
Sunday, March 17, 2013

{Prednisone - My Hair Loss & Mason Pearson Brushes}

  • Thank you all so much for the lovely comments on my previous blog post about my Short Hair (see link below). 
  • Just like to react to one particular comment; that of Bea from Modern Country Lady
  • Also on my FB Fan Page, Bea did react. She would love to see me once again wearing the Stacked Bob Hairstyle as I have shown in a previous post. 
  • For your memory I will use the photo here below:

  • Bea even did remember my yellow sweater... This was in April of 1992.
  • How I myself would LOVE to wear this Stacked Bob Hairstyle again.
The end of 1988... Thick hair!
Would love to still have full hair like that...
Very full hair...
  • This was me while working and living in Indonesia in the 90s - healthy and happy hair!
  • My natural curls are still there but my hair is no longer that thick and healthy because of the Prednisone that I have taken for almost two years.
  • My favorite hair dresser, Peet Kleeven from Happy Hair in my hometown Horst, The Netherlands told me in September 2011 that the very brittle and dry condition + hair loss when shampooing my hair, or brushing it, was a side effect of Prednisone... SCARY!
  • During winter time especially it gets so dry, that's also a reason that I had it cut off this week.
  • But I did indulge in the world's best hair brush... purchased at Neiman Marcus, see link below post.
  • In August of last year I did invest in these two Mason Pearson brushes; one for travel or in my purse and one for at home. 
  • The cleaning brush (left) is included with the purchase of each brush, except for the pocket size that I got for traveling.

  • HOW I also WISH to have bought them sooner... 
  • Since I brush with those, my hair loss was and is a lot less! 
  • Hope it will work as well for step-daughter Liz whom we gifted with exactly the same in the spring of 2014. It was very hard to obtain one as Neiman Marcus, neither Nordstrom had ANY. So I had to order mine from the UK and had it mailed to The Netherlands
Though Liz is always SLOW to react, here she shows that the brush is doing its work!
Now, 1-½ year later this same brush has gone up to $ 205.00...
  • This might be a valuable tip for all those women that are going through medical treatment with Prednisone, or any other drug causing hair loss. See listing in link below.
  • I can only highly recommend this to anyone; regardless the steep price you pay for them.
  • But compared to my healthcare bills it is nothing!
  • Also in England they do make similar Kent brushes, for men. See link below.
  • Again, I hope this will help somebody else with the same condition!
If any of you has had a similar experience, I would love to hear from you.
No wonder that the Daily Mail UK deze Mason Pearson brush mentions in: 50 things to buy before you die.
They also mention that if cared for correctly, a Mason Pearson brush should last a lifetime!
Vermont Country Store sells them too and they mention them as Princess Diana's Favorite, For a Lifetime Of Beautiful Hair...

Related links:
{Our Irish Blarney Castle Sweaters + Short Hair} | previous post by me
{Did I loose my strength?... Like in Samson and Delilah?}| previous post by me with Stacked Bob Hairstyle
Mason Pearson Brushes: A Beauty Regimen That Has Stood the Test of Time  Gracious Style | Gracious Style blog
Choosing the right brush for your hair | Explaining about boar hair and nylon etc
A Brush for the King of the Castle | Yes, for men too! Blog post by Chris from Easy & Elegant Life
Mason Pearson Popular Mix  Brush (Elle Hall of Fame) | Neiman Marcus where I purchased mine
Drug-Induced Hair Loss | Steroids are mentioned here...
Mason Pearson London - England | link to Mason Pearson in London with history and more info


  1. glad you found a brush that will help.

  2. Hahaha....die Bea...maar ze heeft wel gelijk!1 Dit staat je idd nog beter!!

    1. Ja , vindt je ook niet ,Thea ! Zo'n mooie bob zou volgens mij nu nog prachtig staan.Wat een mooi haar heb je toch, Mariette toch, het mag misschien door de prednisolon zoals je schrijft, wat dunner zijn, maar er zijn weinig mensen die zelfs zulk mooi haar hebben ook al is het nu wat dunner!!

