
Friday, February 14, 2014

{Final Preparations for Water Control Project}

On December 30, 2013 my husband Pieter did start with the Final Preparations for our 4th Water Control Project. The previous 3, you can find below this post. All prostrate Gardenia shrubs had to be dug up and saved for transplanting them elsewhere. Can you guess what we will be doing here?...

At the Bay Window and Veranda side of the house...
Cat-man and supervisor Bandido looks on.
Freshly built concrete wall with Scallop Concrete Edger, just as is done on the outside (seen to the left)...
All shrubs have to be taken out here!
Bandido's tiny sister Tiggy-Tiger is checking out if there are any prostrate Gardenias left...
Now it is all bare and leveled with a slope, towards the outer Concrete Scallop Edger.
Tell you what... Tiggy-Tiger and her brothers just LOVED this huge sand box for rolling and than tracking sand up the stairs!
Here you see the plan. An aluminum gutter at the end (left) and it is leveled such that it descends towards that gutter.
So the caught rain-gutter overflow from the roof and sky water combined, will run away from the home.
The end of the aluminum gutter on the ground, will discharge the water here onto the little brick platform from where it runs downhill into our back yard.
From the other side you can clearly see how the aluminum gutter will discharge all rain water onto the little brick platform.
The soil that got leveled off for making the place descending, got wheelbarrowed here in a rather low and wet area near the pond and greenhouse.
Now this is the front of the house, where the front porch, office and guest bedroom is.
Also prostrate Gardenias need to be dug up here.
Same procedure; leveling off descending towards the Scallop Concrete Edger and the aluminum gutter...
You can see where the plank is how much it descends.
Ha-hah, our cat-supervisors left their Litter Clean bucket out here... 
Funny how Pieter has been using that, for mixing his concrete!
This is the end and Pieter did pour some concrete as a wall with Scallop Concrete Edger on top to mark its end.
The black Drainage Culvert Pipe goes underground from here, at the end of the aluminum gutter...
Here you see the black Drainage Culvert Pipe go underground... more or less.
There is always cat-supervision!
One growing season further and it will all be invisible.
Bandido and his sister Tiggy-Tiger like what their Papi has accomplished!
Tiggy-Tiger dreaming about her HUGE sand box but it will not be that way for long...
Check out  {Water Control Project Finished} which will be published in 6 days!
Thanks for visiting.

Related links:
{Retainer Wall Extension for Water Control} | previous post by me
{Pipe under Brick Walkway & Trench for Water Control} | previous post by me
{Our New Retainer Wall & Vinyl Picket Fence} | previous post showing you part I of Water Control
{65 Year Old Pine Tree Cut Down} | previouis post showing you preparation of Water Control


  1. laughing at pieter's feline crew. :)

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Oh, his feline crew was with him all the way! Very loyal and hard working...

  2. we should really be doing something similar to our house....

    1. Dearest Daniela,
      This was just a very logic idea we came up with... But so far it looks like being sufficient in preventing water from ever running towards the house.

  3. So much work, Mariette - but worth it all in the end to keep your home high and dry! We were lucky to have wise people advise us to install a similar system along our foundation before we built the house. So far it has proven worthwhile. Water easily seeps in, but not so easy to get it back out again and prevention is the key! xo Karen

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Oh it was a lot of back breaking work! You were lucky for being advised to install a good working system before building. We had no clue about this problem because we came from a country as flat as a pancake and never dealt with water running down from the hill. Pieter had requested the retainer wall but since we lived and worked in Indonesia, the contractor decided to not build that... Had Pieter been around he certainly would have had him built it. But in the end, we got it done now. Let's hope that will be one big worry less for future years to come.

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    it really looks like still a lot of work, and Pieter is so busy!
    I was laughing too about the Cat-Crew watching him ;O)
    Have a wonderful rest of the week,
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Oh, this has been a back breaking job but this was it for Pieter so far! The Cat-Crew was very loyal and helpful; always there and never late or complaining.
      Enjoy your week as well.

