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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Monday, July 9, 2018

Day-Trip to Paris & Versailles in France with Mom & Dad

Also during the summer vacation of 1977, we took Mom & Dad to Paris, France five days after taking them to Siegerland in Germany.
On Monday July 18, we picked the gherkins very tight and left early morning on Tuesday, July 19.
Dad pointing at the Eiffel Tower and explaining to Mom...
It was a very cloudy July day!
This is the route we took by car in 1977.
From Horst aan de Maas, in the south of the Netherlands, through Belgium into France all the way to Paris.
Roughly five hours for a one-way trip!
Bienvenue à Paris! 
Welcome to Paris...
We had a flat tire right on Boulevard Périphérique!
But here we are, viewing the Eiffel Tower from the Trocadéro.
My late husband Frans to the left, me with dachshund Mauzie and Mom, as Dad took this photo and forgot to use the camera vertical...

Me and Dad...
Sorry for the bad photos from that time!
It is all about the memories.
Mauzie my Dachshund has traveled to many countries and quite a number of States in the USA.
The men smoking... Dad enjoying his cigar.
Both my late husband Frans and Mom, did not want to ride up the elevator to the top of the Eiffel Tower, so Dad and I only went up.
On this picture postcard, you see the Trocadéro underneath the Eiffel Tower, from where we first viewed.
View from the Eiffel Tower down...
View over the river Seine...
View of the Trocadéro and its Jardin.
In the diagonal street to the left we had parked our car... Just across from the river Seine, which you see below with some boats.
Well, in a city like Paris, it is important to find a W.C. or restroom...
We did visit the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, here you see dachshund Mauzie, Me, Mom & Dad admiring the Western Facade of this architectural marvel.
Guess we were amongst ALL tourists...
We also did go to the Palace of Versailles.
Here we are on the left, me with Mauzie and Dad and Mom following...
To the right you see the Royal Chapel under renovation. It is the tallest building of the Palace.
Here you see Mom, my late husband Frans with Mauzie and Dad in front of the statue of Sun King Louis XIV on his horse.
Here you see Dad studying the Fountain Stag... Not working at the time.
My favorite was the Orangerie with its many planters!
A place to linger but we must start the long journey back because early morning the gherkins are calling us in the greenhouse!
Back in those days I loved wearing those bell bottom jeans!
And I had bangs...
Adieu Versailles!
I've been here twice with my late husband, this was my second time.
Went back once more in 1983 with Pieter and his best friend.
IF one had the luxury for staying just a couple of days to see it more in depth...
But we were fortunate for having done this.
Otherwise, Mom & Dad would never ever get to travel to France or Paris!

Thanks for your visit and comment.

Related posts:
Mom & Dad Often Talked About Siegerland in Germany so we Went Back! | previous post by me
{Mom Did Wear Many Hats} | previous post by me
{World Animal Day started in 1931 in Florence, Italy} | previous post by me with Mauzie photos


  1. Ma chère Mariette,

    How wonderful to see these beautiful photos full of touching memories in my favorite City. I never had the pleasure of knowing either your father or late husband, but from all we have shared over time about our dear Mothers, I feel as if I know yours.

    These photos brought a tear to my eye as I felt privileged to share in your wonderful family memories.

    Gros bisous, M-T

    1. Dearest Marie-Thérèse,
      Thank you for your warm and kind words and yes these are touching memories forever! No doubt, Mom is smiling down from heaven for keeping the beautiful memories alive.

  2. Hello Mariette, By a coincidence, just a few days ago the blog Architect Design did a post about Versailles. While Stefan featured the splendid art and architecture of the estate, you concentrated instead on Versaille's personal and emotional connections to you.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      That is indeed a coincidence for having read this post about Versailles and I did have a look at it.
      Impressive exhibit no doubt at the Metropolitan Museum in NYC.
      But he was right about the shear exhausting scale of the palace and gardens!
      Since we were under the pressure of time, we only saw very little from the inside and instead wandered out into the gardens.
      After having read the books about Angélique, by writer Anne Golon and also having watched the French version of the movie about her, I had to visit Versailles. This was my 2nd visit and once more with Pieter. It will never be enough...

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    those memories are so wonderful! Thank you for sharing with us!
    HAve a happy new week,
    sending Love and hugs, Claudia xo

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Yes, they are and this is such a treasure to have and look back onto since Mom resides in heaven...

  4. Those are great pictures. Back in those days we didn't have the opportunity to edit and delete. You got what you got when you used a camera and then waited to have the pictures developed. It was always like getting a gift when you picked up the developed photos to relive the memories. Bell bottom jeans are back in style again. You looked great with bangs. I never could have them because of a cowlick on my left side. My hair has always been thick and bushy.

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Oh yes, that was indeed like opening a gift; the big reveal and for such trips you could not go back and do it over again... You got what you have. Love bell bottom jeans and never tire of them.
      Well, I too have a cowlick right in the center and a double crown in the back. Very hard to part my hair but cowlicks let down a bit as we age it looks like.

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    ich freue mich über deinen schönen Post.

