
Friday, October 4, 2013

{World Animal Day 2013 and My First Pets}

October 4 of 2013 is again World Animal Day. 
Let me introduce my favorite Dachshund Mauzie-girl to you:
This photo was taken in our garden in The Netherlands by my brother Martin Van den Munckhof
Cute Calender is the link for above text to read more.
Enjoy my previous post here below; just click on its link...
Showing you our Mauzie in Paris, France – a trip during summer, when we took my Parents along after helping them pick their gherkins in the greenhouses very tight so we could 'skip' one day. Next day it was back to the greenhouses again by 4:00 AM for picking lots of them. I've always helped my Parents out during my summer vacation when I took time off from my Government job.
They worked hard all their lives and never got to escape to some scenic places otherwise.
I'm so glad I did take them along! 
Fond memories...

Related links:
{World Animal Day started in 1931 in Florence, Italy} | Mauzie at home with cat Bartje my first kitty...


  1. Dearest Mariette;
    Oh, World Animal Day♪ Made me think about the Shetland Sheepdog I had before I was 30 and the other ones I had when young p;) Young you with long hair were SO pretty and looked happy with Mira and Mauzie♡♡♡
    I am heading to my father after the little break. I need to take a precaution wearing mask (^^;) Take care of yourselves!

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Thank you so much and sure we all have fond memories of a favorite pet... Thanks for your compliment; indeed that is 34 years ago. Can't believe where the time goes to.
      Sure you don't want to pass anything on to your Dad as he is too feeble for that. It is not easy dealing with an ailing Parent...
      Hugs and thank for your sweet comment and love.
      Love from your American friend,

  2. Replies
    1. Dearest Theresa,
      She was little but fierce, cute and very smart!

  3. Ja inderdaad een feestdag voor de dieren!
    Wat n schattig hondje was jullie Mauzi!
    Maar teckels kunnen erg eigenwijs zijn, toch?!
    Wij hadden er vroeger ook eens eentje.
    Fijne dag!

    1. Beste Nicole,
      Mauzie was een héél bijzondere teckel, erg energiek, héél pienter en eigenwijs kan ik niet over klagen. Ik denk dat ze gewoon pienter was en dit goed handelde. Ze blafte nooit en gedroeg zich altijd keurig; een perfecte reisgezel.
      Mijn zus en ik mochten er bij een Oom ooit eentje uitzoeken; dat werd ook een zwarte black & tan die we Wally noemden. Zij was wat groter maar ook een pracht dier. Die wilde nadat ik trouwde altijd met mij mee naar Panningen omdat ze daar meer rust had. Ze had hondsziekte. Helaas gingen mijn ouders in die tijd niet naar een veearts om preventief te laten inenten... Nadien heb ik dus Mauzie genomen en ik had er graag nog een gehad maar met ons reizen kon dat niet. Immers er zou geen tweede Mauzie zijn die zó gemakkelijk en pienter was.

  4. Liebe Mariette,


    Sonnige Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, sehr LEBENDIG war die Mauzie! Sie war super klug und immer aktiv.
      Lieber sonniger Gruss zurück.

  5. Such beautiful brown eyes. He must have been such a joy :)

    1. Dearest Pallavi,
      She was such a joy; a very sweet, energetic and above all clever Dachshund.

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    Mauzie really was such a lovely Dachshund!
    Have a wonderufl day,
    love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      She was a very cute and clever Dachshund!
      Sending you hugs and sunshine your way,

  7. Ja, een leven zonder huisdier kan ik me niet voorstellen, ze voegen zoveel toe. Die Mauzie is een bereisde hond geweest, leuke foto's van hem. Ik heb ook twee keer een zwarte kat gehad die allebei heel oud zijn geworden. Nu hebben we een "design" model met streepjes.:)

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Inderdaad hoort een huisdier in het gezin; met name ook voor kinderen een hele leerzame ervaring! Mauzie inderdaad was erg bereisd maar ze was ook erg gemakkelijk vanwege haar pienter karakter. Jullie hebben nu Sofietje, een British Shorthair Pedigree toch? Dat bedoel je kennelijk met je 'design' model... Grappig is het verschil met onze Asian cats die een klein en meer driehoekig spits koppie hebben vergeleken bij Sofietjes ovale koppie.
      Geniet van haar zolang je nog kunt.