  5. You two are both clever and industrious to tackle a project like this. Most people would have hired a contractor. Lucky you got so much work done before bad weather arrived.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Oh, this project got done indeed JIT = Just In Time! It was a tough job for Pieter and a lot of dirt to be moved and plants to be dug up. Those felines were always at his side, easing the back ache... The next part will be done by others so this was it for Pieter. Thanks for your comment and wishing you a happy ending of the week.

  6. Liebe Mariette,

    von meinem Besuch bei dir,
    bleibt ein lieber Gruß hier.


    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Danke dafür, wir sind so froh dass die harte Arbeit jetzt geleistet worden ist.
      Liebe Grüsse,

  7. Lieve Mariette,

    Jou man Pieter is niet alleen zeer handig en een harde werker maar ook een hele slimme man om het te bedenken op wat voor manier het regenwater om te leiden ver weg van het huis.
    De goot doet mij een beetje denken aan de levada's op Madeira(alleen die werden aangelegd met het oog op irrigatie ten behoeve van de landbouw) of een gegraven spreng,ook zo'n vernuftig iets om het water in goede banen te leiden.
    Hopelijk geeft het op jullie grondgebied de gewenste resultaten en de grote ''poezenzandbakken'' zullen snel weer vol beplant worden en de tuin verfraaien.
    Ach die lieve poezenkinderen hebben bij jullie overal de ruimte....binnen en buiten,alleen moeten ze nog even leren om hun pootjes te vegen op de deurmat;-)


    1. Lieve Ger,
      Jazeker is het zo goed bedacht om dit probleem op te lossen voor de toekomst. Maar manlief heft ook zijn studie hiervoor gehad en ontwierp al eerder de praktijkschool voor champignons met kwekerij en ook twee state of the art champignonbedrijven voor Campbell Soup in de V.S. Maar evengoed moet je je weten aan te passen aan de natuur en omgeving om inderdaad het water in geode banen te leiden. Ja, zulke irrigatie werken zijn ook erg clever bedacht. We zagen ze in México op de grote spaanse haciendas. Zodoende maakten ze het land ook vruchtbaar. Water is er wel maar niet het hele jaar door en zo kun je het wel in banen leiden.
      Nee hoor, deze grote 'poezenzandbakken' kunnen nooit meer beplant worden; zie over vier dagen het eindresultaat hier op mijn blog.
      Inderdaad is ons landgoed groot genoeg voor onze poezenkinderen. Pootjes vegen kennen ze niet, ze zijn vlug over de matten heen die in de garage liggen. Maar dat probleem is nu inmiddels over.

  8. Dearest Mariette;
    Oh, what a BIG job which must be required professional skill☆☆☆ For your future security!!!
    Yes, your feline supervisors are really lovely, aren't they♡♡♡ Haha, reminds me of my neighbor called my husband 'supervisor' when he had his hobby room.

    Sending you lots of love and hugs to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      This was indeed a very big job, a hard job for Pieter. The professional skill he has himself, from his education and experience in designing several big buildings.
      There will not be any other supervising job in the future for our felines. They will have to retire early!
      Hugs and love,

  9. Dear Mariette,so much work,and hard work too ,for Pieter!But it;s a good project for the future!
    How cute the kitty looks!!Wish you Happy Valentines Day!!Enjoy the day!!I'm sure for that!A big hug!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      We both felt so relieved when this mega job got finally tackled; good feeling for being safe now forever.
      Our kitties are very sweet and cute and I guess they really want to help their human.
      Happy Valentine's day to you as well.

  10. You certainly must have had a very bad water problem before with so much work to do.
    Didn't the builders do a very good job of draining the water away. I bet you both have muscles where you didn't know.
    Hugs Kay

    1. Dearest Kay,
      The water problem was not that bad but having to mop up water for four days in a row, 24/7 was too much to handle. It did wear us out completely and we wanted to avoid that from happening again! The builders were not that skilled I guess, not really educated... We were living and working in Indonesia at that time and we trusted they would do a good job while we were gone. Nope... the hard work came afterward.
      But we hope we will be safe from now on and can start enjoying our lives together in different ways.

