
Monday, April 8, 2013

{My Etiquette Training Interview with WGXA.TV (FOX24/ABC16)}

On July 29, 2011, Morning Show Anchor/Producer Rick Devens from WGXA-TV (FOX24/ABC16) Middle Georgia News & Weather, did an interview with me about Etiquette Training. I want to react on the final segment about the difference between tea cups and coffee cups. Video is shown below.
  • Interview was done inside our dining room. Click the arrow and enjoy!

    • It was a hot summer day...

    • Rick Devens promised to send me the DVD but till today, I never got it...
    • BUT he was so kind to upload it onto YouTube and that's even better!

    • In front of my porcelain cupboards...

    • Pieter took this photo from the kitchen area...

    This is what WGXA.TV (FOX24/ABC16) Morning Show Anchor/Producer
    Rick Devens ended the video with.

    Not quite correct as pointed to with those chevrons but more about that tomorrow... see link below.

    Related links:
    Off Beat: Etiquette Training | Publication of video by Middle Georgia News & Weather WGXA.TV
    {Difference Between Coffee & Tea Cups} - post by me about correct tea and coffee cups


  1. Oh my Mariette, it looks like you read my mind! My friend Teresa from Portugal said she didn't have tea sets, but ONLKY coffee sets...I wondered, as Americans and S. Am., like me only have tea on teacups and saucers and coffee in mugs mostly..but Europeans have them on demitas, espresso kind of coffee. Anyway, how great you were on FOX news. Thanks for sharing. Have a good week.

    1. Dearest Fabby,
      No not quite demitasse or espresso cups; those are quite small in comparison. There is a big difference though in the thickness of cups. Here in the US often in a restaurant you get your coffee served in a thick mug and that turns the coffee cold in no time! Such a mass takes away the heat of the coffee or tea way too fast. In my home country they would rate a restaurant on the temperature they serve their coffee with. Maybe they therefore do pay more attention to it?
      Hugs to you,

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    du zeigst das LEBEN!

    In Liebe


    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, Leben tut man wirklich mit Kaffee und Tee! In den Niederlanden ist es auch gebrauch um fast sofort zu fragen wenn man irgendwo auf Besuch kommt: "Was trinken Sie, einen Kaffee oder Tee?" Es ist fast unhöflich wenn nicht so etwas anbieten. Hier in der USA kennt man so etwas nicht...
      Lieber Gruss,

    2. Oops ich reagiere hier mehr auf die Kafee und Tee Tassen... Aber ja, gute Manieren ist so wichtig im Leben! Schade das es so am verschlechtern ist.
      Lieber Gruss,

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh,My!!! How wonderful you did Etiquette Training Interview with FOX TV☆☆☆
    This is exactly what I've been wondering about. For me as a Japanese, tea-set is five yunomi and Kyusu. I remember posting our version p;)
    Looking forward your post tomorrow, my friend.

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Thanks, this video was just a spur of the moment as they contacted me with very short notice. I could not have a full dinner ready for use...
      Oh, I do know the Japanese tea-sets very well. You know I even have a Kyusu teapot and also a Japanese teacup & saucer. You might want to look here:
      Hugs to you,

  4. Ohhhh Mariette, persino una intervista!!!! Spero ti mandino presto il DVD e...aspettiamo aggiornamenti!
    Un caro abbraccio dall'Italia

    1. Cara Anna,
      Grazie per visitarmi.
      Anche un caro abbraccio dalla mia parte,

  5. Good Morning Mariette, I wish this video had not been removed as I would have loved to have seen it. How wonderful to have been featured on Fox TV. Etiquette, sadly, seems to be disappearing very quickly. Whilst what I am going to say is not linked to tea or coffee, I wonder if you feel the same about mobile phones. I have been in the company of so many people who answer a phone call whilst sitting amongst friends for either coffee or dinner. They do not get up from their chair to speak to the caller, but stay seated, so the rest of us have to be quiet and whilst I do not want to listen to the conversation, I find I am being forced to.
    I am looking forward to tomorrow's post about tea and coffee etiquette.
    Best Wishes

    1. Dearest Daphne,
      The video IS on, I had problems with the server and that's why it didn't show at first. You are so right about the general etiquette; it is lacking big time. Good manners seem to be out of the window. But all is not lost as it is refreshing to see lots of people that do adhere to proper etiquette. Here in the southeast of the USA I must say that courtesy is also a lot higher. Let's hope people will re-discover it.
      Hugs to you,

  6. Lieve Mariette,

    Wat leuk om je te zien en te horen bij Fox TV.☺☺

    Ja, het is wat met die etiguette en tafelmanieren.....
    en ondanks dat de meeste mensen het in hun opvoeding als kind al van hun ouders mee gekregen hebben, er al vele boekenplanken vol met boeken over geschreven zijn,bepaalde opleidingen gegeven worden waar dit hoog in het vaandel staat etc.etc.
    kan menigeen nog veel leren wat dit betreft.
    Maar de vraag is......wil men het heden ten dage nog wel weten,leren en bijgebracht krijgen...??
    We worden allemaal steeds makkelijker en soepeler in dit soort zaken en omgang met elkaar,en wat mij betreft hoeft het ook niet allemaal zo stijfjes en opgeprikt,zolang het maar niet onbeleefd,onbeschoft of zonder respect is naar de ander toe in gezelschap.

