
Sunday, April 7, 2013

{My Jessica McClintock Hat & Christian Dior Suit}

On Easter Sunday it was such lovely weather when we went to Church, so naturally I wore my new Jessica McClintock hat that I found for a steal at Tuesday Morning in Atlanta. Whenever we make our 3-weekly rounds to Atlanta for stocking up on health food, we always check out Tuesday Morning! With this new hat I did wear my old Christian Dior Suit that I received on my 34th Birthday, while being in San Francisco together. I had found it in the Cosmopolitan magazine and fell in love with it. Having studied fashion, I always have been drawn to the great French designers. At the time Christian passed away, I was only six-and-a-half years old.
 Perfect weather and no wind... otherwise you will have to run after your hat. My Mom always wore a hat to Church when I was a little girl; that was so elegant... Fond memories. Our Church ladies asked me just recently WHY I did not wear hats. I smiled and didn't tell them that I had this new one for Easter.
This is the page from the Cosmopolitan magazine that I fell in love with... I was over the moon for finding it at Macy's Union Square in San Francisco. Together with the money that we'd received from sweet Sister-in-law Dora, we went ahead and got it. I was thrilled too that it came in a size 4 or European 34. My size never has been a problem in the USA because of the many Asian women, so there is a market. In The Netherlands I never could find anything...
The only thing I did to this suit, is hemming up the skirt... Please let me know what you think!
This is in our previous home in Dublin, in the veranda. Before we moved to Pennsylvania, Italy, Indonesia and back to Dublin, Georgia again...

  • That's me, 26 years ago... My eyes are not as big anymore!

Don't you think the skirt was too long here? I always LOVED those heavy duty trucks! Would you believe that Pieter came home from a trip with a POSTER of such monster, as a gift for me?!
This Jessica McClintock hat is called: A Rose Is A Rose... And you all know how I LOVE roses!
It is an all natural 100% straw hat... As dear friend Bea from Modern Country Lady wrote in her post: Life is better with a hat. See link below post.
What do you say about the length of my skirt here? I've altered it. The suit is 100% natural rayon and is also lined in 100% rayon which gives a great feel. The wide patent leather belt came with it. My shoes are Escada from the outlet. Scarf is a Christian Dior silk neckerchief that we found in Singapore in the tax free shops at the airport. That is the bonus of a traveling consultant! Guess I never will change in size so I can keep things for eternity, with some alterations and new accessories.
Yes I know that I ought to wear the hat more in my face... but these pictures are taken in a hurry before we drove to Church, using my iPhone... Pieter did wear his matching silk houndstooth tie but you have to be awfully fast for taking pictures of him. He gets out of his clothes for a change, in a blink!
Both in a large houndstooth pattern; the Christian Dior Suit and the silk neckerchief.
Here you see the rose on my straw hat as Pieter did not take the photos from that side...
Made in the U.S.A. and Size 4

Jessica McClintock - 100% Natural Straw
A steal of a deal and that's how we do stretch our dollar...
Do you wear hats and/or suits?
Are natural fibers important to you?

Related link:
Life is better with a hat | previous post by blogger friend Bea from Modern Country Lady
My Life in Hats | previous post by blogger friend Marie-Thérèse from The French Touch
{Do YOU all know Our Nations Oldest City - St. Augustine, Florida?} | previous post by me


  1. Dearest Mariette ... You look so elegant from head to toe! The shorter length is perfect, you have beautiful legs!!! What a steal that hat was .. . great buy. Yes, one can look amazing and not break the bank account, with careful shopping. I do love natural materials - .... all your photos are brilliant. And you still have big beautiful eyes... wishing you a wonderful evening..hugs and blessings, C. (HHL)

  2. Beautiful, I love the length of that skirt, the hat is just wonderful. What a nice outfit. Di@Cottage-wishes

  3. Dear Mariette,

    How very elegant you are, love the amazing Christian Dior suit and your gorgeous hat. I agree with your friend Bea, life is better with a hat and finishes off an outfit. I adore houndstooth pattern too.
    Hope that you are enjoying a lovely weekend

  4. your suit is very cute and your hat very stylish.

  5. I had a very similar suit in the 80's, but gave it to one of my daughter' doesn't exist anymore. Anyway, you look great and I love how your hat looks..just perfect for that Easter suit!

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    The length of your skirt here? A Christian Dior are wonderful good looking for you have beautiful LEGS! at Singapore in the tax free for very happy with you.
    Pieter has so test of his clothes for a change in blink!
    Hugs and love to always!

