
Friday, March 8, 2013

{Our Wood Trail in 1994}

  • While scanning old slides I came across this one from 1994, showing you Our Wood Trail
  • Husband Pieter had dug the ditches and build this wooden walk way, all the way from the gazebo to the greenhouse. That was our first water control project to rid the property of some wet spots.

  • From here you are looking at the gazebo and the back of the house, towards the road.
  • We only could start with our gardening after we came home from our 3 years of working and living in Indonesia. 
  • This was the beginning of our lush garden with cute wrens bird house on the tree.

Azalea Helen Curtis is blooming here
  • Same Wood Trail, 17 years later... The wrens bird house still on the tree.
  • This photo is taken in the opposite direction.
  • The ditches have been filled up with the dirt that came out of the basement when Pieter dug it out for building the Rose Suite. 
  • That were 60 tons of dirt and it ended up on the side and in the ditches and on the back of our property near the creek. You can't even tell it was that much.
Do any of you have a walk way into the garden?

Related links:
{205 Winfield Road Then and Now} | previous post by me


  1. a lot of work - and it is beautiful.

  2. Beautiful walkway, Mariette! It must be wonderful to stroll through your beautiful gardens without getting your feet dirty. Pieter did put in a lot of work, but well worth the effort. We have some trails, but with only shredded bark and leaves for the pathway. Hugs, xoxo

  3. Your wood trail is so beautiful. I love walking on wood trail, it is more comfortable than walking on the ground and still feels like walking on nature :-) We don't have one, but if we ever move to large house with large garden like yours, I 'd love to have one!

  4. I love how everything has just grown in, very beautiful. I pinned this to my Gardens board on pinterest ♥

    1. The pin which linked to this post, has been deleted due to your copyright protection. Sorry I did not realize that included Pinterest.

    2. Dear Gloria,
      Yes, copyright protection includes also Pinterest.
      Hugs to you,

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    Your husband Pieter has dug the ditches and build wooden walk way the gazebo to the greenhouse all the way pieter has help beautiful way.
    You are always has good one.
    Hugs and love to always!

  6. Deaerst Mariette,
    your walkway to the garden looks wonderful! I love thos wooden wolkways.
    We do not have any, our garden is so tiny ;O)
    Have a loveley weekend,
    take care,
    Love and hugs,
    And thank you for all your kind comments, at the moment I am a bit behind with answering mails.....sorry!

  7. Liebe Mariette,

    ich bin begeistert.

    In Liebe


  8. As always, I am enchanted by pictures of your yard.

  9. That looks lovely Mariette :) I so much wish that I had a garden.

  10. °º✿✿
    º° ✿✿ ♫° ·.

  11. Liebe Mariette
    es ist wirklich schön, wenn man in den Erinnerungen
    schwelgen kann und sieht, was man geschaffen hat.
    Einen guten Start ins Wochenende wünscht

  12. Er ging heel wat werk aan vooraf nu je zo'n mooie tuin hebt. Ik woon tussen de landerijen en heuvels met de bergen in de verte. Wij hebben een boomgaardje, een manege aangelegd, en ik een rozentuin, en kunnen ook rondom het huis lopen en ook een binnenplaats met veel grindsteentjes, want het kan hier ook keihard regenen en overstromen. Jij hebt veel mooie bomen ook.

    Fijn weekend,


  13. Wow what a lovely walkway it looks like such a peaceful walk


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