    Ik weet mezelf als mens echt wel te gedragen in gezelschap,maar dat wil niet zeggen dat ik alles perfect navolg zoals een ander het mij ooit leerde of beschreef in boeken....
    ben ook maar 'n mens.

    Ik zou haast zeggen....'breek me de bek niet open' over wat ik in mijn leventje tijdens mijn werkzaamheden gezien en meegemaakt heb tijdens recepties en etentjes van welopgevoede en hoogopgeleide dames en heren waarvan je mag aannemen dat zij behoren te weten hoe het moet...hoe je je behoort te gedragen....
    .....nou vergeet het maar....hoe meer alcoholische drankjes hoe meer ze uit hun rol vielen,niks is wat het lijkt.....van groot tot klein.

    Fijne dag en liefs,

    1. Lieve Ger,
      Het feit dat mensen, tenminste in Nederland... niet meer zo trouw naar de kerk gaan in hun beste pak en kleding, is ook de reden tot deze verwatering. Men lééft nu enkel voor vakanties en hobbies en de rest blijkt bijzaak te zijn. Respect voor een ander en met name de ouderen is op een laag pitje en de jongere generatie leeft in isolatie van al het andere; in hun eigen 'cocoon' van social media... De economie is echter sterk aan het veranderen en met de leeftijd komt er zeker nog wel een hang terug naar alles wat met cultuur en beschaving te maken had. Onze voorouders hebben het ruim 2,000 jaar aan ons doorgegeven, zo goed als ze het konden. En dan zou dit ineens niet meer geldig zijn? Néé hoor, maar het komt wel weer goed. Gelukkig is het hier in het zuidoosten nog erg conservatief, zoals het wàs toen wij opgroeiden. Dus dat is fijn!
      Maar jij scoort nog erg hoog met je inzet in de keuken om voor familie en vrienden verrrukkelijke etentjes op tafel te zetten! Daar komt menigeen níet bij in de schaduw. Gewoon een hartelijk en lief mens ben je en het hoeft zeker niet stijfjes en opgeprikt.

  7. Liebe Mariette,
    über Etikette kannst du wirklich was erzählen. Schade, dass sie das Video herausgenommen haben. Ich bin sehr neugierig über die Fortsetzung dieses Posts, denn über die Bezeichnung der Tassen wunderte ich mich. Wird das wirklich so unterschiedlich gehandhabt?
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

    1. Liebe Johanna,
      Das Video funktioniert doch; es lag nur an unsere Server Verbindung die hier sehr schlecht ist. Sie konnten noch nicht herausfinden wo das Problem liegt. Ja hier haben wir meistens nur Kaffee bekommen aus Teetassen, wobei die es gar nicht mal wissen. Sonst in Restaurants wird Kaffee serviert in solch grosse und dicke Tassen, wie Mugs, das den Kaffee sofort kalt ist. Eine andere Kultur.
      Ganz lieber Gruss,

  8. You're a natural on camera Mariette! I laughed so hard when he pointed and you told him "don't point" LOL. How wonderful that you're keeping etiquette alive, sadly it's becoming a thing of the past for many. Being English, we were taught to eat with our knife in our right hand and fork in our left mom would get very upset if we used our fork as "a shovel" too! Great video my friend:)

    1. Dearest Victoria,
      Thanks for the compliment. We've been in front of cameras a lot so that is natural. At the practical training college my husband founded about Musrhoom Growing, we had several times a TV crew come to capture us on video. It was awfully HOT under those lights but that's about it. Further we've been tapes while giving Seminars or at Congresses giving a paper. You learn to act just natural.
      We have yet to figure out where that eating habit got lost... Most Americans have European back ground and yet, it is lost here! We also had to keep our hands 'above' table and most Americans eat with their left underarm rested inside their lap. For any terrorist it would be a piece of cake to spot an American. So where did this start and how?
      Hugs to you,

  9. What a fine job. You're a real celebrity * smile *. You may have a good week.


    1. Dearest Elna,
      No, I'm for sure no celebrity and I don't even want to be one!
      Hugs to you and hope spring is arriving in Sweden soon.

  10. Wow Mariette, che bello vederti in un video e sentire la tua voce...mi sembrava quasi di essere li con te!
    Grazie per avermi avvisata che il video funzionava!
    Un grande abbraccio a te e a tuo marito

    1. Cara Anna,
      Grazie mille per le tue parole molto care.
      Si, è bene per sentire una voce e per vederci.
      Un bacione grande a tutti voi,

  11. This was great how cool you being on the news...............

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Thanks, it was a pleasure doing this!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