  7. bonjour
    je ne suis pas encore habituée à votre blog
    je viens vous répondre au sujet de mon blog "ombre et lumière "
    depuis l' adolescence je lis énormément
    ma mère était une lectrice chevronnée
    j' ai donc été toujours entouré de livres
    j' ai également tenue la bibliothèque de l' hôpital pendant 15 ans
    mon blog résume tous les livres que j' ai lu et les auteurs qui me plaisent
    particulièrement surtout sur le xviii
    je n' ai pas la prétention de faire la biographie d' un auteur
    les photos seules sont du net
    et libre de droit , vu la période ou les auteurs ont vécus !
    je continue à lire beaucoup
    vous êtes une femme très élégante
    j' aime beaucoup le tissu "pied de poule "
    j' ai vécu à Granville là ou Christian Dior avez sa maison
    le muguet est sa fleur fétiche
    je connais très bien son jardin et sa maison ( enfin surtout celle de sa mère )
    je vous souhaite un bon dimanche
    à très bientôt
    edith (iris)

  8. Que guapisima y que elegante Mariette!!!
    Muchos besos!!

  9. Liebe Maariette,
    ein tolles Outfit. Bei Euch wird noch Hut getragen. Das kommt bei uns immer mehr aus der Mode.
    Die Länge des Rockes ist perfekt.
    Einen Sonntagsgruß schickt

  10. Liebe Mariette,


    Sonnige Sonntagsgrüße

  11. Sei di un'eleganza straordinaria, molto raffinata e di gran classe con quel cappellino. Nulla da dire, sei perfetta! Paola

  12. Liebe Mariette,
    du siehst entzückend aus. Das ist das Gute an echter Designermode, man kann sie Jahrzehnte tragen (wenn man reinpasst). Über die Jahre gesehen ist es sicher preiswert und auf jeden Fall "gut für die Umwelt", wie wir hier sagen. Wenn ich lese, dass du Mode studiert hast, wundert es mich nicht mehr, dass du immer so schick bist. Der Hut ist auch ganz wunderschön zum Kostüm.
    Beste Grüße, Johanna

  13. Wow Mariette, you look so chic and elegant! I love the hat, it matches your beautiful suit! The length of your skirt looks perfect after you altered. When it's too long, it looks heavy, I think.
    It's a very nice suit and you keep your size, you can really wear it forever! I wear hat but casual type just for sun shade purpose. I almost never wear suit. I think last time I wore suits was for job interview about 7 years ago ;-)

  14. First let me say that a beautifully tailored suit never goes out of style. That suit is magnificent! (I'm kind of a nut for suits and blazers.) Good for you that you never change sizes, too!

    I am not really much for hats - I don't look good in them, but I will wear a straw hat when outside to protect my face from the sun. That's about it.

  15. What a beautiful outfit, looks very good on you :)

  16. Dearest Mariette...

    Classic clothes stay in fashion forever! And what a bonus to find the perfect hat so many years later. You look wonderful in them.
    The skirt length is perfect. When I still wore skirts....after mini skirts (my favorite)....I hemmed at knee or just above the ankle. I wear hats in the summer.....but no baseball caps for me!

    Have a happy week..........*s*

  17. Lieve Mariette,

    Zoals altijd sta jij weer elegant op de foto,zou bijna zeggen 'op zijn paasbest'
    Op zijn paasbest betekent 'piekfijn'. Iemand die op zijn paasbest gekleed is, heeft zijn beste (nieuwe) kleren aan......
    maar in jou geval is het kostuum niet nieuw....maar van een nooit uit het modebeeld weg geweest model.

    Een pakje draag ik nooit en zeker geen hoed,
    ik draag graag langere zwierige kleding in lagen,punten,asymmetrisch van het Nederlands mode merk A.R.T ( Ateliers rare toggery).


  18. Ok have to say it I am jealous you can still fit into the suit and have such great legs............there said it..........I do like the short lenght of the skirt but as I said you have great legs........and now to that hat it is gorgous you are so elgant and pretty..........

  19. º° ❤♫°
    Olá, amiga!
    Super elegante!
    Bom domingo!
    Boa semana!

    °º♡ Beijinhos do Brasil.
    º° ♡ ❤♫°

  20. Dear Readers and Blog Friends,
    Thanks for your visits and comments; it is greatly appreciated!
    Wishing all of you a wonderful April week with plenty of shun shine.
    Hugs to you,

  21. Liebste Mariette,
    Du kannst mit jedem Model auf dem Laufsteg mithalten :O)
    Sehr schick!
    Ich wünsch Dir einen schönen und glücklichen Wochenbeginn!
    ♥ Allerliebste Grüße Claudia ♥

  22. Dearest Mariette, That model has nothing on you. You are absolutely lovely in your suit and hat. I do love hats and still wear them sometimes. I know you two were a handsome couple on Easter morn.
    Love to you, Ginger

  23. I loved this post, ma chère Mariette, for obvious reasons. We share a love of hats and classic, beautiful clothes. You just can't beat a great Dior suit. I think you were absolutely right to raise the hem. When you've got great
    "gams," you need to show them off.

    Bisous, M-T

  24. You look beautiful... and many years later you still look the same not much different in your size, wish i can fit in my old cloths. You look very nice in the dress... very elegant!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