  3. I love the short cut. I go through season...I will keep it long for 5+ years, and then I get the itch to get a bob...

  4. I love the stacked bob. I have mine done in that cut,and although I have curly hair,it is not as thick as yours so looks different. I also think a good brush makes a huge difference. x

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    ich freue mich immer besonders, wenn ich schöne Fotos von dir sehe.

    Frohe Sonntagsgrüße


  6. Liebe Mariette, die Bob-Friseut gefällt mir außerordentlich gut und steht
    dir sehr! Vielleicht finde ich sie auch so gut, weil ich zeitlebens eine
    Kurzhaarfriseur trage.
    Einen schönen Sonntag wünscht dir

  7. What nice pictures of you. It's never fun with hair problems so you're right in that you have to have good hair products.


  8. Dearest Mariette ,
    I realy liked your sort cut !And the long hair are beautiful ! It is nice that you found a good brush to help you !

  9. Carissima Marietta,bellissima la prima foto,stai benissimo!!
    Penso che avere una buona spazzola (così si chiama da noi) è importante,anche per chi ha avuto problemi di medicinali,perchè non stressa i capelli ed in questo modo non li rovina!!
    Ottima scelta!!
    Un bacio grande grande!!

  10. Liebe Mariette,
    die kürzere Frisur stand Dir wirklich sehr gut! Ich persönlich finde ja ganz kurzes Haar sehr praktisch, deshalb trage ich es so. Mein Haar ist auch eher fein und bedürfte im langen Falle einer Dauerwelle, doch das wollte ich meinem Haar nie mehr antun. Deshalb schon ist ein Kurzhaarschnitt ideal.
    Die aufwändige Pflege von langen Haaren ist nicht für jeden etwas. Ich ging noch nie allzu gern lange mit Haaren um. Lockenwickler waren mit schon immer ein Gräuel. ;-) Aber wer die Zeit und Muße dazu hat, warum nicht.

    Liebe Grüße

  11. Liebe Mariette,
    auch mir gefallen deine kurzen Locken sehr - du bist halt auch eine sehr schöne Frau -
    aber... nein ich würde die herrlichen langen Haare nicht abschneiden - egal wie viel Arbeit es ist -

    lg. Ruth

  12. Some people manage to keep beautiful hair all their lives, but as I've gotten older, mine has certainly changed and is not as thick as it used to be. Taking any kind of medication will have side affects but I imagine that's not so important as your health. Wishing you all the best, Tammy

  13. Liebe Mariette,
    ich hatte nicht geahnt, dass gesundheitliche Ursachen deine neue Frisur erforderten. Aber trotzdem, es sieht hübsch aus. Wie sagte schon meine Großmutter: Schönen Leuten steht alles. Das trifft bei dir besonders zu.
    Herzliche Grüße

  14. Oh.....dat koppie met de boblijn,schattig!!!!

    Altijd jammer wanneer je door gebruik van medicijnen bijverschijnselen krijgt,zoals in jou geval veranderende haar structuur,maar ja het is het een of het ander...
    en heb je weinig tot geen keus,prednison krijg je niet zomaar voorgeschreven,je zal het echt nodig gehad hebben,helaas.

    Maar goed dat jij de juiste haarborstel gevonden hebt die jou haren weer levendig en gezond maakten.


  15. Thanks a lot for all your comments! It means a lot...

  16. You know I have had the same hairbrush for like 30yrs.............yeah you read that right 30 bloody years........why because it is awesome and I love it.

  17. OOohh dit heb ik gemist...wat jammer, het loopt hier ook niet zo lekker, dus neem me maar niet kwalijk..
    Ik vind je haar SUPER, ik snap heel goed dat je trots was op je mooie lange haar, maar dit krullen bobje....prachtig, ik vind het mooier dan je lange haar als ik heel eerlijk moet zijn...


Thanks for your visit and comment.
