    Einen schönen Abend wünscht

  20. Hello Mariette, Your mother looks just great, and here's to many more years with her!

  21. What a beautiful smile, your mother is sharing with us!! Truly and inspiration for living all of our moments. The love and care both you and Pieter give your family is most touching ~ something I hope we all aspire to do. And you remind us that no matter how many miles separate us from our dear ones, we can still be there - with all of today's technology.. Hugs and blessings xo CM (HHL)

  22. Cara Mariette hai una bella mamma sorridente e forte!Hai il suo sorriso!Tanti auguri alla tua dolce mamma!Rosetta

  23. Dearest virtual friends,
    Thank you all so much for your lovely comments; they meant a lot to both of us! Will pass the well wishes on to my dear Mom as well.
    Hugs and blessings to all of you.

  24. It is good that she is still around still fighting and surviving it must be such a worry for those who love and care about her to see her have to go through dialysis but I guess you just have to remember that once apond a time there was no dialysis......

  25. Goodness, your mother is a strong woman! Isn't it wonderful when a person proves the doctors wrong. Fantastic!
    Wishing her continued health!
    xo Catherine

  26. Liebe Mariette,
    das ist keine schöne Situation und doch.... sie ist noch bei euch -
    sie sieht trotzdem fröhlich aus und sehr tapfer -
    ich wünsche deiner Mama alles Gute und Liebe -

    und auch dir Kraft -

    herzlichst - Ruth

  27. Lieve Mariette,

    Je moeder is gelukkig in goede handen van deskundige artsen,
    maar ik weet bijna zeker dat zij ook een sterke vrouw is met een positief karakter,anders zou zij nooit zo'n lieve en gelukkige uitstraling op haar mooie gezicht kunnen hebben.

    Wat fijn moet het voor jullie zijn om via de digitale snelweg regelmatig contacten te onderhouden.
    Jullie zullen beiden dankbaar zijn en telkens weer uitkijken naar deze momenten met elkaar via skype.

    Geniet van dit samen zijn op afstand.


  28. Een hele opgave elke keer, vooral als je de uren zo bij elkaar optelt.
    Fijn dat er skype bestaat, een prettige manier om bij te praten en elkaar te zien. Wij hebben zo ook contact met onze dochter die tijdelijk in Guatemala verblijft. Fijne week, lieve groet,

  29. Jetzt lese ich hier noch einmal, liebe Mariette.
    Meine Mutti hat ja ein ähnliches Problem. Ich frage mich gerade, war auch das Herz bei Deiner Mutter betroffen ... sicher sind nicht alle Krankheitsverläufe bei Niereninsuffizienz gleich.
    Aber Reisen konnte sie seit der Dialyse wohl nicht mehr?
    Man fragt sich auch, ob es besser ist, die Dialyse früher zu beginnen oder lange damit zu warten, wofür die Ärzte plädieren?? Schließlich richtet die verminderte Ausscheidung wiederum auch Schäden an ...aber die Dialyse ist halt auch belastend und einmal Dialyse immer Dialse ... aber meine Mutti ist auch schon 88, wird dieses Jahr 89!

    Viele liebe Grüße und für das Neue Jahr noch von Herzen alles Liebe und Gute und Gesundheit für Dich und Deinen Mann!


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