    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Danke dir, es ist herrlich um so alles nochmals zu erleben... Schöne Erinnerungen an meine Mutter!
      Liebe Grüße,

  6. Great photos from Paris and Versailles! I visited there twice when I was in school, both times in ice cold winter. I remember the view of Seine river from Eiffel Tower! Mauzie is so adorable and everyone looks very happy. I love your outfit :-) Your parents must have enjoyed the day trip out of their busy schedule. Thank you for sharing another fond memories of you and your family!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Oh my, visiting in winter time is not the same but at least you went up the Eiffel Tower and lived through that thrill!
      Mauzie was the cutest and probably the smartest pet I've ever had. Loved her dearly and she was happy, as long as she was with me!
      Yes, my parents enjoyed this tremendously, never had been to France at all and it remained the only time for them. Otherwise they never would get away and we all need a break from work. Feeling proud for having done that for them, also for helping them out during my 3 weeks of summer vacation.

  7. Hello Mariette.
    Oh, I wasn't born lol.
    It's fun to see people at that time and to see the clothes ;-)
    There were fewer people in Paris before! Good thing I left this town for the country.
    You have a good evening.

    1. Dearest Nathalie,
      That is funny indeed and yes, looking at the cars and at the clothes on people at that time makes you realize the time difference.
      You are smart for having traded Paris for the country and even more so with your wildlife interest!

  8. I went to Paris many years ago and perhaps will get (or make) the chance to return. Lovely memories with your family, Mariette. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Dearest Debbie,
      Glad you had at least once that experience and you will be back; just plan it and go!
      Those are indeed lovely memories forever.

  9. Uma cidade que gosto bastante e cheia de coisas interessantes para ver.
    Um abraço e continuação de boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

    1. Dearest Francisco & Idalisa,
      Paris is a city one never tires of. Pieter and I also made once a tour by bus, Paris at night... Incredible!

  10. Oh I remember those bell bottom pants! I adore Paris and enjoyed seeing your great old photos (memories).

    1. Dearest Janey,
      Thank you and no doubt you've worn those bell bottom pants back then.
      Paris we never tire of and it has so many faces, for everyone there is something to explore.
      The memories are indeed great, wish we could have had a blog back then.

  11. I remember the bell bottoms too, lol. What wonderful memories from Paris and Versailles and I like that you took your sweet dog with you too.
    My first visit to Paris was in 1984 when we went on a bus tour from Germany to Paris and we were the only two non-German speakers.

    1. Dearest Sami,
      Glad you took that bus tour while being in Germany as it is relatively close, at least for Aussie and American concepts!
      Mauzie went everywhere I went and she even emigrated and lived here exactly 2 more years. She has been on a plane very often, also across the USA. A smart little girl and so very sweet!

  12. Olá Mariette!
    Paris, sempre bela e charmosa. As fotos estão incríveis, uma viagem ao tempo, que eu adorei fazer. Gostei de ver o cão, tão bonitinho.

    1. Querida Maria Glória,
      Obrigado e Mauzie era uma menina muito bonito Dachshund. Adoraria ver alguns momentos felizes com a mamãe. Ela reside no céu, mas eu sempre tenho essas boas lembranças dela. O pai ainda está vivo.

  13. Oh, da seid Ihr aber weit gefahren, von Holland bis Paris!Und alles an einem Tag, das ist ja sehr anstrengend, besonders mit dem Auto. Da muß ich Deine Eltern schon bewundern. Meine Mutti bekam auf einer Tagesfahrt von Braunschweig nach Brandenburg durch die Anstrengung einen entgleisten Blutdruck, damals begannen damit ihre gesundheitlichen Probleme, Schwindelanfälle usw. so daß wir solche Eintagesfahrten dann nicht mehr machen konnten, nur ganz in die Nähe, aber nicht mehr weiter weg. Höchstens noch mit der Bahn und minimum 1 Übernachtung.

    Auf jeden Fall wundervolle Erinnerungen! Ich war leider noch nie in Paris und das, obwohl Frankreich das Land meiner Vorfahren ist. ;-)

    Liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ja das war auch viel an einem Tag aber es ging ja nicht anders wegen die Ernte! Wir waren noch jung und mein Weiler mann war ja Vertreter also hat er immer viel fahren müßen und ich habe eigentlich immer gerne gefahren, nie ein Problem. Später sind der Pieter und ich oft an einem Tag von Italien (Venedig Gegend) nach den Niederlanden gefahren in 11 (Rekord Zeit!) bis 17.5 für mich einmal, mit Stau am Brenner...
      Mit Gesundheitsprobleme ist weit fahren oder reisen ja ein richtiges Problem. Deswegen bin ich so froh das grad in den Jahren wo es noch möglich war, wir es angeboten haben.
      Schade das Frankreich noch nie ein Reiseziel war; aber wer weiss?
      Ganz liebe Grüße,

  14. Mariette, these photos are treasures! While browsing ans reading through each photo, the song "Our Last Summer" by ABBA was playing on my mind. It's so beautiful! The 70's clothes the magical air of Paris, the smiles and that cute doggy! Thank yous o much for sharing these!

    1. Dearest Stevenson,
      Thank you, and sure to me these photos ARE treasures!
      Mauzie sure was a cute doggy and she was so loyal, whenever she was near me, all was well for her!


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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