  8. Jutro Twój i mój piesek będą miały swoje święto i to jest bardzo miłe. Pozdrawiam.
    Tomorrow is your and my boy will have their festival and it is very nice. Yours.

    1. Dearest Giga,
      I guess that your male pet and our felines (both male and female) do have 365 days of animal day. But it is more for bringing awareness to the world for all the neglect and abuse that still exists!
      Hugs to you,

  9. Mauzie was such a cute girl! I love her gentle brown eyes. She was very lucky woofie to travel the world with you, see different places. I'm sure she got lots of attention and was very popular anywhere she went :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Oh, she always was the darling. I wish I had it on video where Mauzie was in the South of France, surrounded by little children that did pet her and exclaimed: 'Mignon-mignon' or darling-darling... She sure was! She lived a happy live and got to travel with us instead of being separated.

  10. Dear Mariette,what a cute dog!!!
    I had a dog for 14 years and i loved him so much!(Boomer)
    I miss him!!I have the kittens but a dog is very different!!
    I use to talk with him with my eyes!
    He knew what i wanted!!!
    Thank you for sharing!!Have a lovely day!Hugs!!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Your Boomer must have been a very special boy as well; they leave their footprints into our heart forever! Oh, a clever dog is such a keen observer and reads body language or eye contact so well. Dogs are different although we have some kittens that behave more dog-like. They are all different and it depends on the individual. Mauzie was exceptional cute and smart, she was loved by everyone.
      Hugs and happy day with sunshine.

  11. Liebe ariette,
    wenn man ein geliebtes Tier verliert, bedarf es eigentlich nicht
    eines Gedenktages. Man denkt immer an sie. Aber es ist dennoch,
    gut, dass zu diesem Tag aufgerufen wird
    Einen erholsamen Feiertag wünscht Dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Ich glaube nicht dass Welt Tier Tag ist um verlorene Haustieren zu gedenken aber mehr um Menschen weltweit aufmerksam zu machen die Tiere zu respektieren und Menschwürdig(er) zu behandeln. Schade dass es so oft nicht der Fall ist. Ich habe meine Mauzie nur zugefügt als Vorbild über Haustiere. Es gibt viele nette Leute die ebenso ihre Tiere geliebt haben. Für uns ist es 365 Tage im Jahr World Animal Day...
      Ganz lieber Gruss,

  12. Your sweet Mauzie-girl is a precious reminder how important our animal friends are and especially on World Animal Day. I could not live my life without my loyal animal companions to bring me joy. How nice that you were able to bring along your parents to see a bit of the world. Their generation did work so hard to make ends meet and there was so little money for luxuries. As you know I have two mini-dachshunds in my life, Weenie Baby and Peanut. This breed is so intelligent and also very comical and always make me smile when I am pet-sitting them for my daughter. It is a shame our animal friends live such short lives, but in such a short time they will steal your heart.
    In answer to your question - my daughter Heather is taller, if you can call that tall, as she is only 5'4"! :) Thank you for being such a sweet friend. Hugs xoxo

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Thank you for this sweet comment. Oh yes, I have seen your two mini-dachshunds many times and they always did remind me of my Mauzie, even if yours are brown. Mauzie's Dad, a pedigree Dachshund was the Dutch Champion at the time and his nickname was 'the clown'. That is so true for their character; they can make you laugh a lot! Smart and comical breed.
      Well, Heather is taller than Jennie but not quite tall. Neither am I with only 5'7"... and I feel often like I'm shrinking already.

  13. Hello dear Mariette
    Oh I adore your Mauzie - she is such a special family member I can see.
    Wonderful to celebrate World Animal Day and thank you for bringing it to our notice - yours is the first post I've seen about it.
    How do you know all these things Mariette?! You keep us on our toes - thank you darling!
    Love and hugs to you and your animal family too!
    Shane xox

    1. Dearest Shane,
      Oh, World Animal Day has been hammered into my brain already at a young age in The Netherlands. Called 'Dierendag' it later became World Animal Day. It ought to be of course 365 days of animal day with respect and care!

