
Saturday, March 9, 2013

{Our Double Peony Tulips Angelique & Mount Tacoma}

  • One of our most favorite spring bulbs have been the Double Peony Tulips Angelique & Mount Tacoma. The Angelique is a pink double peony tulip and the Mount Tacoma is a pure white double peony tulip. 
  • First we bought them at the tax free airport of Schiphol, Amsterdam in The Netherlands. So anxious to see those bloom and it was quite a show.

  • Gorgeous display of Angelique in front and Mount Tacoma in the back with white creeping phlox.
  • But over time, they did disappear... WHY? Read further below for finding out.

  • Gorgeous double Angelique Peony Tulips with our Chinese redbud.

  • View towards the gazebo...

  • Me touching one of those fragrant Mount Tacoma Double Peony Tulips.
  • We did learn that they are being eaten as gourmet food by e.g. VOLES. 
  • No, not moles, but voles. 
  • One day when husband Pieter went to fill the bird feeders with seeds, he stepped over those tulip beds and in doing so he just saw one tulip stem disappear into the ground. 
  • So after filling up those feeders, he investigated; with a shovel he dug up that particular tulip and he showed me a half eaten bulb and even the stem with the bloom had been nibbled off and that was the reason he saw it going into the ground. 
  • AHA; we learned that those critters eat all the tulip bulbs and other bulbs; but not daffodils as those are poisonous. 
  • SAD fact but we no longer have these beauties in our garden. As gourmet food they are too expensive for replacing them every couple of years.

  • This single Mount Tacoma Double Peony Tulip was our ONLY one survivor for 2010... 
  • Those voles left us with ONE bulb; isn't that generous?!
  • Does any of you have tulips in the garden?
  • AND have voles to feed...?

Related link: 
Vole | how this critter looks...


  1. they sure were pretty. sorry about the voles eating them.

  2. Liebe Mariette,
    wunderschöne Blüten. Ich habe sie so noch nicht gesehen. Es schon ein Trauerspiel, dass die Wühlmäuse alle Wurzeln abfressen
    Einen guten Start ins Wochenende wünscht

  3. I love tulips and peonies, but we don't have the four seasons to grow them. Your gazebo is lovely and your garden is looking wonderful my friend. Have a nice weekend.

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    prachtvoll - wie immer.

    In Liebe


  5. Dear Mariette, Oh, too bad about the voles. The tulips were very pretty. At least you have beautiful photos to remember.... Mt. Tacoma is what the Indians called Mt. Rainier before the early settlers renamed it after a ship captain. We still have the city of Tacoma to remember that name.
    Yes, we have voles and also squirrels love tulips and crocus. I have to grow my tulips in pots. A gardener's work never ends! Enjoy your weekend! Hugs, xoxo

  6. Hej Mariëtte, de grijze miezerige zaterdag wordt meteen weer goed bij het zien van die prachtige pioentulpen. Wat jammer dat je ze nu niet meer in je tuin hebt. Toch nog genieten van de foto's. Fijn weekend, lieve groet

  7. Dearest Mariette
    There you can sit for hours and just enjoy the floral splendor.
    The tulips bloom here in about a month
    Have a great weekend!

  8. Dearest Mariette,
    Wow, how sad that your GORGEOUS tulips were destroyed by voles. I really miss my small flower bed where I planted tulips. So sorry for my absence for your several posts. I am interested in your 7th post, but no energy to read now(^^;)

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  9. Dearest Mariette, Wow, those tulips were beauties. We have tried tulips here with no luck. Squirrels and the climate are against us. I have been told that one could create crude wire cages out of chicken wire and bury a cluster of bulbs in that. We probably would have tried but due to the climate we are lucky if they bloom one year anyway.
    We have had a hard winter, healthwise. I hope Spring brings good health for Bob and me.
    Love to you, Ginger

  10. Liebe Mariette,
    herrlich anzusehen sind die zarten Blüten - das macht so richtig
    Lust auf Frühling -
    wir haben auch einige Tulpen im Garten - aber jedes Jahr werden uns
    von Schnecken einige Zwiebeln gefressen -

    ich wünsche dir einen gemütlichen Abend -

    liebe Grüße- Ruth

  11. Tulip is one of my favorite flowers. I had them in garden when I lived in Japan. Not the same kind as yours but they were gorgeous as yours :-)
    It's too sad voles found them delicious. But they sure are generous to have left one for you. My tulips survived and came back every spring, I guess they were not very delicious for voles :-)

  12. Oh, that's too bad. Such a lovely flower! Lucky you still have the one. Best wishes for a wonderful weekend. Tammy

  13. De pioentulp is wél prachtig! Ik heb hier eens wat tulpenbollen geplant, tot nu toe zijn ze ieder jaar weer opgekomen, lichtroze, ook dubbele,maar de rest van de bolletjes komen niet op.De grondsoort is anders dan in Nederland.

    Lieve groetjes Janny

  14. Lieve Mariette,

    Jammer dat jullie op deze manier de tulpen zijn kwijtgeraakt. Ze waren prachtig! Heb je het sindsdien nog een keer geprobeerd? Jullie gazebo blijf ik prachtig vinden. Wat een heerlijke plek om zomers te zitten!

    Een fijn weekend toegewenst!

    Madelief x

  15. It is sad that you lost these beautiful flowers !
    You have the last one !! May be new of them ?
    Is it difficult ? Any way your garden is lovely !
    Have a nice weekend !

  16. Dearest Mariette,
    Peony Tulips,Your husband over tulip beds and saw one tulip stem into the ground!
    I really enjoy your romance quality at your home.
    We has hot weather in more then over the weeks..
    Hugs and love to you always!

  17. Dear Mariette,

    The double peonies make such a gorgeous show and what a shame the voles ate them and your tulips. I love the photo looking towards the gazebo, you have such a gorgeous garden.


  18. Dearest Mariette,
    those Tulips are wonderful!
    I did have soome in the garden, but they do not come out again, so i think, I have to plant new ones in autumn :O)
    Have a wonderful new week!
    Love and hugs


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