
Thursday, April 18, 2013

{Are YOU for Cross Country Skiing or for Sun Vacation?}

  • That's a good question... 
  • Are YOU for Cross Country Skiing or for Sun Vacation? 
  • Probably most of you have done both at any given time. 
  • Like the two of us have done in the past. 
  • My husband Pieter did ski very well in Europe already and together we did some Cross Country Skiing in Cataloochee Ski Area, North Carolina. 
  • That is located in the heart of the Great Smokey Mountains in beautiful Maggie Valley.

  • With dear friend Dianne.

  • All eight of us in one van; all related to work for the local news paper The Courier Herald, Dublin Georgia for which I did write a weekly feature at the time.

  • Ready to go...

  • Padded pants make us look more plump...

  • We needed some lessons, except a few that were more advanced...

  • Husband Pieter always being a loyal PR person for the company he was VP Training & Development for at that time; in their Mushroom Division... Campbell Soup that is!

  • Calvin with Marion observed us all the time. I too was happy with some sunshine!

  • Enjoying a break with Steve, one of the Newspaper's employees.

So after all, Cross Country Skiing is ALSO about Sun!

Related link:
Cataloochee ski area in Maggie Valley North Carolina | link with info


  1. looks like a fun adventure. i used to like beach vacations when i traveled more.

  2. Great pics. Thanks for sharing. Snow is always beautiful when Sun light falls on it. eh?

  3. Such fun, Mariette! (I prefer alpine skiing.) <3

  4. Oh how nice you got both cross country skiing and sun vacation at the same time!
    Last time I went skiing is many years ago. It was not sun vacation at all. It was snowing and way too cold and I caught cold.
    Great pictures. You look very cute in the ski suit!

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    you can skiing very well with husband pieter that is fantastic idea Mariette San.
    What wonderful of the great smokey mountains.
    I love your pictures all ways.
    Have a Lovely sporting skiing with both has good time.
    Hugs and love to you always!

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    I think you had a wonderful time there...snow and sun....
    I do not do skiing, but I love long walks in the snow ...
    I like the pictures in the snow, but I am happy, that Spring now is coming!
    Have a lovely week,
    Love and hugs

  7. Cross skiing is fun and you're right you get a little bit of both when you're up the mountains. I use to love that, after skiing sitting in the sun. Looks like you had a great time there. Enjoy your day.

  8. Liebe Mariette,


    In Liebe


  9. Provai a sciare tanti anni fa a Madonna di Campiglio.....non fa per me! Vedo invece che a te e alla tua compagnia piace molto e con una giornata favolosa, illuminata da un sole stupendo è davvero spettacolare. Paola

  10. Hello Mariette, These pictures have tremendous appeal, but still skiing is an activity I would rather enjoy vicariously. Most of the time, I like to explore a city or historical area, or a natural area.

  11. Welkom op mijn blog, leuk een landgenoot te treffen in een ver land. Heb mezelf ook bij jouw blog aangemeld.

  12. Nee,Mariette op de ski's zal je mij nooit tegen komen,heeft me nooit getrokken.

    Maar dat jullie er plezier aan beleven is wel duidelijk te zien op de foto's.

    Enne......niks mis met mollig;-)
    mijn vader zaliger(zelf zo mager als een lat)zei altijd:ze zeggen wel altijd lekkere dikke maar nooit lekkere dunne!!!

    Hou wel van bergen met sneeuw in het voorjaar, maar dan meer als achtergrond tegen het landschap.Wie weet ga ik het binnenkort weer zien die indrukwekkende Lefka Ori(Witte Bergen)tegen de achtergrond van de prachtige stad Chania op Kreta met haar vele Venetiaanse invloeden.

    Fijne dag en lieve groet,

  13. Good Afternoon Mariette, You look like you are having a lot of fun skiing with your husband and your friends. For myself, I think I prefer the sunny holiday, the reason is our climate is so cold, and I miss the sunshine so much, that I enjoy it at every opportunity.
    But never, say never, who knows, I might try a "snowy" holiday in the future.
    Enjoy your day.
    Best Wishes

  14. Lovely photo's Mariette! You look elegant even in your padded trousers!! Have a lovely day!

    Madelief x

  15. Not much of a snow person...but I am all about the sun!! Sole Mediterraneo

  16. Dearest Mariette
    What lovely Snow Images!
    I've never been on a skiing holiday - it has always been traveling to sun and sea.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  17. Dearest Blogger Friends,
    Guess it is quite obvious that the SUNSHINE is the winner at large! As for me personally I do like the SUNSHINE too. However beach with some action and lots of walking in natural surroundings.
    Wishing you a Happy Friday and a sunny one!

  18. Cross Country Skiing sounds like fun if only I knew how to
    Looks like you had a great time anyway, me I guess I am more a fun in the sun person ok I am the don't do anything let others take care of me type of holiday gal

  19. Dearest Mariette,
    Actually, I've never been to ski p;) How gorgeous it would be with nature, my friend. You look SO great with in the ski suit. I wonder I may need to lend or buy child-size, haha.

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  20. Belas fotografias de bons momentos...Espectacular....

  21. Una maravilla de reportaje..un beso desde Murcia...


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