  14. Wat een lieverd Mariëtte en zo mooi gefotografeerd door je broer. Sinds twee jaar hebben wij geen dieren meer, maar dat wil niet zeggen dat we er nooit meer aan beginnen.
    In Nederland werd er vroeger op school al veel aandacht aan Dierendag besteed. Ik weet nog dat er huisdieren mee mochten naar school, al zal dat niet altijd prettig zijn geweest voor die dieren.
    Fijne dag, lieve groet

    1. Beste Willy,
      Ja, Mauzie was een lieverd en zó'n intelligent beestje ook. Zij was zo gemakkelijk om mee te reizen; nóóit een probleem. Toen ik haar verloor hebben we ook geen nieuwe meer genomen. Vanwege ons vele reizen kon dat niet en om nog een tweede Mauzie te vinden ooit zou bijna onmogelijk zijn. We hebben bijna 20 jaar zonder huisdieren geleefd. Nu hebben we al ruim 10 jaar poezen.
      Inderdaad liep Nederland internationaal gezien best vóór qua Dierendag. Wij kennen het allemaal van onze kindertijd. Toch eigenlijk mooi als je er cultureel mee opgegroeid bent om respect voor dieren te hebben. Maar toch is dit niet altijd het geval bij iedereen... Er is nog steeds teveel dierenleed doordat ze ergens gedumpt worden.
      Ook een fijne nieuwe dag en fijn weekend.

  15. ·.¸.•°✿✿彡
    Muito doce e charmosa, sua mascote.

    Bom fim de semana!
    ♡ Brasil ♡♫°° ·.

    1. Dearest Inês,
      Indeed, Mauzie was a sweet and charming little female dachshund and I like your mention of her being my mascot!
      Happy weekend to you.

  16. I like Dachshunds they are nice looking friendly dogs

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Thank you and indeed they are very nice and friendly.

  17. Dearest Mariette,
    Your sweet Mauzie of ause of world Animai day,Thankfylly it doesn't hapden too often but occasionally just every now and then we live in a world where about vilifcecation.
    My son'd has German Shepherd his name was Berncastel Anson from 1976 and 1990.
    After we never has anoth dogs anymore.
    I thinking about him still lot of thinking with me.
    Today was with out raining day I must golfing from this morning but I was not all right as will..
    I must working hard from here on the time....
    Hugs to you and happy day!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      So glad that your son's German Shepherd 'Berncastel Anston' got to live 14 years with you. That is a long time, especially for a larger dog. It is heartbreaking to loose a beloved pet like that; they're family members!
      Hope you managed to play golf and that you are okay.
      Hugs and blessings to you; always.

  18. Ma quanto è bella Mauzie!!! Oggi è S.Francesco, il santo che parlava agli animali ed è bellissimo che per la giornata dei nostri amici abbiano pensato a questo giorno!
    Un caro abbraccio Mariette

    1. Cara Anna,
      Mauzie era molto bella... Si oggi è S. Francesco ma il mondo che ha cambiato per la giornata mondiale dell'animale; omettendo questo importante Santo in modo come spesso lasciano la religione... Non per il meglio!
      Un caro abbraccio anche per la tua Gaia!

  19. Happy belated World Animal Day, my dear Mariette!
    Thank you for the sweet message of love you are giving not just through this post but through your very online presence, which radiates your love for animals all year long! Your Mauzie was such a precious girl, she must have been such a blessing in your life.
    Big hugs to you and your furry babies!

    1. Dearest Anna,
      Thank you sweet friend! Sure, Mauzie was a very precious girl, one that I grieved about for loosing her but that's life! Memories stay forever in our hearts until we meet again. You too know such precious furry friends that touch us in such a special way.
      May you and your furry babies be blessed.

  20. Mariette, she is beautiful. I sure miss my Amber and Max so much.

    1. Dearest DaWeenies of Florida,
      Thank you and yes Mauzie was a beautiful girl—a pedigree daughter of the Dutch Champion.
      Also very intelligent!
      Miss her as you do your Amber and Max...


Thanks for your visit and comment.