  11. It's good to see kitties doing their job of supervising to ensure everything is done correctly. Good luck with your project Mariette!
    xo Catherine

    1. Dearest Catherine,
      Oh, those kitties did stay on top of this project; you bet! But the project got completed and you will see on the 16th how it looks.
      Hugs and Happy Valentine to you!

  12. A lot of work for Pieter, my dear Mariette!!!!!!!!! I am pleased to see that you have found the solution to the problem you had with the water in the house. I didn't know of 'prostrate' gardenias!!!! Are the flowers the same as those of the regular gardenias????
    Hugs to you!!!! and happy Valentine, if you celebrate it!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Sure this was a mega job for Pieter; we both are so glad this is finished now. On the 16th you see the end result.
      Yes, the flowers are the very same and also very fragrant. Here you can see how they looked when blooming and you got their Latin name too:
      Happy Valentine's Day to you and sending you hugs.

  13. Liebe Mariette,
    du hast uns die Bauarbeiten leicht verständlich zur Kenntnis
    gebracht.Dein Mann Pieter hat ganze Arbeit geleistet. Allerdings
    unter den wachsamen Augen der katzen. Herrlich.
    Einen schönen Abend wünscht dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Ja es war viel Arbeit und wir sind froh es ist vorbei. Die Katzen sind herrliche Tieren die immer mit machen.
      Liebe Grüsse und ein schönes Wochenende.

  14. I love the building and when the work then done, this is wonderful!
    What watchful eye of the cat, beautiful!

    1. Dearest Silvia,
      Oh sure when such projects get finished things improve and we can enjoy our home without ever worrying about the water entering again.

  15. I will have to share this with my husband. A great plan for controlling water drainage. Always nice to have such a cute helper too.............

    1. Dearest Emily,
      Thank you and I hope you can put certain ideas to work at your home. On the 16th you will get to see the end results.
      Hugs and Happy Valentine!

  16. Dearest Mariette,
    Your husband pieter buitlt this summer the photos are all taken to bloom January Feburaly on time.
    Young Yuhsienensis is cmeellia blossoms! Neit to the clcrylie side panels that pietr put in there in the summer. January February so fight on time. Tiggy-Tiger check out weter will published in 6 days!
    We has first rainning for strming today? Just showers/clear Hi:79*Lo62 five days??.
    Hugo and love to you!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Oh, that Yuhsienensis Camellia sure was very pretty and blooming on time in January. Thanks to the acrylic side panels for keeping out most of the freezing cold.
      Yes, you can watch on February 16 how the end result will look like.
      Oh, we had frost and snow flurries in Dublin, Georgia... Hope the rain will not be too bad for you.

  17. Een hele onderneming dit werk, maar het zal zijn vruchten afwerpen. Grappig dat de katten zo "mee helpen". Ze houden altijd van wat reuring en zitten er met hun neus bovenop.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Oh, het zijn zo'n helpers, ze komen altijd bij je kijken als je in de tuin of om het huis wat aan het doen bent. Ja, deze klus zal zeker zijn vruchten afwerpen.
      Lieve groet,

  18. Wow this is again a big job and greatly done! The gutter is brilliant, it sure controls the water flow!
    I love seeing your kitties supervising everywhere :-) Sorry, Tiggy-Tiger, that it's not your sand box, but you sure look happy with your Papi's work :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Thank you for your visit and yes, a big job got done again under the supervision of our kitties. Without them I have my doubts if it would have turned out the same way! Tomorrow evening you will see the finished project.
      They are very happy with everything in their little lives.

  19. A lot of work is going to cost, but the water will be tamed. Regards.

    1. Dearest Giga,
      You say it correct, lots of time and money got invested but we're free from worry now!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
